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Having just finished the last mission and discovered the great War-Walker (I think that's what it is called) it would be great if:


1) We could see it in MP on some larger maps. Perhaps even throw in some more vehicles, even if they are just for a new SP campaign.


I thought the game couldn't surprise me any more until I hit that stage. I loved the swamp maps and crawling about in the vegetation, but stamping the stormtroopers to death in the mini-:atat: was fantastic.

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Add the Double-Bladed Lightsaber to MP properly using a selectable Lightsaber weapon menu.


Just like when selecting the colour of the Lightsaber Blade allow the player to choose what kind of Lightsaber handle they want as well, they're four already in-game I believe.


Cooperative multiplayer, objective-based team games based on, Imperials Versus Rebels, Sith Versus Jedi and maybe even Droids (Battledroids) Versus Clones.

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1) Upgrade the in-game server listing, so it filters more settings. It's real hard to find a game setting you like. Add more filter options like:


- Force level= 0-7 ?

- Weapons= Guns only/sabers only/all allowed?

- Is the server password protected?


Right now u can see the server stats with "server info", but it's a pain in the bottom to go through all servers just to find one with force level 4. :(


2) A lot of people complain how much sabering could be better, but they almost never tell how it could be improved. My suggestion:


Strong Saberstyle: make the reaction time for attacking slashes shorter, right now u do one long slash with a lot of reach, but it starts with ur person preparing the saber as if it was a heavy sledgehammer before u slash. The whole preparation takes more time than the actual slash, and that's just not right!!! The saber is a light and agile weapon, not some sledgehammer.


In JK1, where saberfighting was the most popular gamestyle, the most popular swing was a quick double slash with long reach, (left to right, then right to left) followed by a 2 second pause.

This swing could be very comparable to a strong saberstyle swing. It's just too bad JK2 doesnt have such a swing, all u can do is make one long slash with a lot of reach, that takes forever to start cuz kyle needs to prepare for the slash, then wait for a decade to do another one.

Why not make a double slash with a lot of reach, without that long preparation for the slash, followed by a few seconds (like 2) of waiting before u can execute another one?


All other Saberstyles: Increase the length of the saber.. cuz the saber's puny in JK2. For the Fast and Medium saberfighting u almost need to run inside ur opponent to hit him. Just increase the length of the saber, and most probs about chaotic control and lucky swings'll go away.

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Allow server to selectively disallow certain force powers.


Remove the "One Duel At A Time" limit, or at least have the limit as an option, not a rule.


Increase challenge making distance.


Make a server option where it says 'Duel only'... this is different from duel maps. It means that it's more like an FFA game, but the only damage that can be dealt is in a duel.


Another vote for making it possible to change your MP character stuff outside of a game.




Not sure if this is a bug or not, but switching from game to spectate and then back to game resets your score.


Netcode, of course. I think this is actually what's making the MP sabering less like the SP sabering. That, and most of the people you duel against just go whirling around, and don't actually attack head on.


The purple lightsaber looks pink in the selection screen.

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1.) In SP enemies disarmed with pull seem to actively search for weapons to pick up, but never use them.






1.) The sabre needs to light up darkened areas.


2.) More taunts in SP would be nice. Like twirling the sabre at your side like Obi Wan does when battling Maul.


3.) But the twirl animation when drawing/closing down the sabre in MP. (Twriling, always twirling.....)


4.) Modify SP force speed to be less disorienting. The greatest thing about slowing down the game time using it would be the amount of control you should have over your sabre, but the warped camera perspective makes it hard to figure out what's going on and judge striking distances easily. Maybe just tone the effect down a little.


5.) In SP Kyle's sabre really should be the yellow/orange one from JK and MotS. Probably too late to change that now.


6.) More MP arenas and skins.


7.) Choice of sabre hilts and more colours would be cool in MP.


8.) Team games where instead of just red vs blue the teams were Rebel/Light Siders versus Imps/Dark Siders would be cool. ie Skins and force powers for the appropriate sides only.

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PLEASE PLEASE!! fix the voodoo card issue that the game locks up when you try to reload the save game/checkpoint when you die! its very frustrating to have to reboot JO everytime you die!




-black lightsabre (kinda like a black light):D

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There should be a feature added to allow you to chose a character from the game to duel against, exactly the same way you duel when you use the map pit console command. The graphics and fighting style is just so great in SP, this feature would rock. Just my thoughts.

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I'd imagine this is a bug since it just isn't right;)

This happened in about 2 spots I can remeber, the most recent being right before you take control of the At-St. Basically if you hit a check point, or level end before you kill everyone, you still go on fine: IE: I ran right by like 7 guys and 1 AT-ST but I ran into the AT-ST holder, and it said "Checkpoint" or whatever and loaded the next level, which basically is the same area but you now drive the AT-ST. But because of the level change, everyone was gone when it finished loading, so I didn't have to kill them:D which was Lucky for me, but it isn't right.


As was said, also, MP gameplay mode changes are for mod makers. An official "mod" would be great, but RAVEN has done their job 10 fold in just making a great game!

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"In JK1, where saberfighting was the most popular gamestyle, the most popular swing was a quick double slash with long reach, (left to right, then right to left) followed by a 2 second pause.

This swing could be very comparable to a strong saberstyle swing. It's just too bad JK2 doesnt have such a swing, all u can do is make one long slash with a lot of reach, that takes forever to start cuz kyle needs to prepare for the slash, then wait for a decade to do another one.

Why not make a double slash with a lot of reach, without that long preparation for the slash, followed by a few seconds (like 2) of waiting before u can execute another one?"


Oh please no. For the love of god no. The reasons all the jediknight experts used it is because it was OVERPOWERED. It has the largest reach, two swings, and was almost a one hit kill.


In MP games i could easily do really quick kills with speed, choke, double hit.


I'm sorry but i think the powerful slashes are good the way they are.




1) The fast saber style is too slow in mp. The medium stance is more powerful and almost as fast.


2) Balance the forces in MP. Drain is too powerful, heal is annoying, full force speed is too slow (im a JK1 speed junky).


3) For the love of all that is good and lovable, make it so that backing up/strafing is slower than running forward. I hated this 'feature' in RUNE and I hate it in JK2. This would make it harder for people to run backwards and shoot you while you are trying to attack them. If they want to run away quickly they have to turn their backs to you.


4) I think a 'being hit' animations (like the onesi n counter strike, i.e. the torso is knocked back a bit) would be nice.


5) It'd be nice if the strafing left/right animations didn't show the character running diagonally.


6) Easier to block saber attacks. Sabers should clash together when both parties attack ( I think they lock if they hit exactly on right now?) Strafing and backing off shouldn't be the signs of a jedi master =P


EDIT: I guess 6) ends up being make the MP saber fights like single player. I don't understand why the SP animations for sabers are different and better than the MP animations. They make more sense than the MP ones. (i.e. Medium stance, running forward and attack, why in MP does kyle chop down on his right side instead of in the middle?)

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First of all, let me say that this game is excellent. The addiction level is extremely high. I think it's ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL that the mapping tools come out in less than two weeks. There are not enough maps in any category to sustain a large community.


Accordingly, a lot of players here making suggestions clearly don't grasp the technicalities of modeling and other coding issues. Many of these "neato" ideas do NOT belong in a patch, yet maybe belong in mods or expansion packs.






* ENABLE SERVERS TO CONTROL WHICH FORCES ARE ENABLED in a complete manner, so we can effectively have saber+jump+pull/push only servers


* Mark servers in master list: passwords, sabers, cheats, power on/off


* Enable dual-saber to be loaded as server option, replacing normal sabers and not requiring cheats on. Break out all/any other really cool "cheats" as specific server options.


* Tone down drain and heal just a tad, or make option for servers to qickly disable them


* Is it possible to add the slow motion deaths for the duel gametype??????????????



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When you perform a force pull the weapons get removed from the enemies hands. Occasionally, the enemy will pick up their weapon if it is close by.


The AI should be tweaked that the enemy will aggressively find any weapon on the ground, pick it up and use it against you. As it is, they rarely go back and get thier weapons. So once you force pull them, they are no longer a threat and can be killed at your leisure.


The jump key does not work consistantly when it is mapped to the space bar while you are running. On numerous occassions I have had to restart the jumping puzzles because the jump key didn't work when I ran and jumped from one platform to the other.


Also, last weapon speed should be tweaked so that lasers move faster.


Jedi should not run away from you when you are trying to fight them (the constant backpeddling bots in multplayer is a good example of this).

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First of all I havent read all the threads in this post so if I repeat someone im sorry.


Ok, for enhancement on the multiplayer.

Force Pull and Push need to be tweaked in my opinion. There is far too much pulling and pushing off of ledges in any map with long drops. For pull, I suggest making it push them barely any distance at all, but maybe increase the knockdown rate, and up the "rate of fire" or "recast time" or whatever you want to call it =)

Not only will this stop the pushing over edges spam, but it will else help counter the heavy repeater alt fire spam. Since it is the only gun with an explosive blast with a RoF higher than the push force.

Now, for pull, this one is a bit more tricky because it doesnt counter anything. So I say, lower the distance it works from, maybe half it? And increase the chance of pulling weapons from a persons hands. Thats what its there for in my opinion, not to pull people from ledges. Plus they always have a saber to fall back on if there gun gets pulled =)

And this is jedi knight 2 right? not storm trooper battles2? =p

Drain....heh...well drain sucks force away way too fast for its force cost. Have it use up the same amount of force as it drains.

No real problem with grip, it has an abysmally short range and is easily countered since everyone uses push. So no changes needed there!

Since im coming off kinda negative on the game right now and I dont want to be, ill add some positive things i like too, gotta be neutral ya know ;)

I *love* the sniper dodging with the seeing force power, i *love* the animation that has, it is just so awesome, good work raven =)

And the noforce skills duel option in ffa and several other modes was a great touch, so much fun challenging someone to a duel them accepting and then fighting it out with no one else being able to affect you. Id like to see it added into the duel game mode too? That way when your dueling someone you can challenge them to a pure sword fight and no powers?

And I like the rgb saber color idea someone else posted, but if not that, add pure white/black sabers! please! *waves his hand at the coders* you will add those sabers....and these are not the droids you are looking for...


Ok thats all I can think off right now, good work raven =)

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I'll preface this by saying that I dig the game, and I'm happy I finally got a sequal to my favorite game of all time.


MP force powers are ridiculously unbalanced. The drain + lightining combo makes it way too easy. The original JK MP degenerated into a silly grip+destruction fest, and I can see the same thing happening here. At least in JK, a light side jedi with absorb could hold his own, but in JK2, absorb drains force power so fast it's more like force suicide. I tried being light jedi, but it is so much easier to win being a dark jedi.


I still haven't gotten used to the new way of saber fighting, but so far, it seems very cool.


I do hope an expansion pack is announced soon :)

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Make a Theed Power Core Map, that would be the bomb for all game play types, mostly for Dueling, then have Duel of the Fates play while you play it.


Get some Ep II maps, like the Genosian Arena, Coruscant ect.


Get some models of Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anikan, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, and Count Dooku, also Boba and Jango Fett.


Plus it would be cool to have a double bladed light saber, and be able to duel wield like in Ep II.

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Um, I have to say that I disagree with some aspects of the dual bladed saber.


Firstly, everyone and their grandma will be running around with them and the Darth Maul skins, meeting each other, and saying "j00 r kewl d00d". Anyhow, I was always under the impression that Maul's saber was fairly unique... of course, this is a multiplayer situation where Ughnauts are runing around using Force Lightning, so...


Secondly, if coded properly, balancing these in would be a little complicated. Basically, you need a whole new fighting style; no slashes and swings in the conventional style, but a lot of spins, twirls, rolls, twists, etc, most of them involving parries with one side and a spin to the other side as a counter attack. Clearly, this would put single-bladed users at a disadvantage, just like allowing people to dual wield sabers would (I believe that Anakin does this a bit in Episode 2). This would then lead to more of #1.


Thirdly, the fighting styles wouldn't work, as mentioned in #2. Basically, there would be no Strong and probably no Medium dual bladed saber style. A staff takes a lot of dexterity to use properly. You don't have many strong swings; they are mostly parries and quick jabs. If you swing strong, you commit both blades to a long arc that can't be changed quickly. With a Light Saber, the implications of someone blocking a strong swing would be losing your own leg as the other blade suddenly swerved downwards.


So, in all, I would avoid adding the dual bladed saber as a different weapon. Change the animations so if doesn't go through you, enable it in the server as a selectable weapon - I really don't care, and I don't think that many uber-duelists would go for it anyway.


There are many other issues and balancing to fix before you look at adding more eye candy and the like. Saber duels aren't exactly perfected NOW, and I don't see the sense in adding that much more complexity until they are.

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1. Allow Double Sided Sabers in MP without having to enable cheats.

Maybe have a game mode that allows Double Sabers and you start with it, or maybe a pick up that gives you the other end of the saber. Or maybe a game mode where the Leader gets a Double Sided Saber. Just something that allows Double Sided Sabers(without having to enable cheats).


2. 3rd Party Skins without the server needing to have it, to be able to use it. Just allow us to use our own skins. And if someone else has it. They can see it. And allow downloading of other people's custom skins when you connect to a server(option to turn on or off). Like how Quake 2 has.


3. Keep making Kick Ass Games!

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I agree with most of the requests here, but I disagree with dual wield sbaers and dual bladed sabers for anything but a JEDI MASTER gametype. Anyway, my concerns and some possible solutions.


1. Drain is overpowered. It sucks too much force, too quickly, and you cannot recover. It isn't much of an issue in FFA games when ytou are going 3 on 1 in some situations, but in 1v1 duels it is insane. Usually the first person to pull their drain off, wins the game. They drain your force, then grip, then slash/lightning/throw then they get drain again and repeat the process. In the hands of a player with just a basic graps on the force powers it is way too powerful. For the experienced players it is just plain godlike. I can kill people in less than 30 seconds with a drain/grip combo.


Possible solutions:


a. Drain only drains force power and does not give health.

b. It drains at a slower pace. For example, it would take about 1 full second for every 10 health it gave you (and the equivalent force it pulled from the target). This would make it drain your juice much slower, be less useful as a healing aid, and it would cause the opponent to be vulnerable longer if they wanted a large amount of health. This is my favorite solution. As it seems the most balanced without destroying the effect of the power.

c. Leave the drainer in a frozen vulnerable state for a limited amount of time depending on the amount of force drain to regain the health he just acquired. The more force drained, the longer you are frozen.

d. Allow only one drain every 20-30 seconds.


One of those solutions or a variant should balance the power without totally nerfing it. Leave its range as it is, leave its arc as it is.


2. Absorb is nearly useless. As it is, Absorb drains force power almost as fast as drain does, and on top of that you glow blue telling everyone, "HEY! DON'T WASTE YOUR FORCE POWER ON ME, IM INVULNERABLE TO IT!" When I see someone glow blue, I simply wait 3-4 seconds for their force to run out then I pummel them with everything I have.


Possible solutions:

a. Don't show the glow

b. Make it drain your force at a 1/4 the rate it currently does. Maybe even less.


3. I'd like to see something change with the push/pull/grip crap on the pit maps, but I honestly don't see a good solution for this aside from letting the server disable those specific force powers on those specific maps without having to disable them on all maps.


4. Let's see some more saber moves, and make light saber style useful by make it much faster and easier to get multiple hits on the target. As it stands, every experienced saber duelist I've played (including myself) uses medium or strong. Light does too little damage and isn't much faster than medium style to make it useful. If you can easily get 2-3 hits in the same time it takes for a medium or strong slash to get you it may be more useful.


Those are my grips and some input to help you guys at Raven. Hope it helps.

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After you've freed the prisoners on the mining lvl, and they ask u to blow the crap out of the ion cannons, they ask you to blow up the atst's too. Unfortuneatly, if u shoot those first, which makes sense cause they're firing rockets at you, the mission never ends cause you don't have any atst's to blow up.


Minor scripting bug, but its annoying none the less.




As for drain, its not overpowered its just popular at the moment. Same as the push/pull techniques. There's bound to be other ways to counter those, folks just haven't figured em out yet.


Personally, i'll use up my mana with saber thro/push/pull tryin to either hit the dood or knock him over so that he gets nothin out of me. I haven't bothered to try using absorb yet because push's range is farther than that of drain. Usually if they have drain goin they are very open to gettin knocked over.


Lightning can get annoying in clustered situations, i might start using absorb for that, heal is just so much better its ridiculous. I'd like to be able to swing thru a few of the anims too, especially pull. Right now its impossible to pull someone and whack em in the face like u can in sp. That'd be a great counter for drain/lightning. Its just really hard to do at the moment.




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