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All Time Greatest SW Book (or series)


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Guest LSF_Brasidus

The initial X-Wing trilogy are the only books that truly felt like Star Wars and not just another Sci-Fi book to me.:biggs:

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Visions of the Future. Luke and Mara fighting together = fiction heaven for me.




Heir to the Empire trilogy is great, but I've read it too many times so the zing of it has worn off some (and my paperbacks are getting worn out as well :)).


X-Wing series is great, have all of them.


I, Jedi is also good, though I have some minor qualms about it (he got into the Invids way too easily for example).


Jedi Academy trilogy is utter crap. Kevin J. Anderson should not ever be allowed to touch a major character again. Lando and Mara? NO. Wedge and Qwi? NO. Ackbar and Winter? NO. Plus he made Luke look almost like a god at times. Luke's just a humble guy whose been thrust into a position of immense responsibility. And gee, let's make another supposedly indestructible ship again! And let's bring another Death Star into the equation again! BAD WRITING ALL AROUND. As you may guess, I hate those 3 books with a passion. KJA needs to stick to editing and not writing.


The Tales books (Mos Eisley Cantina, Jabba's Palace, etc) are great.


Bounty Hunter Wars made me literally fall asleep at times because of the endless drivel between Xizor, the Emperor, and Vader. Some spots were cool, but the overall thing was just bad.


Han Solo trilogy is great.


NJO is weird. I don't read them often, but I don't hate them.

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I would have to agree with Schizophrenic's opinions.


I have not read I,Jedi yet but it sounds like one I should read.



I did not like the Jedi Academy series as well, just way over the top it seemed.


I have only read the first three x-wing series books and have enjoyed them. I the only thing about them is that I miss the main characers being involved.


Zahn triliogy I liked, but I have not read the recent duology yet.


I had read somewhere (TFN maybe) that the Tales series was not very good, maybe I should reconsider.


Han Solo trilogy I have not read but own the books and are on the list to read.


I did enjoy "Shadows of the Empire", if only because all the characters including Vader were present and in play.


And I have not even tried the NJO series of books, they just look weird and sound that they are very removed from the typical star wars universe. True?




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I like NJO books very much !


and i don't think they have been removed from the typical star wars universe ! look on starwars.com all the njo characters are on the database,books are reviewed......


Zhan's trilogy is cool too but i think i still prefer the NJO....


except for :


beware if you didn't read the books ....



I warned you .....



Anakin's death in STAR BY STAR ARGHHHH!!!


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why did u start of whit star by star ???? i mean u dont get the feeling of a trashed NEW REPUBLIC !?!? anyway


i tought the trawn trilogy was craptastique !!!! well the guy sucked ...


my favorite YJK and NJO



but the NJO is so sweet exept onslaught ....




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I started with it cuz if i started reading the other books, well, like the xwing series (only got to wraith squad before i couldn't find the next one in the series...........!!!), i wouldn't be able to find the ones i wanted, so at least i'm up to date...I've read a ton of other sw books, I read let me see....books 1 and 2 of the corellian trilogy (couldn't find 3 of course....stupid library), and i've read 1 and 2 of bounty hunter wars (i'm going to get hard merchandise next). I also read The Crystal Star...that book was so AWESOME!


I know some of the characters in NJO from reading some of the young jedi books, xwing series, corellian books, and a few others.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I'd say either the Thrawn trilogy or New Jedi Order. Both are great serries that did a lot to expand the Star WArs universe. I am waiting for Star by Star to come out in paperback before I continue the NJO serries. And yes...i heard about what hapens in that book...it was spoiled for me by a talkitive friend:(

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I really liked the I really liked Vision of the Future...I was just happy to see Zahn finally fix most of the mistakes Kevin Anderson made in the horrible, horrible Jedi Academy Series (I mean no disrespect to the man, but thank goodness he stuck to the Young Jedi Knights, the JA series gets worse as I get older...). So my top pick would probably have to be Visions....although Heir was truly a classic, my copy is so worn I may have to buy another *grin*


Tales of the Jedi is an awesome series, the art is supoib (I think) and the storytelling is impressive. The X-Wing series is very cool, or at least the Stackpole stuff is, Allston is good but he's a little campy...


The rest of the books were ok, they all just kind of...told little stories (though some, like the Han Solo trilogy, stand out as trully excellent). Things kind of slowed for a while while people just kind of wrote at random...and then came NJO


So Vector Prime shocks the hell out of me, and I keep waiting for the Republic to band together and whup some tail, and the Vong keep kicking their butts, and I finally look around and realize that this is all planned out, that there is an agenda and whatnot, and it is truly excellent. It's nice to see them write this guided story-arc that will keep going on through 2004, keeping my busy between ep2 and ep3 =D Hopefully after this they will continue in a similar fashion and press towards unified goals, it makes for interesting reading, though the writers ARE kind of all over the place on some issues...

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All this great feedback.


The thing that troubled me with the NJO (which I have not read yet) is that it seems to be it is so different from the typical SW universe that it would be no different than reading other non-SW stuff. True?


As for me, I have read a SW book in awhile so I plan to start sometime this weekend. Oh the choices :D, I have yet to read the wraith squadron series, "I, Jedi", Thrawn duology, the entire NJO series, and a couple of others. Decisions, decisions....

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My favorite is Shadows of the Empire. It highlights the "other" enemy of the rebels/New Republic - the gansters, the seedy underbelly of the galaxy. It also gives Vader more substance. Vader and Xizor battle to be the Emperor's second hand. And the Emperor loves it! We all know that Vader was the most bad ass villian of them all.

The movies were primarily concerned with the Empire as the enemy (Jabba and Fett are a noted exception) so it was nice to see the "other" problems in the galaxy.

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The problem with NJO is that it's so godass depressing. Evertime I finish one of the books I feel like running headfirst into a wall.

It's really good writing all around, but they need to make the facts more consistent. I mean, when does a Jedi become 'one' with the Force? (Some disappear, some don't) When the Hell are they gonna explain that?

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