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Hi, I'm new here

Guest The Emperor

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Guest The Emperor



Hi everybody, I'm new here (as the title of this thread obviously suggested) and I've been salivating over "Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds" the last week.


I like the Empire and Alliance factions best, basically because these sides have most "true" Star Wars - units, like the TIEs, X-Wings, AT-ATs and Tauntauns.


The Trade Federation and Gungans come close, as they had a lot of units in "The Phantom Menace", while the Wookiees and the Royal Naboo are not so cool IMHO.


Currently, I'm dreaming of an expansion set (ala AoE's "The Conquerors") featuring new civilizations. Quite a few are possible given the size of the Star Wars galaxy (if EU is counted in). Some of the cool stuff could be a faction of Ewoks, Jabba's Palace (Gamorrean Guards as troopers, the ability to train Rancors found on the map, the ability to choose which bounty hunter to buy instead of having just one type in the fortress etc.), and of course, Episode 2 factions (clone army?)...



... yepp, that was it. :lightning

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Guest Tie Guy

Welcome, and while your here, why don't you head over to the Online Battles forum and play a few MP games.


Oh, and Rhett is late so i will issue a giftbasket.


*hands Emperor an official GB.com christmas giftbasket*

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Guest Boba Rhett

Hi Emperor! Come on in, take your coat off and stay awhile. :)


*Hands Emperor an official gb.com welcome basket full of assorted chocolates, fancy trinkets, coupons, and candies from all four corners of the world*

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Welcome to the Premier Galactic Battlegrounds Forums! From the look of it, I have no doubts that you will become a valuable poster here. And no, I don't say that to every newbies!


Things to love: Intelligent posting, the Community Policies ;)


Things to fear: Spammers, flamers, the Deleting Stick and the Force Move Topic :D


While we're at it, here's a list of mods and admins for your own personal info:

Administrators: Aristotle, ChrisC3po, ZeroXcape, The_Jackal, myself, caster of the almighty Force Move Topic!

Super Moderators: Paragon_Leon, Lord JayVizIon, and Boba Rhett, guardian of the powerful Deleting Stick!

Moderator: darthfergie


Enjoy your stay!

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

While we're at it, here's a list of mods and admins for your own personal info:

Administrators: Aristotle, ChrisC3po, ZeroXcape, The_Jackal, myself, caster of the almighty Force Move Topic!

Super Moderators: Paragon_Leon, Lord JayVizIon, and Boba Rhett, guardian of the powerful Deleting Stick!

Moderator: darthfergie


Enjoy your stay!


*cough*where do I fit in*cough*



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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Oops... Sorry Kudar, it's just that you're the newest one aboard, so I kinda forgot :)


Should we fear you too? ;)


hehe, nah I'm harmless :D - honest

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