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Mr. Zahn, I'm your biggest fan...


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Originally posted by Rogue9

they didn't ignore known facts, they did however expand upon what force powers were availible and such.


Examples of Stackpole ignoring known facts in the Star wars universe:


- TIE Fighters being destroyed by wind currents (?!?)

Contradicts: The comics (ones that came about way before the X-Wing series...TIEs can clear through an Earthlike atmosphere in only a few minutes, at speeds which in Stackpole's books are A) impossible and B) would disintegrate them. :rolleyes: )

- Horn using random jewels in his lightsaber...and they WORK.

Contradicts: Superior EU/Lucas reference to special kinds of crystals only being able to be used in sabers

- Years of training no longer required to gain Jedi Master level control of Force powers, if you're Corran Horn and you just "don't agree with Luke's way".

Contradicts: Well, everything.


There are other examples...but I don't feel like looking them up...


Now don't get me wrong, I liked I, Jedi. I like Corran Horn. His Force powers, though way overpowered, were awesome. Stackpole can be forgiven for his errors (bad research mostly) but that doesn't detract from the fact that he was just sloppy. The extent of his preparation for his novels seems to have been playing a few X-Wing games and skimming a few EU books. :rolleyes:

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You missed a LOT about what I, Jedi talked about.

Horn didn't need to have years of training because he'd already had it. Horn himself talked about how he'd been using the Force most of his life without knowing it and now he just knew how to really use it.

Also, Kevin J. Anderson was a moron with his academy and Luke's training methods. Stackpole, through Horn, pointed this out. Luke's way isn't the only way and this got proven.

Jewels are crystals. Crystals aren't something magic (even though they like to imply so). COAL is a freaking crystal. Rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and such are always refered to as jewels despite their being glorified coal crystals.

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Rubies are aluminum oxide, which has nothing to do with coal. 1 pt.


Emeralds are beryllium aluminum silicate, which has even less to do with coal. 1 pt.


Coal is the same thing as a diamond (carbon) on the atomic level, only those molecules aren't arranged in crystalline form. Crystalized carbon just happens to be what a diamond is. 1 pt.


:D Hey, I got three points! Must be the lucky amethyst crystal (silicon dioxide) on the desk...

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I prefer bucky balls. as myway to arrange carbon atoms


The things is, Corran.. sohrot of his father telling him to reach out with his feelings.... had no formal training.


now if we compare luke with Corran (which is obviosuly what stackpole wanted) Luke, with no formal training, except a few hours swiing a lightsaber around on the M.Falcon, had a hard time pulling his lightsaber out of the snow using the force. ten we get COrran horn who is able to Convince everyone he pulled a multi-mega ton rock out of the ground.. .even luke.


It took luke weeks to construct a simple lightsaber, even with all the information that he found at Ben's old home. while corran was able to create a 3 Jeweled Lightsaber, in 3 days.



Anywaz, i got to see Zahn. only prob was i got very close to having dinner ith him... only prob was i had no reason to go to dinner, since Eric Larson and him were goign to talk about shop


it is confirmed tho, that Mr. Zahn has a contract (and the outline) for a new SW book, that takes place between EP I and EP II

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

Jewels are crystals. Crystals aren't something magic (even though they like to imply so). COAL is a freaking crystal. Rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and such are always refered to as jewels despite their being glorified coal crystals.


Well, they need Special Crystals in the official Star Wars universe. DEAL.

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More info on crystals? Certainly.


'Volcanic glass' is a handy way of describing silicon dioxide. In its crystal form, it is known as quartz--a substance with piezoelectric properties. In fact, there is probably such a crystal in your wrist watch right now, where it is used to keep time.


Quartz with impurities yields a number of different crystals, all prized by new-agers for their 'mystical' qualities. When plain quartz is irradiated, it becomes brown (or 'cairngorm') quartz, which is supposed to enhance emotion. With iron and heat, quartz becomes citrine, which is associated with the manipurna chakra--a region of the body in the lower torso which is where the body's spiritual power is generated. With just iron, the crystal becomes amethyst, a popular stone which is supposed to enhance dreams and waking thought processes. With titanium, it becomes rose quartz--a stone that is supposed to deepen feelings of love. Aventurine quartz has impurities such as mica, goethite or pyrite--it concerns the region of the body where the heart is located. And, of course, just plain quartz is also used as a mystical crystal, relating to the sahasrara chakra (equivalent to the halo over the head in religious paintings, etc.)




Of course, there is also volcanic glass which cooled too rapidly to form crystals. This gives us obsidian, prized for its sharpness when given an edge, and a whole family of microcrystalline quartzes called chalcedony. Agates, sard and onyx (not to be confused with sardonyx), chrysoprase, bloodstone, jasper and carnelian are chalcedony...simple, volcanic glass. I don't recall all of their applications right offhand, but I know that jasper is related to the muladhara chakra (at the base of the spine) and carnelian the manipurna (which I mentioned above.)


Do these crystals really affect our consciousness and body the way new-agers claim? :rolleyes: I can say for myself yes, they do...but it's a subjective call of the type that collapses when someone tries to prove it scientifically. Whether it's the power of suggestion, or these crystals really do focus and refine mystical energies, is impossible to tell. Believe what you want. :D


So. Could volcanic glass be a useful substance in focusing and refining the kind of energy a lightsaber emits? Sure, why not? ;)

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Redwing you twit, Corran isn't a Jedi Master in I' Jedi they never say he is, and all sorts of crystals can be used in sabers, the ones that say they are specific are the minority, also allow me to point out that the X-Wings Atmospheric preformance is much better than the TIE STARFighter because the Solar panels on the TIE cause it to lose control easily.

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also Kinnson Corran had already been training for awhile, by himself long before the academy he was able to use the Alter Mind power so easily because his Family is gifted in that area, at the same time he's completely unable to use TK.

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for some reason, Horn is called a Jedi master in the NJO books.


Also horn CAN use TK, tho it often is the result of aborbing energy. from something


And what formal training did he did get? he certainly did not get anything from his dad. Nothing like what Ben or YOda did for luke

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Putting aside any commentary of zoroastrian influenced religious worldviews which polarize the universe as good versus evil against the vedic aryan influenced worldviews of the universe as a balance of equal forces neither good nor evil, I'll just point out that the jedi seem too dour as mystic warriors to be greatly moved by overwhelming outpourings of positive emotion, recognizing of course that such energy is of an illusory nature and not to be confused with the underlying currents of divine energy (the Force) that inspire it.


I managed to get all of that in one sentence! :D I've been hanging around Wally too much.

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Training needs to be formalized becaue that is the only way many jedi get attuned to the force.


Kyp durron for example could not do much except "sense things"


luke have a very hard time levitating things


Anakin could only "feel" that things were right if he did it a certain way.


Liea only is able to do minor metal skills, exercises after luke helped her out.


All of the neat-o jedi powers like TK, jumping, illusions require formalized training by a Trained Jedi.


Of course, corran ruin that whole idea. I should read all the corran books and point out the inconsistancies in it... even *shudder* I, jedi

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

Training needs to be formalized becaue that is the only way many jedi get attuned to the force.


Of course, corran ruin that whole idea. I should read all the corran books and point out the inconsistancies in it... even *shudder* I, jedi


notice that bold, you said it yourself, MANY need it, there are the super geniouses around that need very little instruction and co go EONS above anyone else in that field. It just happens to go against your personal view of it, and as you are unwilling to accept that it could be true, you ***** about it and say its wrong.............

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