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I'm moving to Virginia! HELP ME!!!


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You can't run naked on the streets: Thats called "Indecient Exposure" If you talk back to cops you're asking for either a beating or an arrest, and no one these days has the BALLS to talk back to the government.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Pres. Bush knows what my position is. :)


*a door blows*


*swat team pours through*


Warlord: OH CRAP!!!


*swat leader says "FREEZE". I raise my hand.*


Warlord: what is this about?


swat leader: we have caught you being against us and now we must take you in and do experiments to you in Area 51.


Warlord: HEY dont mess with me I have powerful friends in the high places. *beings to walk away*


Swat leader: you mean Bush? he dont care. He never liked you anyway.


Warlord: Whaaaaat?! man sucks to be me! *makes an attempt to run for it*


*swat team fires at me and I scream. my last thought was "At least I had the balls to talk back"*:D

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Originally posted by Rogue15


haha that's what i did so i didn't have to go to highschool.....then when i took a test to get into this 'hey this looks like a cool school' they turned me down, who knows why, but I'm SO DARN HAPPY i didn't go to that piece of crap, cuz those poor fools had to wear UNIFORMS!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH



but of course, i haven't socialized in years except for online, which is a good thing these forums are up, otherwise I would need a psychiatrist or something like that. This summer we're moving to pennsylvania....I can NOT wait, cuz my best friend lives there. :D


I didn't know you consider me your best friend! Why thank you! :D Lol, I actually do live in PA though.

Pittsburgh to be precise. Where are you moving to?



On a second note, PPSSSSTTT! They can't see in your pocket if you sag your pants. That means I don't have to worry. :D But they can see your boxers. . . :eek: Hmmm. . .

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Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo


I didn't know you consider me your best friend! Why thank you! :D Lol, I actually do live in PA though.

Pittsburgh to be precise. Where are you moving to?





Lititz, Pa.


My best friend visits these forums daily, he's S1DC. :p

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Looks like I'm going to move close to some people. I might be moving to Manassa, so I'll see them if I can. Yes Singapore is where that guy got whipped because he spray painted someone's car, but that was before I moved here. Thanks for all your advice.



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Hehehe...I see people are recommending home schooling...


Well since I've had the best of both worlds (at different times :D) I can give you advice:


If you want to be really really smart, home school is THE way to go.


If you love people, then go to public school.


Me, I'm at public school now...I don't learn nearly as much but I've become addicted...well, to people :D


PS: This is really off topic but I LOVE the new color scheme. Big thumbs up to the designer, whoever he/she is. :D

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Well if you do go to public schools then I'd suggest wearing a small bullet-proof plate over your vital areas (besides head cause that's non-conformitive and will get you beaten up) but you should be able to take classes in everything from Greek to Robotics. That's where close to 70% of our local/state taxes are going. Public school is to much exposure for me and that's why I go to a private school. Too bad my family's tax dollars are still going to pay the janitor who scrapes the gum off of the bottom of the desks in public schools. Oh well gotta love our government.



America Rulz!

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