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One of sony's worst items is going to be their own


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One of sony's worst items is going to be their own because they are making and developing and marketing dvd burners. Playstation 2's use dvd drives. I bet Sony will lose a lot of money when they make a dvd burner, if PS2 hasn't gone out of style yet.

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I'm with Clefo...


Um...... What the 'ell?


Obviously, Sony's Worst Item would be theirs. If it was Sony's, why would it be anyone else's mistake?


Secondly, how would a DVD burner interfere with their PS2 sales?

That's comparing Apples to Oranges! Please try rephrasing this again, so it makes more sense.

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Two points to make here;


1.Sony will make a fortune selling this hardware, and the disks etc. How can they lose out? DVD film sales may go down but that will not affect the PS2.


2.DVD burners??? I'll be making a purchase as soon as I can afford it!!! :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Huh...Sony making a DVD burner? that is just stupid...all that does encourage bootlegging movies or copying the movies against the law....oh well hope the CEO is ready for arrest...:D

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Well it is for me, and obviously for the others that have posted here to. Besides new technology is more expensive, and made by smaller companies, when the corps come in they will lower the prices for the masses. (only in the interests of making hard cash of course) :eek:

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Originally posted by duder

Well it is for me, and obviously for the others that have posted here to. Besides new technology is more expensive, and made by smaller companies, when the corps come in they will lower the prices for the masses. (only in the interests of making hard cash of course) :eek:


Well, this is true. That same Model that went for $1,000 at Christmas (because it was brand new and they took advantage of the Christmas Season) is already marketing for $750. So it's just a matter of time and these will be replacing VCR's. And believe me, I can't wait! :D

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Give it up Heavyarms. You just don't like Sony because the playstation 2 is so popular. Its already sold over 26 million units, thats a TON more than the GC.


As for what you said, the PS2 doesn't have the flaw the GC does. Unlike the GC, the DVDs used on the ps2 will not run if they are burned. So, even if people wanted to burn games, they couldn't play them, which would make it very pointless. Sony should make tons of money on their burner, just as CD-R made lots of money on their CD burner.

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umm, besides the thoughts of me trying to piss the hell out of Tie guy, and then him coming back and flaming me, I was not intending to pis of Tie Guy, but since I did, YAY!!!!



I know they cost 1000 bucks. But they ain't widespread. Sorry if I caused so much controversy.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Give it up Heavyarms. You just don't like Sony because the playstation 2 is so popular. Its already sold over 26 million units, thats a TON more than the GC.


As for what you said, the PS2 doesn't have the flaw the GC does. Unlike the GC, the DVDs used on the ps2 will not run if they are burned. So, even if people wanted to burn games, they couldn't play them, which would make it very pointless. Sony should make tons of money on their burner, just as CD-R made lots of money on their CD burner.


Ok, a couple of points to be made here:


1) PS2 has sold more because it's been out longer.

2) GC can't run DVDs to begin with (they use the mini-cds).

3) The DVD drive on lots of PS2s have been burning out (trust me, I have to deal with the people when it does).


Game systems are all personal prefrence anyway, one is not better than the other. If you want analysis on strengths vs weaknesses of each system, give me a pm and I'll tell you. :)



"Worst post EVER!"

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this 1 dude at electronic boutique owns all the game systems. :D i


I'd have to go with PS2....


Gamespewb doesn't have backwards compatability, and i hate having to screw with hooking up my game systems all the time just to play a game on the other console.....


but gamecube has some good games for it....and it's only $200, and i own a dvd player already...


I'll see what games are out when i get a job. I'll end up getting an X-Box like S1DC

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

1) PS2 has sold more because it's been out longer.

2) GC can't run DVDs to begin with (they use the mini-cds).

3) The DVD drive on lots of PS2s have been burning out (trust me, I have to deal with the people when it does).


Game systems are all personal prefrence anyway, one is not better than the other. If you want analysis on strengths vs weaknesses of each system, give me a pm and I'll tell you. :)


1) True, but if you look at how many PS2s have been sold over the number of years verse how many GC have been sold over the number of years, i think the PS2 would be higher, but i don't know for sure.


2) I know it doesn't, which is another good thing about the PS2, but in my post i was refferring to the fact that GC games have been burned whereas PS2 games can't be.


3) I have FFX so, needless to say, i leave my PS2 on for large amounts of time. I've left it on for several days straight before, and nothing at all has happened. I've also watched lots of movies and things and have had no problems.


I'm really not trying to start a debate here, i just wanted to clear some things up, so lefts not argue over everything, ok?



HeavyArms, i say it again, give it up. If you call my post flaming then you obviously didn't read it. I simply said that you are jaded to the PS2 (which you can't possibly deny), then i posted a fact about the PS2 sales. I didn't even say anything about you trying to piss me off, because you didn't. Thats not a flame, so don't be so anal retentive about it, ok? Thats all i'm gonna say to you.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Give it up Heavyarms. You just don't like Sony because the playstation 2 is so popular. Its already sold over 26 million units, thats a TON more than the GC.


As for what you said, the PS2 doesn't have the flaw the GC does. Unlike the GC, the DVDs used on the ps2 will not run if they are burned. So, even if people wanted to burn games, they couldn't play them, which would make it very pointless. Sony should make tons of money on their burner, just as CD-R made lots of money on their CD burner.



Um, you flamed the gamecube.

In esscance, you just flamed me.


That is what you said, right?


Anal retentive?


I ain't gonna respond to that, because if I did, you would never seen me again.

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Calm down guys. This is a debate thread. I like debates. But if you can't debate nice-nice then I'll have to shut this thread down. Just watch what you all say.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you guys check yourselves and don't start yakking at each other, then no one gets mad.


Let's all be happy, shall we? :joy:

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Stop trying to stir up trouble, heavyarms.


DVD Burners are still aimed for a niche market, mainly because of the price. Maybe Sony will try to introduce it to the mass market, a move that I would encourage greatly. It's time for the people to move on and forget a technology as old and ineffective as VHS.

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