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Attack of the Clones (spoilers ahoy)

Nute Gunray

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It ain't the best, but it comes close enough.


I particularly enjoyed:

Jar Jar is directly responsible for the Empire

The Death Star. THE DEATH STAR!@

Nute Gunray hooray ("She can't do that! Shoot her or something!" haha)

Jango Fett. Most badass character ever.

Count Dooku.

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Nute, I'm pretty careless on being spoiled on a Star Wars movie in which I don't give much attention to but for others use the *Spoiler* command even if you give a warning. Example:



If you can read this then Bravo, good for you! Here's your gift: :gift:



Just select on the white thingy to read...(it isn't a real spoil...)


Activate the commande by using "Spoiler" between "[]" then to end it type, of course, "/spoiler". Now how easy was that! :rolleyes:

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nute... gets rather incorherant when he is excited.


he was practically garbage goo when i told him about Ms. Portman was going to be visiting the area near where he lived ;)



I wonder how the the movies is going to be edited for people in the netherlands


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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

<b>Nute</b>, <b>Nute</b>, <b>Nute</b>, <b>Nute</b>, <b>Nute</b>... You silly boy. Why would you read the novel and and deprive yourself of experiencing Attack of the Clones for the first time on the big screen in all its glory?





So that I have time to comprehend things. If I understand what's going on with the movie before hand, I won't get confused or hate things in the movie. Like Jar Jar in TPM. I understood his speech because I'd already had to figure out how to read it.

Plus now I know what to expect and I won't get my hopes up for something that can't be delivered in a movie.

Also, I already followed spy reports and stuff so there was little that surprised me.


PS i hate the spoiler tag and and entire post in it would be weird and bizarre. it's easier to just mark the thread.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

nute... gets rather incorherant when he is excited.


he was practically garbage goo when i told him about Ms. Portman was going to be visiting the area near where he lived ;)



I wonder how the the movies is going to be edited for people in the netherlands


what on earth do you mean? im from the Nether lands (NO?) (YEAH!) but i dont think we get an edited one..... i think...

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"Shoot her or something" is the best line in the entire book. I hope it's delivered exactly like that.


PS I think Lucas reads this forum because that sounds like something I would say. He was sitting there and says "hey this dumbass that calls himself Nute Gunray is a psycho! I'll make the real Nute Gunray say something just like he would."

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THe netherlands dont allow multilations to be filmed



When ESB was released, everyone in netherlands thoguht luke was an android, because then never saw him lsoe his hand, or have a missing hand, and they left in the scene where luke got his Cyber-hand.


minor mistake, no luke is not an android, or the droid, or A droid

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

"Shoot her or something" is the best line in the entire book. I hope it's delivered exactly like that.


PS I think Lucas reads this forum because that sounds like something I would say. He was sitting there and says "hey this dumbass that calls himself Nute Gunray is a psycho! I'll make the real Nute Gunray say something just like he would."


You know, for some reason I was thinking EXACTLY that.

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They don't censor anything in the Netherlands. Cuss words, mutilation, nudity, it doesn't matter. In the 70's there was this movie "Turks Fruit" with nothing but sex in the first half hour. More than a million people saw it in the theaters, and it got voted "the best dutch movie of the 20th century". :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Gold leader

They don't censor anything in the Netherlands. Cuss words, mutilation, nudity, it doesn't matter. In the 70's there was this movie "Turks Fruit" with nothing but sex in the first half hour. More than a million people saw it in the theaters, and it got voted "the best dutch movie of the 20th century". :rolleyes:

LOL.. that is so true :D :D... i still havent seen that movie tho... maybe ill look at it soon :D:p
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