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Jar Jar Binks


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Who here thought Jar Jar was frikkin annoying in Episode one? I dont want any spoilers here, but does anybody know if Jar Jar has a big role in Episode 2? I hope he doesnt...I cant stand his annoying comments...

Also, I always wondered...how did somebody come up with the name "Binks" I mean...wtf?!?!?:charric::jarjar:

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He's only in AotC for about 3 minutes but in those three minutes he brings about the downfall of the Republic. Seriously. Palpy tricks him into making the senators vote to give Palpy emergency dictatorship. Lucas said the people who hated him in TPM would feel sorry for him in AotC. At least he's not going to be as goofy as he was in TPM but he's still pretty simple. :)




As for the name, Lucas let his kids come up with a lot of the TPM character names.

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