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Real Sabers


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Hey all you Star Wars fans out there. I know all of you fantasies. You wish you had a lightsaber didn't you? Well now you can. I just discovered a site where you can get lightsabers which glow and you can duel. They are cheaper and better then Parks in my opinion. Well without further adou.


Go there, and when you order a saber, let me know on the board, and where you are from. Also, tell the person you order that Ross sent you over from the Jedi Academy. (He knows me). Alright have fun dueling with your new lightabers!

And BTW, they ship worldwide.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

IF the toy ones had a longer blade, i'd stock up on them by the dozens. It's cheaper to break those ones.


I totally agree.


One thing...in the demo videos, the sabers look annoyingly like the ANH sabers, and the people doing the demonstration (who obviously think they're COOL to the nth power) completely avoid any "saber clashes". Aren't these thing supposed to be near-indestructible? :rolleyes:

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I think not! My sword was wrought of meteoric iron from a world that exploded billions of years ago, by semi-divine elves at the foundries of Valinor before the first age, hand-blessed by Buddha and Jesus both and mounted in the personal tachi furniture of the Japanese sword master Miyamoto Musashi. To whit, the steel is of such fine grain that blood does not stain it, and the hamon has inclusions of diamond worked into the edge by a swordmaker's art long lost by the time upright human beings first ventured onto the american continent.


Bring it on! :D

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