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Please post your DFA counter moves!


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Hmm, I was all prepped to post all sort of anti-Dfa moves that involve high explosives, but since it's 1vs1 duels, the only thing that really works is to to jump out of the way and chuck your saber at him, or try taking a swing at him, but you have to be careful of the saber that is still in the ground. Good luck!

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The light stace lunge move works nicely, as does the medium stance finisher. Basically, though, you have two choices. Kill him before he lands (My favorite), or move your ass out of the way.

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DFA should take a little force power or something , something needs to prevent it from being spammed by morons like it is now. I dont/wouldnt mind if people who preferred the WHOLE style of strong used it. But now a bunch of idiots chose strong and just swing randomly in crowds and DFA all around a map. Id appreciate some counter moves as well :-P


--I use medium

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if you can throw, you throw. i've faced people in duels who only use DFA... 75% of the time i beat 'em with throw


jumping out of the way works well... so does rolling towards them, if you time it right you can go directly under them (or even just off to the side)

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You can:


1) If they are coming at you while you are facing, while they are in midair just push them back and they will almost 90% fall on their butt each time.


2) If you are really ballsy, you can try to hit them with a backflip while they are coming up or just starting to come down from the move.... I've dont it once and had to pick my jaw up off the floor, its really sweet looking.


3)Move out of the way and throw saber or just smack them when they get up, don't walk into the saber though, its safe to hit them with a strong swipe if only your saber touches them though.


People who spam DFA are one trick ponies, and the best way to counter them is to make them play defensive... do a roll at them and push while you get up or strafe-pull them off their feet before they can DFA...


Practice makes perfect. :)

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I really don't know who came up with the concept of spamming DFA in a duel, but he/she must of been drunk. Someone tried it on me, and I found that I had an easy time of killing them. These spammers remind me of the Street Fighter crowd, and the guys who would pick chun li and spam her lightning kick. A lot of the principles from games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc. apply to 1vs1 duels and once I realized that, my abilities with the lightsaber jumped through the roof. I'm no elite, but I can hold my own now. Just got to keep a cool head and a steady hand with these spammers and these kings of the one move wonders will easily die.

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yeah, DFA spammers are crap. wait for them to land their first, then get in there with medium style and start smacking em around. they probly cant even remember how to change stance, so as soon as they wind up a counter-attack, swing your saber straight through their opening. step back and repeat. if they're stupid enough to try DFA'ing when you're in close, then hit them in the back as they fly over your head. saber throw works well too.


in matches with force, well then DFA is just something that you laugh at.

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I've seen you talk about force this and force that. What about counter moves on a server without force power (real skills).


I suggest doing this and it always work great. Watch for when they are preparing to attempt the move and get ready to do it yourself. Right as they do the move, you should do the move on top of him.


You need to time it right, and if it works, you'll nail DFA right on him while hes sitting on the ground.


I can almost always pull it off pefectly every time whenever they attempt a DFA on me. Its like a free kill :)

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Originally posted by jmcdavel

Since when are no force servers for those with "real skills"? I find them boring, slow, and far too limiting (can't jump high, use kicks, blegh). :p


I completely agree with you... wouldn't "real skills" involve being able to avoid ALL possibilities? I will admit that there are quite a few people who use drain/grip constantly, and it can be annoying, but when you find your way around them it is more satisfying than just chop and hack....


As for the DFA, I find that I just strafe out of the way, and strafe/jump back on top of them hacking down, and it seems to work well for me...

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Since when are no force servers for those with "real skills"? I find them boring, slow, and far too limiting (can't jump high, use kicks, blegh). :p

That is completely true, but I believe the "real skill" he was referring to was real skill with a saber, something you don't need in FF. I can appreciate that FF adds an extra dimension to the game, but it detracts so much from the saber fighting that i just don't play it anymore.

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i don't want to totally spell it all out for you; however, here are my solutions...[pity]i will post them anyway, even though i already have and they were ignored [/pity]:


people that abuse it are very easy to spot. there are three "parts" of the DFA "swing" in which it can be countered by red stance. i will discuss it more in depth in the following statements.


1. before the break of the swing (the DFAer is in the air at this time and this takes place BEFORE the apex of the jump)

2. after the break of the swing (the DFAer is still in the air at this time and this takes place AFTER the apex of the jump)

3. after the DFAer has landed (this is during the time where many of you get sabered running into the DFAer like psychopaths)


1a. this part can be countered very easily by ANY stance (depending on proximity). if the user is trying to set up his shot, then run in and do a side swing and hit him in the air. this can be done with ANY of the stances. i've done it with all of them very easily (but not without practice and understanding of this). gold is probably easiest since red you have to setup way ahead of time. (this is one of the reasons red stance is more rewarding you whiners of gold. because red users have to do their swings way ahead of time; therefore, they are more rewarding).

1b. you can also to an overhead crouching swing. this is very dangerous and must be very well mastered.

1c. as mentioned by another poster, you can jump kick them at this point before their sword is in front of them.

2. same as 1a. however, it is even easier to hit them with a side swing at this point. please be aware: if they turn in the air at this point, they can still hurt you; keep your distance!

3. more than one red swing has a distance longer than the DFA slash. and if you get close enough, you can hurt them very, very easily (because they have no defense). i would not recommend any other non-force/non-weapon counters for this part of DFA, because the DFAer can turn and wreck your day.


these are all of the counters i can mention that are non-force/non-weapons. think of how many more there could possibly be. now please stop complaining about DFA spammers. we all hate them. now you at least know how to fight them.

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If they spam the DFA move, you spam saber throw. :p


If it's no force, wait until the do the DFA and get out of the way, repeat this until one of you dies of old age, in wihch case the one that dies loses the duel.

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Grip is really easy to break, just press absorb, you can absorb with 1 block of force. Put absorb close to your movement keys (I have it on E) and you can put it on so fast all they do is give you half your force back while you knock THEM off the ledge with a heavy stance baseball swing (Man I love that). Make sure to thank them for the free heal afterwards! :D

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if u think there sis no skill in force powers i dont think this game is for u because that is what this game is about and if u dont have force no one bothers to use light saber so it just turns into quake except there are stormies instead of aliens

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