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Star Wars: Alternate Universe

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Alright. Perhaps it's only me, but I doubt it. I've become just a bit angry with the Star Wars: New Jedi Order books. Well, for those of you who share my sentiments, there is hope. I came across a rather large post on some lucasboards board a while ago, and they had some interesting things to say. The thread was about the reality of the Expanded Universe. The consensus was that unless something was in a movie, it wasn't to be taken as a set in stone event in the Star Wars universe. So, that got me to thinking. This explains why something can happen in a game, and have contradicting evidence in a book, and they can both still be "real." That got me to thinking. (Always dangerous) What if a group of devoted authors and Star Wars scholars, discontent with the path that the EU is taking, got together and put together an extensive, credible Alternate Universe. I'm talking not about a few short stories which spend their entire lives being passed around some B- level message boards, but novels that get noticed. We can do this. We can change the history of Star Wars. If you're interested, please email me at supaslueth73@hotmail.com. I need 1-2 good authors, who are serious about the project, as well as five or six people to correlate facts, review storylines and just be all-around helpers. Also, if possible, I'd like to start a website on the topic. I, unfortunately, am limited by poor bandwidth. So, I could use an unlimited amount of people who are into that sort of thing. Look guys, I don't want to try and do this alone. We really can get noticed here. Let's give this a shot.

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hey red, remember when you took ME serious...no wait that was Jared...i did that yahoo people search, and jared blurted out 'THAT'S MINE AND REDWING'S ADDRESS!!!' hehe and u promtly got on aim and told me to edit it out. :D

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you really think a "good author" is going to do something for free? and then try to create an UNLICENSED book dealing with the SW universe?


There is EU, then there is EU (pronouced Ewww)


All the Zahn books stay pretty true to George Lucas's vision of SW.


THen you get books like "The Hand of Vader" or "Crystal Star" or the NJO books that totally trash the universe.


Why am i thinking now that NJO is a lot like Next Gen Trek?

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The Glove of Darth Vader? It was moffing fantastic! Er...


That was actually the first Star Wars book I ever read. It was so bad, it put me off the reading Heir to the Empire, because I thought it was going to be more of the same crap. Thankfully, I bought it anyway, and it was fabulous.


The Crystal Star did suck. But I think Children of the Jedi sucked even more.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

what sucked about crystal star? was it the solo kids acting older than they really are?? :confused:


That's part of it, although for me, that was the least bad part about it. Everyone just seems so out of character. And the story A) is stupid and B) is very un-Star Wars like.

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waru feeds on force energy and he is some sort of creature that is from another "Demension"


Also the author had a hard time dealing with Lukes force powers, so the "crystal star" (a very old white dwarf) canceled out everyone's force powers.Luke becomes all depressed and goes to waru thinking he can heal him.


Children of the Jedi was fine as long as you forgot anything that did not have to deal with luke. it was basicalyl 2 books slammed together, one good, one bad

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