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Reborn not to smart?


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I think Reborn are cool characters n all...but um, so far I've had two instances where I've walked into a room, heard them say, "I've sensed you Jedi, yada yada".


While jumping at me, they proceed to throw themselves off a ledge and into the abyss!!!! LMFAO


I win without even a swing of my saber!


This happened at Cloud City and during the last stage of the Cairn Installation (The Docking Bay).


Now that's entertainment! :D:rolleyes:

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They're pretty simple to kill too. I don't know if it's the same on the harder difficulties but i've finished the game on normal. Most of the time all I did was force grip them and throw my saber at them. If you do it fast enough it usually kills them (though i did have the realistic saber combat code on). They rarely fight back though. I did it quite a bit to the shadow troopers as well.

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Originally posted by haffee

They're pretty simple to kill too. I don't know if it's the same on the harder difficulties but i've finished the game on normal. Most of the time all I did was force grip them and throw my saber at them. If you do it fast enough it usually kills them (though i did have the realistic saber combat code on). They rarely fight back though. I did it quite a bit to the shadow troopers as well.


well, thats all your problems right there...playing the game on normal, forcegripping and sabering with realistic saber combat on, i guess i know why it was so easy for you to kill them

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It doesn't matter what difficulty you play on: Reborn are still stupid.


"You will die—AAAAAAAAAAAH!"


"Do you fear me—AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"




And so on. I was making a gauntlet the other day, and I had a bunch of Reborn on a platform suspended over what else but an abyss. When I went to test it out, Reborn were streaming off the platform into the abyss like lemmings.


Makes you wanna go crank up their Intelligence, huh?

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Originally posted by SpaceMonkey1315


well, thats all your problems right there...playing the game on normal, forcegripping and sabering with realistic saber combat on, i guess i know why it was so easy for you to kill them



Yeah i know. I'm a pussy.


I've been so addicted to multiplayer that I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time on single player. but i'll eventually get back to it.

damn i love the game!

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well, be thankful that reborns are not so smart. sure, i too would appreciate something of a challenge when fighting those, but if would be too good it would be too hard to beat them, considering that you fight 4 at one time (i did when you fight with luke, he got himself a cup of tea or something... i was all alone with all 4 reborns...). also, i like the way reborns are now, they are simple to kill, and the fights against them have style.

to me, fighting against reborn i like eating ice cream: it's plain, it's simple, it's fun and it's over soon

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well, be thankful that reborns are not so smart. sure, i too would appreciate something of a challenge when fighting those, but if would be too good it would be too hard to beat them, considering that you fight 4 at one time (i did when you fight with luke, he got himself a cup of tea or something... i was all alone with all 4 reborns...). also, i like the way reborns are now, they are simple to kill, and the fights against them have style.


Yes, Luke wussed out on me too. I think he actually went to go get ice cream and I had to kill all four Reborn all by my lonesome self. Well, no Force Crystals for HIM.


In SP, Reborn are fine, but if you're spawning an army of them, like I did, on a platform or walkway over some big pit, it's irritating to see them cut their own ranks in half by gallantly leaping to their dooms.

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I play on g_saberrealisticcombat 2, mostly because it is almost exactly like the movies. With 2 on, you can touch them with the saber, but not get hurt, but if you swing it at them and get a hit, they are dead. Although if you want a challenge, NEVER put g_saberrealisticcombat 3 on, never 3. If you do this, they will simply run into your saber and die, and never last more than 3 seconds. I agree that some of the Reborn are ghey newbs :D. Although they can some times piss me off, such as in when I am gripped and another comes and slices me to bits (remember the sweet featured pic a few days ago, the gripped stormie?). To tell the truth, I would like a Duel of the fates S.E level. I would spawn a boss reborn, then spawn a jedi apprentice for myself :D. Heh, that would actually be pretty sweet .


1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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The Reborns aren't too bad on higher levels they put up a good fight for me sometimes. But I don't use saberrealistic, so that may be the difference. I have never seen them jump to their death. And I have been killed by them before. It seems that the color of their outfit has something to do with how challenging they are.


Playing the ladder map that is downloadable you can have some nasty fights with Reborn, its lots of fun. Kudos to the creator of that map.

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Even if reborns are a bit stupid, I find really funny to find them (especially if they are two and surrounded me). Their cooles feature is that they block most of your attacks and give that movie atmosphere.


Ps. Luke didn't wuss out on me, in fact he killed all the 4 reborns without me doing anything ;)

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I have never had a reborn just blindly kill themselves when i fight them...just my luck...:D BTW this is Xerxes603, i lost my password and then i never got my email with my name and password...so i had to re-register:mad:

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Originally posted by TheMadDoofer

Luke didn't wuss out for me, he killed two of them! :D


Heheh, I let Luke kill all of them for me. :D It was 'cause he kept running into my saber and getting hurt, so I just backed off and watched him.

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I killed all the NPC's on the map after Yavin canyon, and then spawned 10 reborns in the hangar. I killed them all multiple times, using saberrealisticcombat 1 and setting my force level to 5 so I could use the one-handed styles. That being said, I also killed them all using medium style.


Other combos included 2 reborn bosses and three fencers, and so on.


The reborn just aren't that good. Shadowtroopers, on the other hand, put up a pretty decent fight.

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I must admit they are stupid, except when I fought along side luke I had to replay it about three times cuz luke died WAY too easily!!! I mean seriously, the first time he died before I even got to really fighting them...


the second time was silly cuz i dunno if Freindly fire can actually kill luke, but it musta hurt him REal bad, because as soon as the fight started I swung with strong style and connected on him by accident, and a reborn came along and basically blew a fart at him and he died...


the third time I finaly realized my job wasn't to kill the reborns so much as keep em off of luke.


so the fourth time Luke lived... funny thing was though the reborns all four of them where only an intense battle but not a challenging one if that makes sense... It was easy to fake em out to single them out ETC. prolly why luke died so much cuz while I was singling one guy out, three where on him eating him alive.

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The first time I fought the 4 reborn with Luke I killed him because he kept on running inbetween me and the reborn I was fighting. I figured He was just getting senile like Yoda & pushed him out of my way. :)


BTW: Obi-Wan X... Any chance you can tone down your font color? It's hard as hell to read your posts. :(

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Sure, perhaps I should simply look to see if my post will be a darkblue background, or a grey background. Then I could simply change the color to lightblue on dark blue backgrounds, and darkblue should do fine for the grey ones. Thanks.

1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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