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Attack Of The Clones: The Paragon_Leon REVIEW

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I got me an advanced ticket to the midnight showing the day before (Wed., but technically still Thurs.)! So excited...I read Leon's review 'cept the spoilers (well, 'cept MOST of the spoilers) and I just keep getting more and more pumped for it!


*grabs Dooku's saber and starts practicing moves*












*catches weird look from half-asleep roommate and sits back down*

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9 more days????


its like...lets count to it shall we... :D

right now on my watch it is 16:15 .

ad 45 minutes than it is 17:00 ------- 0:45

ad 7 hours than it is 24:00 -------7:45

ad 7 days than it is 24:00 at thursday the 16th ------7 days 7:45

ad 22 hours to that... and then AOTC will start for me :D

than lets see..... 7 days 7 hours 45 minutes + 22 hours ... is....

8 days 5 hours and 45 minutes.




( note that when i was posting this the time just went on :D)

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Lessee now,

it's been... two days and six and a half hours since i saw Episode 2 !!


:D :D :D :D :D :D


I'm just happy...

BTW, got the soundtrack in today !! It's the Yoda cover...


Now, in order to keep on-topic; if someone has a question regarding the movie... feel free to ask.

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Spoilers in answer for Crazydog!!!

Yes. Of course there's a lot of them getting killed. You see an entire AT-AT-like vehicle get blown to bits, and in the end, Obi, Anakin and Padmé end up in a Gunship flying alongside another gunship. They see that one get shot out of the sky, and when their ship is hit, Padmé falls out. That scene hurt my eyes, because the sand on the ground has a very deep orange colour.

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Does Anakin just show up at the Larrs homestead and get told that the farmers tried attacking the Tuskens or do we get to see any of it?




So Anakin doesn't have any covering on his arm at the end of the movie? It's justa bare droid arm?




How badly was Obi-Wan injured during the Dooku fight?




Padme. How much skin do we get to see? :D




In the book, Anakin and Padme goof off in a field. Like anakin jumps on an animal and pretends to get hurt. Is that in the movie?




Does anyone ever say "Death Star" or is it just recognized that that's what it is?




Jango kills one of the arena animals right?




Besides the back scratches, does Padme get injured further?




Typho. Is he a Panaka wannabe?




I'm sure I'll have more in a few minutes. :rhett:

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My goodness. Talk about eagerness.




ok, to topple Rhetts questions in a row (WARNING, MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!)




1) Yes. He simply shows up and gets told that that happened. By Cliegg, by the way.


2) Yes, it's bare. But you only see the hand coming out from the sleeve.. it looks like a Terminator flexing his fingers...


3) First, Dooku hits his arm/hand, then he quikly stabs Obi in the knee... It doesn't look very bad, but he's definitely out of the fight.


4) Quite a lot of back-skin. In the 'leather-scene' :D you see...erm...how to put this...a bit of the front in a 'compressed' way.


5) Yes. Exactly as you describe here. The beast has a small head, but a MASSIVE behind. It's a funny animal to watch. Anakin already starts laughing when a concerned Padmé turns him around..


6) No-one says 'Death Star'...Dooku makes a remark about getting it to his master. You instantly recognize it.


7) Yes, Jango kills the Reek with his blaster.


8) No, but she falls out of....o wait. other spoiler..


9) Pretty much. I thought he was a bit more 'positive', but no real difference altogether.



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Much like we saw some hidden little things in TPM, such as ET and the hear/see/say no evil droids, was there anything cool like that that you spotted?




Dexter. Is he a doofus or is he actually kind of cool?




Does Jar Jar really say "Delow Feligates"? :D




Jedi Starfiighter. Like em or love em?




Tusken Children?! He kills two Tusken Children first? :eek: IN HALF?!? :eek: :eek:




Does it show Anakin pick up a boulder and smash it into Tusken tents?


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Does Yoda hear Qui Gon calling out when Anakin starts killing the Tuskens?




So we get to see Jedi and Sith holocrons right?




Does Boba take Jangos helmet and blasters?




Do we see any saber throws?




You think Zam's hot too, right? :D




Anakin doesn't say "...a gonzo color..." anymore does he? I hope not...




Did you spot Anthony Daniels in the cantina?


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first question-post of Rhett of the two-in-a-row:




1) You see several creatures from Episode 1 making a return, like the creature that crashed in the cave during the pod-race in TPM (remember ? He made that funny sound just before he crashed). That creature is seen during the chase through Coruscant. (there's a creature next to him saying something like 'Jedi poodoo' or something). And you see a Sebulba-like creature in Dexter Jettster's café.. But the biggest surprise for me was that C3PO uses the EXACT same sentence as he did in Episode IV: "He seems to have a message from an Obi Wna Kenobi..."

Really got a kick out of that. As for the rest; haven't seen ET's, but the Senate scene is all but similar to the TPM-one..


2) Dexter is kind of cool. He's like a big, BIG but very jovial bartender. Kind of a nice uncle, if you will. I got the impression that Obi knew him really well, judging from the scene.


3) If he did, I didn't notice it. During the Senate scene i was 'alien-spotting' and didn't pay that much attention to what was said.. (And Jar Jar can be heard to understand without subtitles...) He does have a rather funny 'practice speech-part' right when Amidala makes him Senator in her place. She stops him short.



4) Like 'em. It's leaner than I thought and the way that baby travels through hyperspace has to be seen to be believed...

(Let's say it needs a little help...)


5) It's a very fast snippet with the children. He beheads one (the one on his right in the scene, and the other is simply cut down in the same swing, as far as i recall. You see, you don't see him emerging at once... you see the camp, with a Tusken mother looking up bewildered. Right after that you see Anakin at the tent, cutting the children down.


6) No. Not at all.



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second-in-a-row question-post of Rhett answered here (again SPOILER-GALORE !! WARNING !!)




1) No. Not Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan. He hears that part that made it to one of the trailers (the 'No, Anakin, No !' part...)


2) No, we don't. Unless I missed some in the library...


3) They only show him kneeling down by the helmet, holding it while sitting on his knees and then keeping it against his forehead, with his eyes closed...


4) No, but Anakin throws himself....sort of. It saves...wait. That's another spoiler that i won't tell.


5) MASSIVE SPOILER !! No, Zam is a changling. She's not human !! That her disguise !! During the chase you see her briefly looking to the left of the screen in her cockpit, and the left side of her face is suddenly alien-like (very short snippet, that). When Zam's shot by Fett, she/he changes to his/her original form; a lizard-like face with pertruding teeth (little bit like Boles Roor from the pod-race)


6) That's one thing i didn't notice. Alas.


7) Yes. He turns around right after the confrontation with Zam. No close-ups or anything though.



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Do the children Yoda are training solve Obi-Wan's problem?




How does Zam escape from the cantina? Or does she escape? :confused: I'm a little messed up when it comes to that sequence of events.




I know Zam's a changling but, you have to admit..... she's hot in that form right? :D




I know Jedi get killed but do any Jedi get killed in new and exciting ways? :D




Does 3po sound more like his old...err... newer self?




Is that guys selling death sticks up to something devious?




Was there a catchy contina band song?




What force powers do we see used?


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Answering Rhett's latest question-row:


1) One of them does. Yoda asks if they have a solution, and one of them suggests that the record of the planet is erased.. By the way, if you have Final Fantasy 7 for Playstation; that scene looks an awful lot like the observatory-scene in Red X's village...


2) She doesn't escape. In that scene, you THINK she's approaching Anakin from behind, because you constantly see changing shots between her blaster / Anakin... but she is gunning for Obi, and he swings around and cuts off her hand (deja vu ?). After that, she's out. Obi and Ani carry her outside of the cantina to question her.


3) Yes. :D


4) No. They just get shot and fall down. One of them is shot by Jango, after which he does that cool western gun-whirling trick.. The flame-thrower shot from Jango in the trailers wasn't aimed at a group of Jedi, but at Mace Windu. He just barely jumps to safety and you can see his cape burning as he lands on the arena floor.


5) Yes.


6) No. He's just already at the bar when Obi gets there, and then talks to him. Obi immediately uses a mind trick and tells him to go home and rethink his life.


7) No. It's moody as far as i recall. Even more so dramatic when Zam's approaching Obi-Wan.


8) Let's see, quick check: lot's of object-floating, mind trick, force-lightning, force-push (against Geonosian warriors)... and Anakin is shown calming the Reek. I did NOT (repeat, NOT) see Mace Windu do the same. The press-screening i saw had that scene cut out.




Now, i'll be back tomorrow if there's any more questions. Enjoy !

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yeah, i guess that's hardly a spoiler when i say that Yoda's species is not named or anything.


You do however see Yoda more active than in any other Star Wars movie; in every way.

Trust me; after you've seen AotC, Yoda is viewed as the best of the Jedi council.

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Well, i got so many requests about what is really SEEN and HEARD, that i decided i couldn't write this without throwing something like that in the mix.


Now, if you have any other particular question, feel free to ask.

And by all means...



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