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Attack Of The Clones: The Paragon_Leon REVIEW

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Not in AotC but it's believed that his species will be adressed in Episode III! :)


I hope they never tell what his species is. EVER. I like some things to remain a total mystery, cause if we ever find out, yoda won't seem as interesting, imo. :/

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Amen to that.

Now, in response to Heavyarms' question(s):




Dooku doesn't die; he'll likely even return in Episode 3 !

No other 'big named' Jedi dies as far as i can tell.

And yes, most Jedi look quite human. I've already spoken about the one that gets shot by Jango Fett, and plenty more can be seen getting shot in the background as that battle goes on. Some Jedi are a bit weird however. Remember that 'Howard The Duck' head in a photo not so long ago ? That wasn't a fake or manufactured photo; that really IS how that Jedi looks !



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There's one thing about Yoda that will seem a bit out of place in Episode 2, and that is;



his speed. Throughout the movie, Yoda crawls forward like we're used to, but after he and Dooku have exchanged objects / lightning, and he has drawn his saber, he simply EXPLODES into action. That's what drew the most laughs from the press-audience in the entire movie.


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question for Leon. maybe i missed it, but could you rate the 5 movies, from your favorite to least favorite?


and about pronunciations:


Dooku: is it DOUGH-KU or DEW-KU?


Tyrannus: is it TIER-inus or TIE-RAN-US?



i'm hoping for the former pronounciations. the latter ones both sound stupid to me. ;) and i guess, if it is the latter, how did they sound in the movie to you?





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Ion: Dooku in the movie is pronounced as 'dew-ku' (your spelling), and Tyranus as 'Tie-Ra-Nus'.


I thought Tyranus sounded great, but i was greatly surprised when i first heard Dooku's name pronounced in

the conversation Padmé has with the Jedi council and the senators in Palpatine's quarters..


It just was so different because i always thought it was 'dough-ku'...


As for my personal SW-movie ranking:


1) Empire Strikes Back

2) Attack Of The Clones

3) Return Of The Jedi

4) A New Hope

5) The Phantom Menace

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The best explaination of why Yoda suddently looks 500 years younger in the fight is that he is partically controlling *himself* with the force. I mean, when a Jedi leaps 50 feet in the air or defects blaster shots at a tremendous rate it is the force that is controling them. Well, Yoda is so awesome that his whole body can be controled through the force.

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i go with the force opinion on this.


as yoda says, the force is his ally, and a powerful ally at that.


he may be old and almost immobile, but when he channels the force, he'll rock your butt cuz he's so strong in the force.


as for the judge me by my size quote, it still holds true. size matters not, when the force is involved (thus a rock and an x-wing are no different as far as the force is concerned.)


cf with the rpg, and yoda's stats, plus his force skills, battlemind, enhance ability, and all that. ;)


anyway, poopoo on the movie's pronunciations re: chris lee. ;)


i'll stick with dough-ku and tier-i-nus for my rpg ;)



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Wow. That thread wins the "Most Spoiler-Intensive" award by a long shot. At least until Episode 3 is less than a week away :) I successfully read the entire thread without reading any spoilers, which I'm very proud of ;)


If everything Leon says is true, I think this is going to be my favourite SW movie, even beating ESB. I don't really care if it's simply a continuation of things already done before, because I simply wouldn't have accepted anything else :D


I got tickets for the 16th, but only 7:00 PM EST :( Somehow the theaters around here wouldn't show it at 12:00 AM. Oh well, at least it's still the 16th...

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Great... millennium craze all over again.. but then for a movie.

Anyways, it's worth it.


The action in AotC is better than anything previously seen in Star Wars. Yes, including speederbike-chases, pod races and duels.

Trust me; you'll go ape over it.

All the cynical journalists (hey, even including me !) did...

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