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Strange Things Happening on Folor

Wraith 5

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((Completely OOS, since I'm not in this story:


Dihydrogen monoxide (H2-O1), dihydrogen oxide (H2-O), and hydrogen hydroxide (H-OH) are all the same thing, so you're all right :D


*used dashes since he doesn't know how to make proper subscripts*


Oh, and Fergie, ask Zacko "But what is the question?" :D :D :D


/END OOS *tiptoes out*))

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Originally posted by Redwing

((Completely OOS, since I'm not in this story:


Dihydrogen monoxide (H2-O1), dihydrogen oxide (H2-O), and hydrogen hydroxide (H-OH) are all the same thing, so you're all right :D


*used dashes since he doesn't know how to make proper subscripts*


Oh, and Fergie, ask Zacko "But what is the question?" :D :D :D


/END OOS *tiptoes out*))


Same atoms, different structure. Its called an isomer and they are totally different. For example, one compund whose name i can't think of is a poisonous substance as one structure but completely harmless as another. They have the same atoms but they have different properties.



I walk into the store to find most of the party still standing around or talking to the shopkeeper.


"Guys, we better get going, we still have a mission to accomplish."

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*pulls out bow*


Hey, R6, deflect this arrow with your blade.


"Roger Roger" (Hey, he's a battle droid!)


*fires an arrow, and it is deflected*


"nice job, R6. You are good with deflection."

"Thank you, Din."


"No problem, buddy. But keep an eye out for trouble, it comes in many different ways.

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Zacko- "Take your time there big man, i am going to show this cop here a pistol..."


"So here is what i have, just the one i carry, and the one here, which incase you didn't know is a DL-42"


(DL-42 is an older model of the DL-44)

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"Hey I like to do my job with the best equipment I can buy."


*Pats his holster*


"Which reminds me, mind getting me another holster, also? Hmmmm.... I just remembered something I saw in training, would you happen to know anybody that sells electro-nets?"

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Look copper i am not a weapon store, all i have is this gun i keep in my collection, the only reason i am selling it to you is because you are in law enforcment and i would feel bad to find out that you didn't have enought fire power to handle the bad guys.


If you are going to get gredy i am going to keep this gun in my collect and you can call your boss and have him send you a new gun.



*puts the gun away and walks back out to the floor*


Find everything you were looking for big man?


fergie has found, a metal tube about the size of his hand, and an old barall from a blaster rifle, seems to have an old beat up scope on it.

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"Finally! Ok guys, party time's over, we better get started. If we're going to check all the ships, we're gonna need two things: scanning equipment and a registry of all the ships supposedly her. We could just ask for a registry but the government has shown itself to be less than cooperative in the past. So thats one problem. The other is that we need scanning equipment, which we don't have. We have our ships, but with the range on those that would take a long time to search an entire planet's worth. Any suggestions?


do we have a slicer?

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Originally posted by DashRendar

"Well I'm sure the little Jawa, and my Droids' combined efforts could get us a proper registry, and it ain't hard for 2 officers of the law, and a High-Ranking Nabooian to get our hands on just about anything..."


"Well, normally i would think that to be the case, but i'm not sure that the government would be willing to just hand everything over even to a law enforcement officer. They wouldn't say anything to the Republic itself. The way i see it, the government here is playing a role in whatever's going on. We may recieve nothing at all, or a doctored record. Still, one never knows. Best to try at least, i guess. Maybe we could get the one from the governement and cross it with one obtained...otherwise. If they match we can assume the government is not in this too deeply. If they don't that may be another piece of proof that we need."


*turns to Heavyarms (i can never remember everyones name, maybe we should have a system where you always put your name before your action/words)*


"Hmm, that would be faster, but i wonder how much time we have? Perhaps you could get started scanning while we look for some high powered stuff one the fround? If we find some then you could send us your progress and we'd work together. If we don't then you can just finish the job yourself while we wait. Sound good?"

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