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The Elite ring of Over-Posters


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Originally posted by Tie Guy

So Rhett......um.....Where's the party? I thought that this was out anniversary week. *woman's voice* You didn't forget again, did you? :D


I would have to agree with Tie Guy Rhett :p. Where's the party Rhett or are you holding it off right now to make sure we have enough members to party wtf.gif..... Only Rhett knows :lol:.

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Please do keep all threads relating to the festivities sticky :D So i dont miss em :D


And Sard, as previously stated...as the newly elected president of the elite ring of overposters, my council and i have decided to set the bar to 2000 posts. Once you reach 1000 you are officially an elite over-poster :D


*i've been day-dreaming too much* :rolleyes::D

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Originally posted by Sgt Sardaukar

Sounds great to hear now :D. Anyhow, am I a part of the elite ring of the over posters or do I need to become a spam master and take the spam reign to be considered one :p?



You must first attain 1000 posts, then and only then will you be a part of the Elite Ring of Overposters.

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Originally posted by Sgt Sardaukar

Grrrr.... Why can't it be reduced to 500 posts like some other forums...... Some of us have a life outside of the computer :rolleyes:.


I have a life. I play alot of tennis everyday, as well as work mornings teaching tennis to little kids. I'm also an straight A student. I have a life, i just get on with my free time.

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Who else would it come from?:D


Me too, i play waterpolo, go to school, come back only at 5 everyday (on school days), also a straight A student, and just like my fellow forumer, Tie Guy, i use my FREE time...lots of it i have.


Hey, pal, take your time, you'll get there one day ;)

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Originally posted by Clefo

I'm probably on my comp more than any of you people with "Lifes" and I don't have nearly as many posts, u nogs (been hanging out at Aresen too much)


And I thought I was the only one on the computer most of the time :rolleyes:. I shall say that it's been. Well, I don't wish to discuss what I feel at this time.......

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Originally posted by Clefo

I'm probably on my comp more than any of you people with "Lifes" and I don't have nearly as many posts, u nogs (been hanging out at Aresen too much)


u nog :D


*looks at your rank*


*dies laughing*




I have a life...just no sleep :D

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Originally posted by Clefo

I'm probably on my comp more than any of you people with "Lifes" and I don't have nearly as many posts, u nogs (been hanging out at Aresen too much)

*pets* So THIS is where you normaly hang out. :D
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congrats. what the hell took you so long, you bum?:D


if the membership is still 1k i would like to join your club....;)



btw, rhett, you amaze me, unless your rules are diffrent, this thread is not allowed if you follow the spam rules, but it might be a jkii.net thing...


anyway, who cares, I cant control it, just revel in the insane posts...


I wonder what the number would be if you added all of the TEROOP members posts together?


maybe someone could win a prize?:D

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

btw, rhett, you amaze me, unless your rules are diffrent, this thread is not allowed if you follow the spam rules, but it might be a jkii.net thing...



Having lots of threads like this is evil, but we just use this one thread for everyone's celebrations, so its contained.


Anyhow, congrats Havoc, i knew you'd make it sooner or later.

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