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Force Push= Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This is to the people at raven

if there is another patch Fix FORCE PUSH... People are overdoing it and its pissing me off, whenever you force push it should take off more force power, ERG, honestly its so stupid, people just psh you off edges to kill you and they push you down like every 5 secounds and it takes a while for you to get up and they give you the beats, god and force throw , people sue that a lot too, they just keep throwing there stupid saber at you, fix some of this **** toi make it funner.

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While you're at it, take out that goddamn force jump! Jumping high is ghey! And take out absorb, cuz blue is ghey!!! Too many people keep absorbing my l33t force lightning! That sux!


And take out those lightsabres, I cant use my l33t Quake3 rocket skillz if they keep hacking me up!


And those guns, take them out! I keep getting sniped! Snipers are ghey!



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"Get rid of those Guns, i keep dying"


If you dont like being pushed or pulled, go to a non-force using server


Sheesh... crybabies


Simple solution to being pushed off ledges is to max out your pull (which automatically counters push) and when you get knocked down on your butt, hit the jump button a few times. if your able ot counter it easily, people stop using it because it is not effective

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YEAH!!!! ffs remove the dam sabers what you think this is? star wars?

Also if you could:

stop builing maps with endless drops, i mean how did it all get up there in the first place!


That bloody thermal detonator, it keeps exploding and killing me


The dam crouching evertime i go to hit someone they duck, i mean how ****ing stupid!!!


The force powers are bugged i keep getting lifted in the air FFS!! and since the thread starter got rid of push i,m stuck!!! so please remove grip too!!!!


and take pull off! whats the point of bringing them closer?


Finally those bloody other people on the server, they keep killing me.:eek::D:p

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Yeah, the other day, someone hacked the game on me and he stuck an arm out and I started taking damage! I wuz like WTF. Then I moved over and fell into a hole! But get this I wasnt hitting the buttons! Hackerz! Raven, your game is 2 easy 2 hax0r! Ghey!!!!!11



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the game should work like this:


You start the round by choosing your team... Then you can spend money on various weapons... Like say a armored vest...


Then you go fight a round or two... Each time you kill someone you earn money...


each team has some kind of objective, and anytime you complete or partialy complete some objectives you and your team get extra money too... Then after a round or two of this, you can splurge for better weapons like maybe an MP5, or something.


then after about the 3rd round you are sure to be able to afford the uber guns.


when you die though you lose your gun, and have to wait till the round is over again before you respawn.


Instead of lightsabers you get a little dinky combat knife with two moves on it (nobody will spam backstab with it then), and jumping is realistic. you can barely jump more than 3 feet off the ground, and can't move much when you do.


The guns should have better accuracy when your crouching, and bad when your moving around or standing striaght up. Recoil should be in effect, so only the L33T h@x0r$ like me who know how to burst fire will own servers.


you should be able to kill just about anyone with one maybe 2 shots to the head from most if not all of the weapons...


all in all Anyone who feels That JKII should be like this raise your hand...


OK good everyone counted? Ok now you people with your hands raised, please take one step forward... Everyone else duck and lay prone on the ground.


*pulls out a rabid chipmunk with a tommy gun* Ok benny go get em!




Anyone else want to make JKII just like every other FPS out there? didn't think so...


*anouncement* this was a paid service broadcast from your local, "JKII is not just another FPS button mashing spray and pray gameTM" sponsor. Remember saber responsibly, and never drink and use the force at the same time....


(P.S. I'm not knocking counterstrike or other games really, just so you know until about 6 months ago I played Counterstrike almost nightly for about 3-4 years, since about beta 5... but this ISN'T like any other game... So get over it!)

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/me stands next to Demangel feeding him more ammo and shouting YEAH KILL THOSE IDIOTS!!!!!!


I play cs as my main game, i run a clan and seniour admin a large server provider so cs still takes up loads of my time but i always make room for JK2 ;)

If I was to give up cs tommorow i would be holding my lightsaber all day instead of my ak :p


HERE HERE goes to Demangel, well said that man.

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Originally posted by Demangel

the game should work like this:


You start the round by choosing your team... Then you can spend money on various weapons... Like say a armored vest...


Then you go fight a round or two... Each time you kill someone you earn money...


each team has some kind of objective, and anytime you complete or partialy complete some objectives you and your team get extra money too... Then after a round or two of this, you can splurge for better weapons like maybe an MP5, or something.


then after about the 3rd round you are sure to be able to afford the uber guns.


when you die though you lose your gun, and have to wait till the round is over again before you respawn.


Instead of lightsabers you get a little dinky combat knife with two moves on it (nobody will spam backstab with it then), and jumping is realistic. you can barely jump more than 3 feet off the ground, and can't move much when you do.


The guns should have better accuracy when your crouching, and bad when your moving around or standing striaght up. Recoil should be in effect, so only the L33T h@x0r$ like me who know how to burst fire will own servers.


you should be able to kill just about anyone with one maybe 2 shots to the head from most if not all of the weapons...


all in all Anyone who feels That JKII should be like this raise your hand...


OK good everyone counted? Ok now you people with your hands raised, please take one step forward... Everyone else duck and lay prone on the ground.


*pulls out a rabid chipmunk with a tommy gun* Ok benny go get em!




Anyone else want to make JKII just like every other FPS out there? didn't think so...


*anouncement* this was a paid service broadcast from your local, "JKII is not just another FPS button mashing spray and pray gameTM" sponsor. Remember saber responsibly, and never drink and use the force at the same time....


(P.S. I'm not knocking counterstrike or other games really, just so you know until about 6 months ago I played Counterstrike almost nightly for about 3-4 years, since about beta 5... but this ISN'T like any other game... So get over it!)


It's an FPS not a damned RPG.

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Originally posted by Endo'Cun

This is to the people at raven

if there is another patch Fix FORCE PUSH... People are overdoing it and its pissing me off, whenever you force push it should take off more force power, ERG, honestly its so stupid, people just psh you off edges to kill you and they push you down like every 5 secounds and it takes a while for you to get up and they give you the beats, god and force throw , people sue that a lot too, they just keep throwing there stupid saber at you, fix some of this **** toi make it funner.


And while they're at it they should make it so that your personal shield automatically repells all incoming fire away from you without hurting your shield of course, so you don't get hurt from blasters when your saber is down. ;):rolleyes:


On a more serious note, when the heck will morons like yourself stop finding things to whine and complain about? Oy, it's just one idiotic thing after another. Have you nothing better to do than whine and complain about something nobody cares about or will agree with you on? Freak morons, get a life and stop nitpicking this great game to death. I hate DFA! I hate Drain! I hate Lightning! I hate Heal! I hate Rockets! I hate Absorb! Why doesn't Raven just take lightsabers and force powers out of the game and make it just another Quake 3 clone. Because without sabers and Force that's all it'd be. Just another FPS that'll get old in a week. Man you people piss me off, just play the game and deal with whatever you don't like. *walks away mumbling to self about how idiotic some people are.*

[end rant]

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where in my post did I say that this WASN'T an FPS, and was an RPG? I NEVER said that, EVER on any POST!


If thats the point that came across to you, I suggest you reread my post ok?


I never said this was an RPG, and not an FPS... But to me, this isn't a "TYPICAL" FPS. if it was then there would be no saber combat as we know it in JKII.


however I get the feeling your one of the people who raised your hand... but benny being rabid does sometimes miss a target or too...


Uridium give me that ammo... benny missed somebody...



Benny: SQUEEK! *foams at the mouth*





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OMFG! Now force push is the problem? I thought that was just about the only thing that people can't start bitching about.

I mean...yeah, "healing-whores" could be considered annoying in the pre-patch JO. Lightning, drain, grip, pull (& backsweep)...sure, but PUSH! COME ON You damn crybaby!


*Walks away with AzzA mumbling to self about how idiotic some people are.*

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push is annoying, yes, I agree whole heartedly. Especiallywhen everytime you try to do something you just get pushed.


I dont' know about getting it "fixed". A higher force cost would make the game more like the movies, I mean, you don't see Darth Vader and Luke force pushing each other everytime the other tries to do a move, same with Obi Wan and Maul (thoughMaul did use a force push, he did it once after manuevering Obi into position for it).


Basically though, anything that is done over and over again gets annoying. I don't think they need to be fixed per se, though you should find a server where people don't spam those moves so much.

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Originally posted by Endo'Cun

This is to the people at raven

if there is another patch Fix FORCE PUSH... People are overdoing it and its pissing me off, whenever you force push it should take off more force power, ERG, honestly its so stupid, people just psh you off edges to kill you and they push you down like every 5 secounds and it takes a while for you to get up and they give you the beats, god and force throw , people sue that a lot too, they just keep throwing there stupid saber at you, fix some of this **** toi make it funner.


Endo.... dude.... you probably ran into me, and that will probably mean you suck dude, go whine somewhere else with your pathetic opinions, go play quake nerd

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Go play Quake? I do play quake you nerd.

Force Push is a piss off when every 5 secounds you get pushed on your ass.


so shut it, and no I probably didn't run into you... And i don't suck, i probably can kick your ass in edi Knight and outside of jedi night you no life nerd.

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[sarcasm]I found this sweet bug in the game to block push, when some dude tries to push you.... stand still. If you have level 3 push/pull you will counter push and pull. You guys keep this a secret because I don't want this to get posted on all those cheat sites along with the auto aim saber bots...


Some dude in a dark alley told me absorb would stop push and pull, after I gave him 5 bucks and a bottle of Thunderbird.


I heard there is this cool wall hack too; the file name is called level3Forceseeing.zip


Anyone found it yet?[/sarcasm]


Seriously though dude, all you have to do is turn on absorb and you are free to run around without the worry of getting pushed or pulled off your feet. Remember if you have push/pull at level 3, you won't get yanked off your feet unless you are in some attack animation or in the air.

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"And i don't suck, i probably can kick your ass in edi Knight and outside of jedi night you no life nerd."


Does anyone else find it funny that this obviously Elite player hasn't ever heard about Force Absorb? :rolleyes:


Dude, you need practise. Don't blame the game.

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