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Star Wars Trivia version 1.1

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Wraith Squadron


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This time the bonus gets devided in 2. 2 of you is getting this bouns because you both told something informative.


Posted by MikeC



They were later transfered to New Republic Intelligence.

A little more info. They first appeared in Books 5-7 of the X-Wing series. They were writen by Aaron Allston. I hear they have returned in the latest New Jedi Order books.


The original Wraiths included:

Wedge Antilles

Wes Janson

Myn Donos

Jesmin Ackbar

Hohass Ekwesh (Runt)

Garik Loran (Face)

Ton Phanan

Falynn Sandskimmer

Voort saBinring (Piggy)

Tyria Sarkin

Kell Tainer

Eurrsk Thri'ag


Posted by Jan Gaarni

Wraith Squadron!


Wraith Squadron was assembled by Wedge Antilles sometime in the second half of year 7 A.B.Y. It was composed of commandos, snipers, spies and infiltrators, making it capable to achieve much more than just dog fighting and blasting the crap out of ships.


[Other info:]


Well my favorite Charachter is Garik Loran. and to the ones who read the book know that my Nick, Wraith 8, is his callsign. I personally like the books very much, a lot of Humor and excitement in it. In the first book Kell was my Favorite, but in Iron Fist and Solo Command i thought Garik was cooler :D

for the view of the books and some info go to:

Wraith Squadron


[/Other info:]


The points go to:

1st. MikeC 6 points

2nd. setsuko 4 points

3rd. Gaalgoth 3 points

4th. Jan Gaarni 2 points

5th. Darth Simpson 1 point


Points so far:

1st. Jan Gaarni 27.5 points

2nd. MikeC 24.5 points

3rd. Darth Evad 16 points

4th. Com Raven 11 points

5th. Setsuko 11 points

6th. Rogue15 5 points

7th. Gaalgoth 5 points

8th. Darth Simpson 3 points


4th. Question:

When Lando Calrissian took over the spice mines of Kessel, who did he call to help him in mines?





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force,

What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing book nr. 5. Wraith Squadron


Rogue Squadron.net

Give in to the insanity. It is unreasonable, but it is your destiny!

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Nien Nunb, a Sullustan and long time friend and partner of Lando Calrissian. He also copiloted the Millenium Falcon when Lando - along with Wedge - blew up the 2nd Death Star.


Yes he spoke Haya, a Kenyan dialect. and here's something found funny:

According to one popular anecdote, one of Nunb's lines translates to "one thousand herds of elephants are standing on my foot."



LOL Would have loved to know exactly when in the movie he supposed to have said that. :D

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He called Nien Nunb. As others have mentioned he's the Sullustian who copiloted the Falcon in RotJ. He wanted his help because Sullustians are very much at home in the dark. That's what was needed to mine the spice on Kessel.

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Nien Nunb


Bonus goes to

well. im a fair guy. im deviding the bonus again but now between 3 people:

Posted by Setsuko

Nien Nunb, who also copiloted the Millenium Falcon when Han Solo blew up the 2nd Death Star.

Oh, and here's my shot at the bonus: Nien is a sollustan, and the language used to portrait his language is actually a Kenyan dialect, called Hayan.

posted by Jan Gaarni

Nien Nunb, a Sullustan and long time friend and partner of Lando Calrissian. He also copiloted the Millenium Falcon when Lando - along with Wedge - blew up the 2nd Death Star.


Yes he spoke Haya, a Kenyan dialect. and here's something found funny:

According to one popular anecdote, one of Nunb's lines translates to "one thousand herds of elephants are standing on my foot."



LOL Would have loved to know exactly when in the movie he supposed to have said that.

Posted by MikeC

He called Nien Nunb. As others have mentioned he's the Sullustian who copiloted the Falcon in RotJ. He wanted his help because Sullustians are very much at home in the dark. That's what was needed to mine the spice on Kessel.

Setsuko get 0.2 points and Jan and Mike gets 0.4.


The points go to:

1st. setsuko 6 points + 0.2 points

2nd. Darth Evad 4 points

3rd. Com Raven 3 points

4th. Jan Gaarni 2 points + 0.4 points

5th. MikeC 1 point + 0.4 points


Points so far:

1st. Jan Gaarni 29.9 points

2nd. MikeC 25.9 points

3rd. Darth Evad 20 points

4th. Com Raven 14 points

5th. Setsuko 17.2 points

6th. Rogue15 5 points

7th. Gaalgoth 5 points

8th. Darth Simpson 3 points


5th Question:

What is the designation of the red astromech droid Uncle Owen purchases before R2-D2?

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I believe it was R5-D4, built by Industrial Automaton.


There have been many rumors about R5-D4 on why his motivator blew. One source state that R2-D2 sabotaged him to ensure he was not bought. Another states that he blew his own motivator so that R2 and 3PO wouldn't be seperated. And another states that R5-D4 was once a great Jedi - named Skippy. :D


The fact is that the R5 line was a cheap knockoff version to the previouse succesfull lines, in addition to his poor state at the time.

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Time to get on the Trivia BandWagon...


Ok, Answer - R5-D4


extra-info: Indeed a cheap knock-off line designed to capitalise on the success of the R2 unit and appeal to more civilians due to their ability to pilot speeders independently, they tended to break down frequently and made consumers lose faith in Industrial Automaton until they released the R7 series...


can I have the bonus point for this being my first answer? Pretty please? Pretty please with Jar Jar's head on top? :p

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Bonus goes to

Bonus goed to Jan Gaarni.

Posted by Jan Gaarni

I believe it was R5-D4, built by Industrial Automaton.


There have been many rumors about R5-D4 on why his motivator blew. One source state that R2-D2 sabotaged him to ensure he was not bought. Another states that he blew his own motivator so that R2 and 3PO wouldn't be seperated. And another states that R5-D4 was once a great Jedi - named Skippy.


The fact is that the R5 line was a cheap nockoff version to the previouse succesfull lines, in addition to his poor state at the time.

points go to:

1st. Jan Gaarni 6 points + 1 point

2nd. RoyalGuard 4 points

3rd. MikeC 3 points

4th. Darth Evad 2 points

5th. Darth Simpson 1 point


Points so far:

1st. Jan Gaarni 36.9 points

2nd. MikeC 28.9 points

3rd. Darth Evad 22 points

4th. Setsuko 17.2 points

5th. Com Raven 14 points

6th. Rogue15 5 points

7th. Gaalgoth 5 points

8th. Darth Simpson 4 points

9th. RoyalGuard 4 points


6th. Question:

What is the name of the creature that pushes the force away? it makes a force free bubble around it. what is the name of that creature?

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The creature is a Ysalamari,


a small creature that looks like a caterpillar/lizard and is native to the planet Wayland. They were first used openly by Grand Admiral Thrawn, and after his death, anyone else who could find Wayland (like Talon Karrde). Scientists theorised that the Ysalamari's uniqyue ability was evolved as a form of defence from predators that hunt using the force as their primary scent (like the vornskyr - a panther-esque creature with a vicious stinging tale - that was later used as a genetic template for Yuuhzan-Vong Shapers to produce their dreaded Jedi-hunting Voxyn).


Thrawn first used the Ysalamari in conjunction with the cloning facilities on Wayland to produce a clone that would not go insane due to 'the pressure of the force' on their growth accelerated conciousness. This would allow him to quickly create a high-quality navy to crew his Katana fleet of dreadnauts. He later used ysalamari to avoid being fried by insane Jedi-clone Joruus C'boath (who was originally intended by Zahn to be an insane clone of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Lucas shut that idea down).


enough background knowledge for bonus?

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Bonus goes to



posted by RoyalGuard

a small creature that looks like a caterpillar/lizard and is native to the planet Wayland. They were first used openly by Grand Admiral Thrawn, and after his death, anyone else who could find Wayland (like Talon Karrde). Scientists theorised that the Ysalamari's uniqyue ability was evolved as a form of defence from predators that hunt using the force as their primary scent (like the vornskyr - a panther-esque creature with a vicious stinging tale - that was later used as a genetic template for Yuuhzan-Vong Shapers to produce their dreaded Jedi-hunting Voxyn).


Thrawn first used the Ysalamari in conjunction with the cloning facilities on Wayland to produce a clone that would not go insane due to 'the pressure of the force' on their growth accelerated conciousness. This would allow him to quickly create a high-quality navy to crew his Katana fleet of dreadnauts. He later used ysalamari to avoid being fried by insane Jedi-clone Joruus C'boath (who was originally intended by Zahn to be an insane clone of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Lucas shut that idea down).

points go to:

1st. RoyalGuard 6 points + 1 point

2nd. setsuko 4 points

3rd. Darth Evad 3 points

4th. Com Raven 2 points

5th. MikeC 1 point


Points so far:

1st. Jan Gaarni 36.9 points

2nd. MikeC 29.9 points

3rd. Darth Evad 25 points

4th. Setsuko 21.2 points

5th. Com Raven 16 points

6th. RoyalGuard 11 points

7th. Rogue15 5 points

8th. Gaalgoth 5 points

9th. Darth Simpson 4 points


7th. Question:

What is the name of the woman Jedi, Luke falls in love with on 'the eye of palpatine'?

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