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What game Would u like to see a Sequel too


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Outlaws and Yoda stories.

Both were great ideas when they came out. Great ideas that

Need to be updated with new engines to become great games.



Outlaws had a great premise you’re a gunslinger in the old west, great idea but it deserves an engine that isn’t two steps below Wolfenstein and gameplay thats more than shoot anything that moves.



With the rebirth of the RPG the Yoda stories (and for that matter Indy’s desktop adventures) engine could be enhanced, with stats, NPCs, better quests, better graphics, and level editors (ohh! like ZZT-OOP!), to become the ultimate endless RPG. ... Oh I’m all tingly just thinking about it.

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actually.. a sequel to sam n max is being made.. unfortunatly lucas arts isnt involved at all.. a company named infinite machine is working on some kind of action game for next gen consoles.. (ps2, gamecube and xbox)


// A_Lee_N

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First of all, next generation consoles aren't out yet, as computer hardware has surpassed the capabilities of the consoles, no longer making them "next."


Ok, here is my list, Lucas Arts or not, in development or not, and only of games I have played, as otherwise it would be... pointless.


The only non-adventure game I will mention is here in saying, that as far as I know, or care... Valve is esentially 'paused' and any new game coming from them, will come out AFTER Duke Forever... which anyone who knows me, will know that it is my oppinion that Duke Forever's development time, is FOREVER. It will be passed down to children of developers, and form a type of cult, and they will never finish. It has become my oppinion that Valve may be incapable of creating a ... better game now. And seriously, Half-Life was cool... but there are better games, and mods for a game, don't make the game a better game, so don't even be mentioning anything like that. :)


OK! Seriously, here is the list in no particular order:


SpaceQuest 7 (Which is being made, http://www.sq7.org )

Sam & Max Do Something Again

Gabriel Knight 4

Full Throttle 2: The Minivans Strike Back

* Monkey Island: This Time We Have Continuity!

Loom: Expanded Remake or Sequel

The Longest Journey: This One Has A GOOD Ending



Uh... and that is all I can think of at the moment. I might add more later.

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