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I know that most of the people on this board are in the teenage range, but I was wondering if there was anybody here that was around when they made Ep6. I know that many SW fans probably felt betrayed when the cute little Ewoks showed up and changed the tone of the Trilogy a bit. I would like some comments on that, and on other things that made the SW oldbies feel betrayed.

Also, strangely, I've only been into SW for about 1 1/2 years now. I think that the biggest betrayel that Lucas ever committed was Jar-Jar. If y'all want to comment on that, feel free to.

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No. SW was always intended for children, says George Lucas, and he isn't going to change that.


The problem is, most of us by now are teenagers or adults and will exept more adult kind of entertainement. Well guys I'm sorry but SW isn't gonna change with how old most fans are.



What's wrong with the Ewoks and Jar-Jar?

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There is nothing wrong with Ewoks, they are fuzzy bears that kill stormtroopers. But Jar-Jar? Don't blam himsa, ets noot himsa fult he can't speck and the rest of rase can't spek nither :D :D :D

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I remember going to see Return of the Jedi in the movies when I was about 4 or 5 years old, i loved the ewoks. I still like the ewoks, they are cute and fuzzy and all that but they are not annoying. some of my favorite parts of RotJ are when Wicket hits himself in the face with a sling and when R2-D2 shocks another ewok in the ass, very funny.

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Originally posted by krkode

but i still dont realize how little ewok slingshots could kill a stormtrooper through all his armor:confused:


Who says they killed 'em?

Maybe they killed a few because of Poisinous spears placed inbetween armor...but the rocks probably just knocked them out...probably.


Personally, Jar-Jar is okay. He isn't great, but he's better than some. Plus Eps I HAD to be a kid movie. He couldn't changed that. When you have a 10 year old kid as the main character of your movie...it's going to be a bit kiddy no matter what. I just hope Eps II turns out to be great. It really sounds like it so far.

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Originally posted by darthfergie


Who says they killed 'em?

Maybe they killed a few because of Poisinous spears placed inbetween armor...but the rocks probably just knocked them out...probably.


Personally, Jar-Jar is okay. He isn't great, but he's better than some. Plus Eps I HAD to be a kid movie. He couldn't changed that. When you have a 10 year old kid as the main character of your movie...it's going to be a bit kiddy no matter what. I just hope Eps II turns out to be great. It really sounds like it so far.


Good point on the 10 year old kid thsat was in there. Never thought about before...

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SW is a teenager's movie. Thats one reason why SW was so innovative. Before SW, almost all movies were aimed at adults, after it they started to make more serious kids/teens movies.



Jar-Jar is fine, not good, but not that bad either. There's nothing wrong with Ewoks.


The thing is that with SW movies, you hve to let them grow on you. If you look at it, the orignal trilogy and the Episode I and II are very similar in the way they are done, minus the special effects. The SSW trilogy has those little remarks that are supposed to be funny too, its just that Episode I and II are more modern in doing it. Also, i've heard that C-3PO was considered very annoying when they first came out, but now he has grown on everyone with time. The same thing will happen with the new trilogy as well. Lets face it, the orignal trilogy had some bad acting and some corny remarks, its just that they are so old and classic that no one dares criticizes them. I imagine that in while we will all look on the new trilogy in the same way, or at leasts others that come after us will.

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OK so my questions is why does everyone think stawars is amied at kids or teenagers????



Star Wars to me seems more like a full family movie then a kids movie... I know a lot of kids that would reather see cartoons then star wars, and a lot of teenagers that would reather see the R rated movies then starwars...


Star wars fits in the full family movie (i think) much better then any where else, it has parts that entartin everyone. Just because it is rated PG doesn't mean it is a kids movie... What would you consider Star Trek??? Thouse movies have all been rated PG and i don't think may people would think of them as kids movies.



Well any way my 2 cents, sorry if i started ranting....

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

OK so my questions is why does everyone think stawars is amied at kids or teenagers????



Star Wars to me seems more like a full family movie then a kids movie... I know a lot of kids that would reather see cartoons then star wars, and a lot of teenagers that would reather see the R rated movies then starwars...


Star wars fits in the full family movie (i think) much better then any where else, it has parts that entartin everyone. Just because it is rated PG doesn't mean it is a kids movie... What would you consider Star Trek??? Thouse movies have all been rated PG and i don't think may people would think of them as kids movies.


Your right, Star Wars is fun for the whole family, but that doesn't mean that it was intended be for the whole family. George has said himself that he made the originals for teenagers, but that in no way means that Adults can't, shouldn't, or won't thoroughly enjoy it. Its just that more teenagers do/did.

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Well, we don't have any adults that saw the Trilogy when it came out, apparently, so my question won't be answered.


Anyways, the reason I love SW is because of the storyline, and little else. I'm not sucked in by such petty tricks as special effects and Jar-Jar. Maybe some depraved sould like SW just cuz of Princess Leia in Jabba's Palace, but for me, its cuz SW has one of the best storylines ever. Anyway, when I see Ep2, I'm gonna post another thread kind of like this one. I think Ep2 may be changing SW for good, but I have to see Ep2 before I'm qualified to talk about what I want to talk about.

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Ok. I was 17 when RotJ came out. I didn't really mind the ewoks all that much. It was interesting how a group that the Empire felt was beneath them (and therefore took no efforts to enslave them) was able to defeat their ground forces.


Jar-Jar was much more annoying by himself then a whole tribe of ewoks could ever hope to be.


The only thing that really annoys me in the original trilogy are the Yoda scenes in ESB. They completely ruin that movie, IMO.



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I actually liked the Yoda scenes. Yoda was funny, if a bit too silly, in the first of them. But the silliness was actually just a mind game Yoda was playing with Luke. Yoda was famous for loving mind games and riddles. He became serious after a bit. I also liked the quiet scenes in ESB. More movies should have those quiet scenes, where the story is really developed. The Trilogy had a lot of good ones, and that's one of the reasons the storyline was so compelling.

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