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Top reasons why "Saber off = peace" is getting really annoying...

Homosexual Ewok

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Duels are a formalised form of combat. In order to show your opponent some respect, you bow before. I find it quite neat. It emphasizes the whole "Lucas-got-inspired-from-the-Samurai"-Thing.


People have different opinions about bowing. If you don't like it, don't do it.


Hitting someone who is trying to show you some respect however is rude. (No offense, you obviously didn't know what the guy was doing)


I mean, what is the point of bowing? you've already signalled tha you're ready to fight by accepting the duel in the first place!
It is the same with boxing. They touch with the hands before they box. One could also argue that they already signaled that they are ready for combat by stepping into the ring.
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I just loved the guy who, when challenged to a duel, ran right up to me and accepted, then when the duel began, spun around and executed a backstab maneuver.


Needless to say he didn't last long.

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i like the people who om...duel on duel servers


also, im for the asc thing, if you wanna bow, ill grant you that...if youre dumb enough to do it with the saber off, youre gonna get hit; you want honor? Take fencing or some martial art where they have rules, dont look for it in video games where the point is to run around and kill people.


It seems that "all's fair in love and war" seems to be flying over the heads of too many people. You dont "ban" chemical weapons, you kill the people you dont want to have em. You don't bitch when someone takes the advantages given in game, you learn to kick some ass so that THEY are the ones that whine. If they cheat....then complain, if they just kickflip you to death....back up and throw your saber at em until they get the idea ok. If someone is gonna be 'cheap' to win, be cheaper and win better.

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A free-for-all match should be free from all rules. If someone is low on health, then they can't just turn their saber off and be protected, its just dumb.


Its a deathmatch, you have to use your skills to stay alive. This doesn't include becoming a pussy everytime your health is low. Run for health by all means, but still be ready for attacks.


As for typing messages, its always been my princaple to find someone out of the way, and then type VERY fast. And when you change your force configuration the best time to do it is when you've just died, and haven't respawned yet.


By the way, how do you bow? Is it just by pressing the saber challenge button?

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You missed my favourite whines:

The twats in a weapons FFA who whine about people using weapons.

F@@@ off to a no weapons server then.



Or the ones who go into a duel server with Forces enabled and whine about you using forces.


F@@@ off to a No Forces server then.

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Personally I feel that the entire "Jedi Warrior" ethics code is worthless. Star Wars is an awesome story line and Jedi Knight II is an equally awesome game, but I have no interest in pretending that Im a "higher than thou" Jedi Knight, thats ridiculous. I always run with the Light Saber OFF EXCEPT when Im actually using it, I do this for a few reasons.


1) Sight, it makes the Shadow Trooper skin near impossible to see on most maps when the saber is turned OFF. (If someone considers this cheating I have one thing to say "wussy")


2) Sound, its nice to know that youre going to soon round a corner and find someone standing there with their saber ON because you had yours OFF and could them coming.


3) In TRUE FFA maps (guns, force, everything enabled) I tend to switch weapons alot depending on what Im running into and for some reason (yes, this is just my opinion) having the saber off makes the transitions between weapons smoother. If I see a huge group of people trying to slice and dice eachother I stand a ways back and open up with the appropriate weapon for the terrain. IE: Theres 4 people sabering in a tight corridor, Ive got a blaster and a tenloss, pull the blaster and empty the clip on Secondary Fire. When this is going down I couldnt care less which one of the guys Im cutting down has their saber off, all they are are targets at that point. Its FFA, thats how its supposed to be.


Also, last I checked when players engage in an actual duel in FFA all others players cannot affect them in anyway. Ok, thats fine, thats a RULE that is in the game. I dont however feel this applies to the 4 guys standing in line waiting like jackasses to fight, its a FFA server, if I see a bunch of morons milling around doing nothing in the middle of a battle, guess what, Im not going to hesitate to take them down with whatever Im holding. True enough, if someone is in a dark corner with the chat icon or is just sitting, I dont bother killing them, its a waste of time and if it was me Id be mad, but expecting FFA players not to kill me because Im "waiting for my turn to fight with honor" is stupid, thats why they made the Duel mode in the first place.

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I agree. If some asks me to wait in a duel I wait. if someone is standing there in a ffa game with the chat icon above them I leave them alone. but if someone is running around in a ffa game with there saber off being an ass I take them out. in ffa if you're in my way you're dead. fair enough.:biggs::ewok::fett::jawa:deathii::bdroid1::c3po:

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Actually, if someone is running around being an ass with their saber down on my server *I* take them out.


First I pull/kick/backslash them.


Then I tell them why.


Then I kick them.


Works pretty good and lets me vent some frustration. ;)

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Originally posted by Aerys

Actually, if someone is running around being an ass with their saber down on my server *I* take them out.


First I pull/kick/backslash them.


Then I tell them why.


Then I kick them.


Works pretty good and lets me vent some frustration. ;)


So would you boot knyte or not? He's only following the manual's suggestion...

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Wow heavy duty discussion going on here huh???


Bowing before duel is cool.


Attack someone bowing is rude thing to do.


In duel server and FFA duel, if someone put down their sabre, I won't attack them since they are likely to typing something (Still on 1.02) but if I hear heal sound (In 1.02 duel server) I'll kill that fool.


I usualy have my sabre down while moving from point where I spawn to Duel point (Like in Bespin pad) And I do not wish to lose my health and shield while going to duel point.


and if it's on mass fight and some dude put down his/hers sabres, he's/she's will get killed by me. It's their fault putting down sabre in mass fight.

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I usualy have my sabre down while moving from point where I spawn to Duel point (Like in Bespin pad) And I do not wish to lose my health and shield while going to duel point.


i agree, on a FFA server if somebody is running to the duel point i'll leave em alone, probably even follow them;)


but if they run for health after i'm fighting them i'll pull em back to me and kick their ass



that's part of the reason i started playing duel servers.....they can't run from me to get health:P

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

but if they run for health after i'm fighting them i'll pull em back to me and kick their ass


Yes, if I was fighting agaist someone, and let's say d00d just puts away his sabre (So I won't attack him or w/e) , just to pick up health. The I'll do n00b cannon on that SOB.

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  • 4 months later...

I wont say that I have never killed a "saber-off" player, but I do make a reasonable effort. I will say it makes you a better player(person) overall not doing it.

I have spent alot of time lately in "spectator mode" then right clicking to "follow mode" to study the styles of some of the better players. And most of the no-mod non-scripting high scores just dont do it.


Here is a fun 1, I played a game recently where the only 3 players I attacked were the 3 that attacked "typers" and "saber-offs".

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I couldn't agree more with our Ewok friend here. His post was 100% dead on.



This isn't a role-playing IRC chat we're talking here, but an action game, and this stuff happens a lot, so we might as well accept it instead of whining (in-game).


And to add one tidbit for the RPG minded reading this thread: ask yourself.. in the SW films, did we ever see Jedi bow to each other to show respect before a saber duel?



I think if you'll watch the movies again carefully, you'll note that the Jedi/Sith in the movies would be kicked from games that follow these so-called "honor codes" some holier-than-thou players have invented. Whatever it is, it's certainly not SW canon they're following here! ; )

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  • 2 weeks later...

No offence to anyone, but unless you are all talking about 1 set of servers, then a thread like this is pretty pointless.


You'll find that their are a vast amount of different people playing this game, all who go to it looking for something different.


Some want to play a 'normal FFA' style game where points matter etc. (as most probably do) Others are in the game for a more slow paced 'see who has best skill' style play. Others play for the community and to 'meet people'.


I think Aerys follows most closely how I personally like to play, which is the more slow paced duels in a FFA to see skill with saber etc. Playing with honour etc (and I'm not saying thats the right way to play, I'm just sayignt hats how I play). btw if any of you like that kinda play, you'll probably love wireplay servers.


So like I said, there is no way to look passed the screen and see what type of player is player, so we all need to be tolerent about other peoples playing preferences.

If you really are very sure about how you want to play, and get annoyed at others not playing like you, then my advise is to find a gamming community (or at least a server) that supports your same game style. That way all will play like you, and those who don't, will be asked to, or delt with by admins for not.

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my set of rules are if they are in the game (FFA) then you can frag em!! it's not a internet chat room nor a meeting place FFA is FREE FOR ALL and you can do as you please. if someone has the saber up or down i'm coming for them! if i need to chat i type VERY quick and keep it short that way you stay alive!!


thats just my view and i'm talking about FFA not duel or other types



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I tend to adopt whatever norm ther server is using. If on Hermes Place there is a very strict honor code in place, since it's a semi-private server (meaning they want new faces, but only if you are honorable). I like to kick back, relax, play against some really *good* players, and have some good chats while waiting my turn. If you don't act right... Jah, Lexx or whomever is admin at the time will warn you and give you explaination of what they're about. If you ignore it, you're outta there.


However, on other servers, which I enjoy for different reasons, you can get down and dirty... that seems to be the norm. I like to play on FES Public servers since I can get a very low ping and they have a low force setting. They also seem to be 1.03, though I don't know how I can play since I am definately running 1.04). The backstab, lunge, DFA, etc. all get spammed, but you know it's comming. You learn to counter it and still have fun. In fact, nearly EVERY time I'm on that server (which is frequently) we have fun! The admins do warn against killing with saber off and players do occasionally, though infrequently, attempt to kick a player that's being a jerk, but that's the reason voting is allowed.


Bottom line is, I don't get upset and whine if the norm of the server is to kill while saber is off or certain moves/forces are "whored." I simply learn to adapt. The only time I've ever really got frustrated is when a player on FES last week would only kick and never duel/spar/etc. The kick -> backstab thing started getting old. I changed tactics... started using Mind Trick -> backstab/lung or Mind Trick -> DFA... that started to loosen him up a little.


On a Full Force/Weapons server, though... how can you NOT kill when saber is down? Just because they're standing there, saber off doesn't mean they won't grip/drain/lightning you. Again if the norm is this, I stick a shaft of light where it's normally dark. ;)


I've also been on several FFA servers where people sit around and watch each other take turns dueling (FES and others), so it's really bad manners to start sabering, kicking, griping and silly crap like that. That's the only time I really get annoyed. On FES it's easy... pretend not to be paying attention, when the annoying individual tries to 'sneak you from the rear,' pull a quick backstab.


I usually backstab any player that does that little gay, bouncing thing around my crotch or butt, too. Then I type: "Homie don't play that." Usually gets a "LOL" or two from the other players.

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