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Best character in Episode II?


Who is the best character in Episode II?  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the best character in Episode II?

    • Anakin Skywalker
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi
    • Jango Fett
    • Count Dooku
    • Padme Amidala
    • Yoda
    • Mace Windu

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With most people the obvious choice would be Anakin, but personally I feel that Obi-Wan played the best part. I think he just really grew as a character, and his attempts and failings at giving advice to his Padawan was at times hilarious.


It shows the next stages of this master jedi's life, and how he slowly loses control of Anakin. I can't wait for them both to come face to face in Episode III. Obi-Wan will show him he really is the master!

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I think the Death Sticks drug dealer was probably the best character, I really did belive that he was off home to rethink his life :)



but really my vote is for jango.


I wanted to see more of jango, and I really didn't expect him to die in this movie, if boba hasn't grown up and become an utter bad ass with serious movie time in the next film I may not even bother going to watch it, sure yoda's an ass kicker but so what, there are not many bad guys at all and they keep getting killed, maul died, now jango, lucas had three films to play with, I think he could have allowed them to survive more than just one movie each.


I had a frenzy on me to watch the original trillogy when they where re-released and I loved seeing them on the big screen :) but Phantom killed that lust, ATOC was better but it hasn't helped repair the damage as I had hoped it would, i'm now indiferent, if the next movie is made or not I wouldn't miss it, special effects dont make a film, they never have.

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It's Yoda, you buttheads! Jango was in the movie for what, fifteen minutes total? He didn't even do much of anything at all. Some bounty hunter he is. Gets knocked off by Mace Windu in a few seconds flat.


Mace Windu's thoughts: "YO MUTHA****A, I told you to SIT DOWN!!!!"


Mace Windu's actual words: "This party's over."

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My vote goes to Obi-Wan.


Mace Windu was cool, but that's because Jackson IS cool, he's Mr. Cool himself.


Hmmmm.... I never did lose the feeling of seeing Jackson with a purple lightsaber, when I *should* have seen Mace Windu with a purple lightsaber.... Samuel L. Jackson always seemed like a cameo to me in a way...


Don't get me wrong, I think Jackson is a great actor, but Bruce willis *is* john mcclane, Pierce brosnan *is* james bond and so on... Jackson just *is*... well, the cool motherf***** in all of his films....

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jango was my fav, though it's a shame he got his ass wiped that easily and appeared very little in the movie.

IIRC he appeared only three times:

  1. the assassination on padme
  2. kamino where he fought with obi
  3. genosis (sp?) where he was killed cheaply by mace


but what i though about was: he killed a jedi with just two shots from his cheap blaster, but didn't even manage to do a scratch to mace. i know, mace is a jedi master and all, but considering how (obviously) strong jango is, it was a cheap kill nevertheless


maybe this was made because samuel wanted to kill him with no problems to show how strong he is... well, just like somebody already said, his acting skills have made him arrogant :)

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Mace Windu's thoughts: "YO MUTHA****A, I told you to SIT DOWN!!!!"


Mace Windu's actual words: "This party's over."





ROFL... omg ahahaa yeah id have to go with mace definitly.



all i wanted to hear at that point was




" and i will strike down upon thee with great vengance and furious anger"


" i always thought that was a bad ass thing to say before i saberd someones head off"





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I think no ONE character played spectacularly over another.


Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan) and Christopher Lee (Dooku) I thought did especially well, but I also thought Natalie Portman (Padme) and Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine) showed progression in their characters over Ep1 and Ep1, Ep6 respectively.


As far as coolness?


I really DID enjoy Yoda's fight scene. Others I know hated it ("he walks with a cane, but then he can flip around like that?! Nuh-uh!" or, "It was just stupid,", or "It was funny as ****, but unbelievable.")


Before this point, Yoda was "respected", but really only as a figurehead of the Jedi Order; he had shown "authority", but not really "power". I thought it was HIGH time everyone knew just how powerful he was (he ABSORBS force LIGHTNING?!?!?!! Wow!!!) His "wigging out" with the saber - I thought - was a good testament to how the Force can overcome the "impossible", ("Do, or do not. There is no try.")and how powerful one CAN be when attuned to the force.


I enjoyed Dooku's character too; he's more complex than we really get to see in the film. I hope his history is brought more into the open in EP3.


Yeah, Jango was cool, but I really wish they would have kept the "Fett's" totally OUT of the prequels. OK, maybe just some "Mandalorians" would have been ok, but the SW universe is just too vast; I thought it just too coincidental for Boba's DAD(?!!?) to play a role in the prime elements of the story. I wish that had been handled differently. (and I wish Lucas had avoided neutering the Expanded Universe storyline - i.e. "Jaster Mereel" - on this point. :( I thought that was arrogant, or stupid... one of the two.

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Dex. Dex is te best. Hands down. Four hands down. Name ONE character in all of creation that hugs Obi Wan Kenobi AND pulls up his pants?


He owns a space-diner!


He has a moustache!


He knows more than any droid does!


He's Dex! That means stong or something in latin. Dex-terity!


Dexter Jettster! He needs an action figure today!

Best character.



And the deathsticks guy.

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Tough to choose one...I enjoyed all the performances, Yoda was great (Finally we get to see why Yoda is the Master Jedi) , i also liked Padme (who doesn't, she's so hot.), Anakin was also very good (especially the scene when he's telling Padme what he did to the Tuken Raiders), Obi Wan was very good too (without even a second thought he jumps through the window after the droid...Very cool part), Mace takin jango's head off was also sweet...I can go on and on but i won't.

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Ep2 character, you overly obsessed dork. The dude is dead, let go, it's over.


I think Anakin. Hayden did a terrific job of balancing when he will show his "dark side" face and when to show the "light side" face. The lines "They're dead, and not just the men, but the women, and the children too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM", was his best line, as well as "Well, as long as it works". The eyes say it all. Not to mention the love scenes. Although they were poorly written, he did the best he could do with them. Very good performance, given the pressiure and well the prospect of the job he was under.

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Eh, I say it does. His character was in it. That qualifies. Obviously not what he meant when asking about favorite Episode II characters, but I did like him better than the other Ep 2 characters. Hence, my silly remark. Sheesh.





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