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Padme model in progress

Anavel Gato

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Originally posted by Tikini

Models/Skins are both lookin great.


On the subject of the movie, am I the only one who thinks Episode 3 should be... R, just to give them a little freedom with... certain issues.


First of all, that would alienate a good portion of their audience and wouldn't fit in with the unprovocative nature of the entire series.


Second of all, I don't even want to know what issues you're talking about.


Thrid of all, ew.

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Hmmm... I dunno know if an R rating is ever needed for a SW movie. But I do hope they/he will make the next movie a bit "darker" than ep2. And if that needed a different rating so be it. Ofcourse this was kind of a love story but the next one must be grimmer because pretty much all Jedi get killed, a big war takes place and Anakin goes over the edge.

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Anyways...here a little update of the whole model. Not completely skinned ofcourse but with a little bit of progress on the arms and hands. I've scaled the head a bit as you wished ;) but still need to do some more. In the end I'll load a good pic of her as my viewport background and scale all her bodyparts to their right proportions.

Right now her arms and hands seem out of proportion. Both in thickness and length.



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That is sweet. In case you're interested, you're doing it exactly the way I'd want it. Ripped, with the scratches. I don't know why people are complaining about the scratches. It's easy to take out because you did all the rest of her back. They can do it themselves. Personally, I'm more interested in the model, since I don't have Max. I know you're not done with the head, but she did look kind of amusing with that big head. Not many models catch my interest that much... I'm actually looking forward to this one.

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the skin and model so far look fantastic. you've done a great job shading your model, and i think the torso and waist look perfect. i like how you can see a little of her ribs. here's another great headshot of her:




i know there's been tons of pictures posted already, but im sure there can never be enough. i'm glad you're still making changes and trying to make this one of the best models ever.

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Thanks for the feedback and the pic peeps!

You're all right about the head and neck but I had been scaling them before when I was in the skinning process that now the size doesn't match the rest of her fine body anymore :)

I'll make the neck a bit wider and her head less long. Someday I'll get the proportions of all her body parts right.

I changed the hands already so that they match the skeleton (with the fingers all bend) and they are slightly bigger.

Now there's still something odd about her arms. It's not so much the length and thickiness of them because that's fine and in proportion. I think the elbow joint might need to move a tiny bit to her shoulder.

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i cant wait

can u give us a up2date release date

i would kill 4 the model!!!

i love portman!

i love portman!

i love portman!

i love portman!

i love portman!

i love portman!

i love portman!

i love portman!

i wont sleep till i have that model!



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Originally posted by ALIEN_JL


What ya see ?

Thanx ALIEN_JL!!!!!!


Steg ... about an up2date release date .... I have no clue to be honest. I'll be gone the whole next weekend so won't get anything done and I still need to finish the skinmap on both arms, make the one for the lower body, scale the bodyparts to their right proportions, allign the bones and tags a bit, weigh the vertices, export & compile the model and package it. That is if all goes well the first time around. Since this is my first JK2 model it will be some "trail & error" with the vertex weighting :)

And I assume you all want custom sounds :p so I need to collect those too. Probably rip them from the trailers and the crappy divx cam version of the movie that I have.


But good news (for me at least :) ) is that my wacom tablet will be delivered tomorrow morning so that will hopefully speed up my skin drawing process. I am convinced already that it will make drawing faster, better and more enjoyable compared to doing this with a freaking mouse. That thing just wasn't designed for drawing.


I'll just try to keep posting updates on the progress about twice a week.

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Eep. Some of the people on this thread are starting to get a little creepy... among other words I won't use...


And how is the sound on that illegal version? I know that the picture's pretty fuzzy. NOTE: I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL!


Just as soon as you fix the huge head and the tiny arms, the model will look good.

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Originally posted by Epimetheus

And how is the sound on that illegal version? I know that the picture's pretty fuzzy. NOTE: I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL!


The sound isn't that bad compared to the image quality. But it's not as crispy as the quicktime trailers ofcourse. I'll try to grab as much as I can from those and the ep1 dvd. I have no clue how many sounds a JK2 player uses but I probably only need a couple of attack yells, hit squeels and some smart ass remarks.

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Very nice model! Very nice indeed! I like the battle damage you have put on her that is great! but I do have a few suggestions...

(tell me you didn't see that coming?)


1) since you decided to do the skin with the ripped shirt you need to show that she has been rolling around in the dirt. Right now with the skin the way it is she is too clean and white.


2) there is something odd about her head, I can't quite put my finger on it but it could be the chin. It looks like the under part of the chin hangs down alittle to far? giving her a more masculine jaw line?


thats all I have... minor and picky I know, but if that is all I have to say about it then your doing a GREAT JOB! The more inane and silly peoples beefs are the closer to being finished you will be. (<--in a yoda voice)



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