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The End of Kyle Katarn


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This is my first post but I just wanted to start off by saying that I am Star Wars fan. It appears that there are two types of people that post things on these forums: Star Wars fans and Gamers. Well, I am a Star Wars Fan. Anyway, is anyone else getting sick of Kyle Katarn? I liked the guy when he was just a mercenary, but when he started to become a Jedi, it just seems... well... trite. I think it may be time for Kyle to go away and LucasArts to focus on creating a new FPS character. Or, better yet, there are some great books that would make great SW games. What do you guys think?

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Don't mean to get off topic but is Michael Stackpole going to write anymore books? I got to Dark Tide 2 and i can't find 3 anywhere...


Anyway I think Kyle Katarn is one of those old men...He should just "disapear"

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Mmmmm Yuuzhan Vong Mod *goes off into dreamy state*


Nope, there is no Dark Tide 3, though Stackpole has a bunch of other books out there that are non SW, you might want to read them, if you really like them.


Don't be so mean to poor Kyle, he finally got Jan after two games, give him a break.


I like the idea of him being a master in the next game. You start off training under him, running a merc mission or two, and learning a little about the Force, then the latest Sith bad guy comes along and Kills Kyle--so you have to learn to use the Force fully, and kill the Sith, all the while walking the edge between light and Dark thanks to the grief and rage caused by the loss of your mentor. Mmmmm...that would be good. Or a Yuuzhan Vong Expansion Pack, or Mod...:D

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Originally posted by Vestril

Mmmmm Yuuzhan Vong Mod *goes off into dreamy state*


How cool would that be? They can have amphistaffs and thud bugs and everything....!


I saw the Nom Amor skin, but it wasn't really what I expected he'd look like.

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I agree. Kyle works well as a mercenary, but I'm seriously bored of him as a Jedi. He looks more like a shmuck than an honored knight.


If by any change my thoughts go to some fellow at Lucasarts, give me a game with a real Jedi. If you're going to do an expansion, don't bother with the Force development of the character. Just give me the power from the start, and put me in Jedi robes. A game based in the old old republic (pre episode 1) would be really cool. Peace keeping missions, etc. You'd have alot of freedom within the universe, and you could make the character be younger than 80 years old. :)

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well for those of you that are sick of kyle katarn, Bloodriot and I are creating a single player storyline with our latest character, Tyrion Kane. The storyline will chronicle Tyrion's fall to the dark side at the hands of a Sith Master, immediatly following the death of Exar Kun and the annihilation of the Sith army. You'll get to play as a Sith for once. ;)




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Kyle's okay, but there's only so much of him I can stand. There's an interesting sidebar to the 'son-of-Kyle' idea...would Kyle's offspring have force powers, or would they have to go to the Valley as well?


Yes to a new character for JK3, yes to starting with sithness. We keep hearing about jedi turning to the dark side. How about a sith finding the light, for a change? I want to know what Tavion gets up to after Kyle lets her live...

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Geez, a guy gets into his 30's, gets a little gray hair, and all of the sudden he's 'too old.' Kid's these days...no respect for your elders...:p


I guess it's not that important to me who I play as. I think that there are only so many different ways that they can put Kyle through his paces and still be original, which is why I agreee that the torch should be passed.


As a Star Wars fan, you should know that Kyle Katarn is from the Expanded Universe, he did "Exist".. but not in the films, he was a jedi and mercenary I guess.


Nope, Kyle made his debut in Dark Forces. They made him up--just for that.

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Kyle did not have to go to the valley to get the force he already had it. He just went because it had been so long since he had used the force... i dont know mabey like a refresher course:D .


As for a new character yeh i think that it is time to put Kyle to rest. I like the idea of playing as a sith (again for JK players:) ) Mabey somthing that took place very early in the republic so you could take part of the huge jedi v. sith war or something.

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