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Obi Wan ep 1 and 2 model


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hey beastie, i actually like when people post in here even if it is some spam, makes me realize that people are looking forward to this and reminds me that i need to keep working on it. Ofcourse if they write "bump" all the time it gets annoying, but a little bit is not bad.


gonk raider, im not releasing to the community after im done with the defauklt skins, then im gonna ask some skinners to do some of their own for variations.


Oh im not gonna do mace for now, ive decided to skin the models i have for now and then do the other jedis when i have time, right now i have none though work has my hands tied up, i still havent started on the skin because of this, but im gonna get mark li to work on the quigon one, so that you guys can have some updates... well that's all for today. cya,.

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I really would like if you actually released the models as a pack or somthing..


be a bit easier to find n all. plus i wouldnt mind if ya realsed just the movie skins becasue i wouldnt want 8 versions of qui gon and obi wan on my selection screen...i just think it ruins it ya know



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i just wanted to add that your doing a great job and you just keep going at it. Whatever you decide is right that is your desision and no one else can change it. Don't do what the public wants of you do what you want to do.


Whatever you descide is best then that is what you shoould do.



just putting my two cents in

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Originally posted by TEX360

i actually like when people post in here even if it is some spam, makes me realize that people are looking forward to this and reminds me that i need to keep working on it.


I'm really looking forward to it 4 deffo. Especially the obi wan episode 1. Any chance of them having jedi robes as well?

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i had already asked arco to do one skin, also kman, mark li and cheshire, i hope they're still up to it, i also have to skinmesh them. I just have to get myself to do it. and thanks for your comments btw.

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Yeah, I'm up for it. I'm not sure which one you would want me to do. Doesn't matter too much. Whichever one you feel I'd do best at. :cool:

But I'm sure you know how busy I am with that samurai model of yours.


BTW, can you e-mail that file PK was trying to get me (my sam.rar). I've been having massive problems trying to get it. I don't want to d/l get right or one of those gay d/l resumers. If you can, go ahead and zip it up. Maybe that is the problem.


[edit] Actually, I do know which ones I want to do. I want to do the default skins for any and/or all of them.[edit]

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Hey, I was wondering how hard it would be to create standalone NPCs for new models so that they don't have to replace the current models in the SP game? If there was a way to duplicate all the code for Luke, the Jedi Trainer, and the Jedi, and then apply those configurations to the new models to make NPCs, that would be awesome.


It would finally be possible to set up Episode I and II skirmishes on an empty map in SP using NPC models of Episode I and II characters, without replacing major characters that make the game look right. That's just in case we ever want to go back and play the game again from the beginning, you know?


The Obi Wan models look fantastic, by the way. Keep up the awesome work.

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WHat about taunts? Anyone considering doing them for these models?


For ep 2 obi wan, my suggestin would be "you will learn your place young one"


Not sure of ep 1 and qui gonn.


Also will they be able to be used in single player?

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I tried creating new npc's of models(the tyrion model to be exact) that I have downloaded as a test and it works, sort of. The lightsaber is in a fixed position in the middle of the model, and the npc cant swing it (although it tries!!!).

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I can not wait until all of these models are finished. Once these models along with the new Padme, Anakin, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Count Dooku, Mace Windu and Yoda models are done, the Episode 1/2 series will be complete. Can't wait!


Is someone going to make Ki-Adi-Mundi? Would that be awesome or what! Someone could make the Geonosian arena. Make some Geonosians, and boom you have the Jedi battle from AOTC!!

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