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I need a favor, mods!


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well, the guy that does internet blocking for my school will be snooping around, and may block it if he sees anything offensive! so, mind getting rid of that portman thread and that stormtrooper woman and clean it up? I'll let you know tomorrow how it qwnr.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Phew! For a second there i thought you were going to ask them to ban me for proving you wrong on that Mario Sunshine thing. ;) J/K


I agree.


nooo!!! i missed it!!! what happened? was there a use of the word 'gay' involved?

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

Rogue Nine, that is the most insensitive thing I ever heard! You are such an insensitive fool!



Alright, that'll do, donkey.


*has just finished watching Shrek*

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First i just wanted to say for anyone that may not know (and how could you not) that Rouge Nine really does live to be a pain, just go vist the xwa threads ;)



Now about cleaning up...


May i ask what is wrong with the pictures that are posted???


Granted they are not something i may go looking for, or something i may want to see all the time, but since they are blocked out, how could they be any worst then if she was wearing a bikinni?

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Originally posted by Natopo

Don't blame me! Blame that hacker!


You do realize there's a little button that says "Edit" ,and if you go to the Beach Incident Thread, hit the "Edit" button below the first post, then check the delete box and hit the delete button the thread will be deleted!


Amazing, no?


Well anyway I don't see what's so bad about the Portman Pictures just as long as there's no nudity shown.

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Nice Delphi impression Nat :D


Heavyarms: 2 suggestions


1. When you're at school you should, you know, NOT go to the Portman threads


2. Unless you and I have the same computer teacher (which we don't) you PROBABLY shouldn't be going to the forums at school anyway, might get caught and in trouble

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As long as threads don't go against the basic forum-rules, we won't delete them simply to 'fool' some teacher of a certain forummer snooping around.


You might want to start a few new threads (relevant, that is), that push the Portman-threads back to a second page.

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