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Post your name stories here

Djinn Altis{S}

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I'm sure we all have reasons for making our JK2 names the way they are. I thought it would be nice to hear everyones stories here :p Mine is as follows. If you have read the book Children of the Jedi, Djinn Altis is briefly mentioned in the book as Callista's Master. I liked the name, and so thats pretty much it hehe. How about the rest of you guys?

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Blamer = my last name


When I play with friends or just want to screw around I usually pick a name like Darth Blamer or Major Beatdown. For a more serious sci-fi name I like to take names of or related to stars. So, my "Star Wars" name is Toxotes Antares.


Toxotes = Greek word for archer and a name for the constellation Sagittarius


Antares = brightest star in Scorpio, supposedly the name comes from the red glow of the star, which would cause astronomers to mistake it for Mars; Mars is the equivalent god to Ares in mythology. Soooo, anti-ares = Antares.


They were just two words I found memorable, and when I combined them into a name I liked the look and sound of it.

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I used to drink a lot, and my friends used to call me "The intoxicated one". Therefore, after getting into playing Red Alert 2, I was signing up for an account and drinking a beer but could not use the screennames I used to use, I just typed in Intoxictd...sort of as a joke to the friend standing next to me. Anyway, It sort of grew on me, and I stuck with it.


I've slowed down my drinking a lot since then...no more big parties all of the time. I still like the name though, so I'm sticking with it.


It's to much of a pain in the arse to come up with a new one:p

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Liked the movie Braveheart then got into the history books (on internet :p) and I found William Wallace's life interesting, I started using the name in all my screennames.


I also use Wallace3kn for when Wallace is taken.

3kn stands for "freaking" (just read 3kn or say it out loud very fast)


That's it more or less :cool:

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I use 2 names,


First one i use on message boards and stuff which is Hendrix1870 taken from Jimi Hendrix who is one of my favorite musicians ever, and the 1870 is from his death which was on sept. 18th 1970 and my birthday which is Sept. 18 I coulda used some other numbers but I just typed in 1870 and its stuck for a few years now.


and I use BelucabuB pronounced Bee-loose-a-bub because it was a funny thing my friend made up because he was acting like he couldnt pronounce Beezelbub (another name for Satan)

thats it,


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Norin Radd:


Comic book fans know him as the Silver Surfer. I like him because he is not afraid to adhere to his principles, no matter what the consequences. If you remember, he refused to let Galactus devour the Earth, and helped the Fantastic Four, along with The Watcher, to defeat Galactus. for his punishment Galactus bound him to the Earth, until Reed Richards(Mr. Fantastic)was able to release him.


And the surfboard like ship was just so cool.:D


Not that I am concerned with being cool.:cool:

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The names I use on all my forums are either Elegy, or Elegy of Despond. (Elegy of Despond wouldn't fit with the spaces so I just used Elegy here). An elegy is the same thing as a requiem. It is a song or lament to the dead. So pretty much myy name means song of despond, or song of sorrow.


On all the JKII servers I'm known as Heaven's Mutant Child. This is derived from one of my more favorite bands, Cradle of Filth. Inside the CD booklet and on the back of my Cradle of Filth shirt as well is a shot of the band members looking all creepy like with text on the bottom that reads 'Heaven's Mutant Children'. So I kind of adopted that term for myself, thus I am Heaven's Mutant Child.

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Well...ok, I think I was a senior in High School at the time...


It started out as a day not unlike any other. I woke up, got my things together, showered, got dressed, got on my bike, and went off to school. As I was crossing a generally busy intersection, a little tiny foreign woman nailed me with her BMW (I have no idea where she was from). She wasn't going too fast so she basically tipped my bike over, bending it up a little. She got out of her car and made a big fuss over me and apologized in a heavy accent, and I told her that I had to go (I was late by this point) and she said something that sounded like 'yes of course young vestril'


I have no idea why but I couldn't get the word out of my head, and I've used it to this day.

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when i first played jkII i signed as "padawan" and some ppl started bashing me for not having a name.

so i just opened the console and named myself pillemann which was the first thing that came to my mind (after about a quarter of a second ;) )...i never used it before in another game...



btw: pillemann is german and translated it would be "weeny-man" :D

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The name I use in most games, Gooseman, came when I was in 7th grade. It was because I played a goose in a school play. My friends started to call me Gooseman and it kinda stuck all the way through high school. My other names is The Big Goose, and Goosey, which are spin offs my friends made of the original nick name.


This name I use on the forums and in RPG games is actually a name of a person I race with here in Wisconsin. His name is Nimbus Cross. He's a good friend and I thought it sounded kinda star wars like so I used it.

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I've always been a night owl. Many years ago back in college, I started playing Muds extensively. For those who don't know- Muds are texted based multiplayer adventure games- highly addictive, at least they were for me. Pretty much the first mass-multiplayer online games on the net.


One night I logged into one at like 4:00 am and was prompted for a character name. Sleepy was the first thing that popped into my head- because I was Sleepy! It seemed to fit well, and I've used it ever since as my on-line gaming name. I also like it because it's (in my mind anyways) kind of playful and non-aggressive in nature- the exact opposite a lot of people go for in an online name. (Intimidating and aggressive.)


Sleepy TKC

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