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Wookiee Model Released!

Major Clod

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at long last I can start on my wookiee to jan replacement. I'm going to time all of her sound files and replace them with wookie sounds :) so even in cut sceens I'll have the "arrrr wuuugnngg growwwlll" thing happenin :) hehehe


sweet model thanks bud.

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Major Clod, you are my hero :D As soon as I saw it was available for download, I just had to play around with skinning it. Here's what I came up with:


http://windu.cjb.net/kochak.jpg - Kochak, Prequel Era Jedi Knight. Relatively young Wookiee, only 50 years old.


Any plans for your next project, Major Clod? I really hope you decide to do another model, this one turned out fantastic!



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Originally posted by peloquin

at long last I can start on my wookiee to jan replacement. I'm going to time all of her sound files and replace them with wookie sounds :) so even in cut sceens I'll have the "arrrr wuuugnngg growwwlll" thing happenin :) hehehe


sweet model thanks bud.



Yeah its a sweet model, but replacing jan with him???? errm.... have you played the Yavin Swamp level.......hehe

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lol it wont be me kissing the wookie :) it'll be Han Solo kissing the wookie :) as I've always suspected there was something more going on between those two. So far I've changed all jans dialog for the first opening cut sceen and synchronized it for wookie sounds :)


who knew monmothma understood wookie talk so well hehe


After I've finished it and made sure it's all in time with jan's original dialog throughout the whole game I'll send it to major clod to see if he'd like to release it as a single player mod.

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Originally posted by Galactic Magi

the one thing i saw that could have been better though was that i thought the legs were a little too skinny. Other than that everythings perfect.



Wookie legs are Skinny, take a look at some pics, its like a dog, when they get wet you really notice it ;)

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