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Here's an idea that may help settle the scripters vs the honorable players!


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If you are one of the "Lazy" "Script kitties" just put "SCRIPTER" after your handle when you enter a MP game!


This way all of us that prefer not use "Cheats" to play a game that we payed for too, and enjoy playing a clean game, can just leave the server that you clowns show up in....


There that should settle it huh?


Just lable your selves for us...



Scripting is something I've been harping against from the first time that I saw strange stuff going on in game, and noticed posts here concerning the matter. And I've not changed my mind about "HACKING" a game...


~Nomad WR~


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That's the point Twins!


If they are "hacking" they will be ashamed of it and won't list it...


Here again, the point is made! They know that they are doing something that very few of us will approve of in game. But on the forums they love to boast about it. I want to know how proud they are in game!


If they want to brag, and share their "Hacks" on the forums, then they should be proud, and loud about "Hacking" in game too...


But these "Script Kitties" (note I didn't give them the honor of calling them "Script Kiddies!) won't own up to it in game! LOL


~Nomad WR~


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Originally posted by NomadWR

That's the point Twins!


If they are "hacking" they will be ashamed of it and won't list it...


Here again, the point is made! They know that they are doing something that very few of us will approve of in game. But on the forums they love to boast about it. I want to know how proud they are in game!


If they want to brag, and share their "Hacks" on the forums, then they should be proud, and loud about "Hacking" in game too...


But these "Script Kitties" (note I didn't give them the honor of calling them "Script Kiddies!) won't own up to it in game! LOL


~Nomad WR~


Let me get this straight. What you are suggesting is along the lines of a Counter-Strike player that was using an OGC, putting an "Aimbot User" tag next to their name?


And somehow players who do not hack will simply tolerate this and move on to another server?


As one who has had quite a bit to do with game hacking community in the past, I think I can safely say that the whole purpose of cheating/scripting is to not only win, but to deceive your opponent into thinking your kills were legitimate.


I somehow don't see this idea catching on. If I have misinterpreted your idea, please clarify it for me.

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First, a script is not a hack, it's a script, those are two very different things, and second, nomad I don't think anyone even wants your (or anyone elses) approval of how they play their game.


Allthough I thing that things as jawspeed should be cheat protected Cvars (wich isn't hard to mod at all BTW), I am a strong believer of "If it's in the game, you're allowed to use it". That way everybody knows what they're up against and noone should whine.

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how about this idea?


How about you put an [iDIOT] tag after your name. So when we see you start ranting about scripts and such, we can just look at your tag... see that you're an idiot, and move on without arguing with you.


Fear my team chat "Enemy spotted" script of dooom!!!!!!





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Surely if you learn the basic game code and create a script that does a combo or backslash or wotever with 1 key, its considered a cheat/backdoor as u dont do it manually anymore u have it done for u, like an aimbot u dont have to aim anymore its done for u with 1 key.


Anyone who uses a script must either want to perfom moves faster than humanly possible (Blatent advantage) or cannot do the move atall, thats just my view anyway.



Plz dont flame meh, im not arguing im just setting my view down. :eyeraise:

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A script could absolutely be written for the 5 move combo that I posted earlier on the board. while the move does take quite a bit of skill a script would allow anyone to do it "perfect" all the time.... I now see that scripts can be a bad thing. I would not want a newb coming into the game and be able to perform a move it took me months to develop and practice. all you wound have to do is move into positon and he a key. it would be so fast it would be devastating.... I know how to write scripts and it would probably take me about an hour to write that one, but I would never do it and I never play with scripts in the game. while scripts do have a place in games (teamfortress and the menus). I feel that scripting "action" movements shouldn't be allowed in a game. all other items should be allowed to be scripted. by taking out the option to script action moves you will put the skill back in players hand who actually practiced the moves.

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Geez what is the big deal against scripts around here really? I played Quake 1 Team Fortress, and Mega Fortress for years, and everyone had scripts it was part of the game. And im not talking about speech only, I mean rocketjump scripts, gernade scripts, 180 turn and fire, det pack's and so on. And no one ever whined about them either.


Have the times changed so much or are the players just whinner happy? Scripts really arent that great in JKII , sure they can make dfa scripts, and some combo's, saber lock scripts, but over all its weak and without purpose.


I had never used red stance until last night when I decided to give up my restriction of not useing it. In a matter of hours with a good teacher I had mastered the timing on forward DFA, my double dfa, and backflip dfa where also pretty good, not to mention I learned you can execute the dfa from any swing and the differnt basic swings, there uses and there timeings.


Overall thats alot of flexability, a script doesnt give you that.

So in the end anyone with skill who understands and has mastered things, should be able to be scripts, cause the scripter losses flexability.


So i guess whats the big deal with scripters in the end?

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I wasent attempting to *flame* anyone or anything Twins. I would just like to know what the big deal is with scripts, they are obviously not a god like tool that can make anyone win any fight.


But nevermind I see from the aggression here, this discussion isnt going anywhere, if you arent against scripters. As it seems a majority of players see scripts as hacking or cheating which it obviosuly isnt. Perhaps cheap and diffently not cool, but not cheating either.


Oh well good day to you all.

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while I personally dont think scripts are "cheating" because the game allows it and is withing the games rules. I can see a certain advantage with some scripts where serveral moves are combined by the press of a key. from the time someone pulls you or kicks you, there are certain moves that can be combined that cant be blocked if done quickly enough. a script would make this all to easy. but to test my theory I will script the 5 combo move and try it out on some people and see what they think and how well it works to me performing it manually each time. I wont release the script here though so dont ask for it. . I have no problem fighting someone within the rules of the game and you are right scripts dont offer the flexibility one needs to fight effectively but they will help you during certain positions in the game.


Try to imagine someone you doing a pull, kick then dfa combo. a little difficult to get your opponent in postion for the move, because you have to face him head on, if you do it manually.


No imagine yourself running and your side is facing your opponnent, now with a script, you will be super humanly fast. while your running you put yourself in a position that is right for your script, your opponent thinks nothing cause you are not running at him or facing him. you push the button for your script just as you run in front of him. you script now executes you to stop, spin 90 degrees to face your opponent and then pull and kick him, then run up to them and do the light lunge while the opponent is on his back, then throw your saber. your script will do this much faster than any human could. it wont make you "move" faster but your initiating of the moves to perform this combo would be faster then if you could do them yourself. same thing with the scripted backstab. it will allow you to spin around faster then a human possible could with insane percision.

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leelink: quite right. scripts, like ive said a few times before, can be abused much like anything else. this however does not mean that all scripts of all kinds are evil as some of you are trying to imply.


those of you are spreading FUD instead of trying to grasp the concept.

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You just hit the nail on the head! The scripting has gone to the point of being abused. That's the what has brought this subject to the heated point that it is at now.


Oh, and "DEA" it might help if you proof read your posts before you submit them. That way they won't look like someone that's illiterate wrote them!!!



~Nomad WR~


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Originally posted by zenroth

I wasent attempting to *flame* anyone or anything Twins. I would just like to know what the big deal is with scripts, they are obviously not a god like tool that can make anyone win any fight.


But nevermind I see from the aggression here, this discussion isnt going anywhere, if you arent against scripters. As it seems a majority of players see scripts as hacking or cheating which it obviosuly isnt. Perhaps cheap and diffently not cool, but not cheating either.


Oh well good day to you all.


i never said you wanted to flame anybody, i just answered your question



leelink: quite right. scripts, like ive said a few times before, can be abused much like anything else. this however does not mean that all scripts of all kinds are evil as some of you are trying to imply.


those of you are spreading FUD instead of trying to grasp the concept.


well then we are all in agreement that SOME scripts are ok, but the ones that fight for you are unfair

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First, a script is not a hack, it's a script, those are two very different things,


Actually, I think the only reason they designed the games this way was to legitimize hacking. Here's what I mean. Back in games without the console to pull down, hackers had all sort of fun hacking into the game files and changing things to make them a better player. People complained. Then some idiot in game design said....hmmm, why don't we make it so every John Smith can type in a hack, and we'll call it scripting....that way if they see someone doing it, they can do it to, then all of the "hack bitching" will go away!!! Problem solved!!! Ummm...I don't play a game to cheat, hack, or script. Any one of these is just plain ignorant, especially with gaming communities that do tournaments, contests, and ladders. Disrespectful. Learn how to play the f'ing game!! Not to cheat, hack, or script. And just one more Thank You to good old Raven to make this possible. Bunch of Bums.

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

well then we are all in agreement that SOME scripts are ok, but the ones that fight for you are unfair


Eh, yeah, that's what I've been saying all along, glad you finally took the time to read it.

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Originally posted by intoxictd


Actually, I think the only reason they designed the games this way was to legitimize hacking. Here's what I mean. Back in games without the console to pull down, hackers had all sort of fun hacking into the game files and changing things to make them a better player. People complained. Then some idiot in game design said....hmmm, why don't we make it so every John Smith can type in a hack, and we'll call it scripting....that way if they see someone doing it, they can do it to, then all of the "hack bitching" will go away!!! Problem solved!!! Ummm...I don't play a game to cheat, hack, or script. Any one of these is just plain ignorant, especially with gaming communities that do tournaments, contests, and ladders. Disrespectful. Learn how to play the f'ing game!! Not to cheat, hack, or script. And just one more Thank You to good old Raven to make this possible. Bunch of Bums.


Eh, yeah. Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've heard all week (I hear a lot of dumb things). Congratulations.

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom


....it's also what i've been saying, for once you've read all of one of my posts before raging....congratulations


i've read all your posts thoroughly, if you had too maybe you wouldnt contradict yourself now and then.


1) you have claimed that scripting is an unfair advantage .

2) you have claimed that scripts are easy to counter


which is it? ..or is being easy to counter an unfair advantage?

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i've read all your posts thoroughly, if you had too maybe you wouldnt contradict yourself now and then.


1) you have claimed that scripting is an unfair advantage .

2) you have claimed that scripts are easy to counter


which is it? ..or is being easy to counter an unfair advantage?


remember, there is more than one type of script


some are easy to counter

some give an unfair advantage

some don't give any advantage

some are just plain stupid

some are so cheap i'm not even gunna bother to discuss them because it makes me sick to my stomach;)

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