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Warcraft 3 - dont hold your breath - its crap

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Having had the chance to play Warcraft 3 for some time. I have drawn the only conclusion - what a wasted chance.


3 years in the making and it falls short in so many areas.


The new '3-d' mode is nothing new, and movement is limited to the normal forwards,backwards, left, right but you can only turn the 'camera' left or right - thats it!


90 pop limit, VERY fussy to select a single unit, also giving orders can be a missed affair. You think something is being built - and it isnt.


Also, one of the real pains is that only the human race can assign more than 1 worker to build a structure. Everyone else has to use a single worker. In Galactic Battlegrounds, you can assign workers straight from your command centre to help build, can't do this in Warcraft 3.


However, experience points can be gained for heroes, which is good and there's some nice touches to how you can control a large army. The one thing I like is that you don't need to spend time on micro farming ( a thing I really hate in SWGB).


So, no doubt all the gaming magazines will celebrating the arrival of Warcraft 3 - but read through these reviews. This is not a good game in terms of improvements and advancements from the so called 'masters' of RTS gaming.


Wait for it on budget.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

I came across the game on a 'download' site. In the UK, there is always alot of 'hype' with PC magazines over rating games (Warcraft 3 being one of them), so rather than waste my money on rubbish, I download it first.


If I like the game, I buy it. People can judge for themselves. Like I said, there's some nice ideas in what is a very limited game.



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I knew it wouldn't be great like those before it.


Things that gave me that opnion.


The pop cap 90 is to small and to even get to 90 you have pay huge amonuts of gold. They basicly want don't want you to have more then 50 guys but knew a 50 pop cap would piss people off. I've read some Battle Reports about it their talking about fights with 1 hero and 5 support units as major battles.


It dosen't look that good IMO HW, GC, hell any game form the last few years looks as good and most have better unit design.


The camrea is their so they can put "3D" on the box. And maybe some pretty screen shots. It dosen't help at all and you likely just park it at SC like angle 90% of the time.


Past that I also heard that they didn't adress many problems in the beta such as usless units, bugs, balancing civs agianst all types of attacks and so one.


Overall I think the fact that its a blizzard game means it won't suck. But I also think that this will be the last time a blizzard game is expected to be great casue it's a blizzard game.

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Warcraft 3 doesn't suck because its different. The focus here is less units, but each with special abilities to help you in battle. They also wanted to remove players' concerns from their bases, and to the battlefield.


- who cares about the camera, I don't want to see what is on the other side of a tree or rock, I want to play. If SWGB had camera options, I wouldn't use them.


- In SC, the greatest RTS of all time, one worker was assigned to one building.. it worked. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


- 90 unit pop... Now this is the one I have a problem with.. but like I said before, every unit in the game has some type of special ability that can turn the tide of battle (in SWGB, besides jedi every unit has the same ability- attack!!). It's about using your units more effectively, not massing more units than the other guy! By the way, 50 units doesn't equal 50 pop. Each unit has a different pop value.


More selling points--

Spells!!, Heroes!!, Items to collect!!, Race and unit diversity!!, Creeps!!, and I heard that the single player has a killer story unlike SWGB's.


If the magazine reviews rave about this game, it is because it is a great game. Maybe not on the level on SC, but definitely on my "buy this game" list :D :D :D !!!

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Nope 8 person max.


I saying the camrea is usless and so was piontless to put thxs for agreeing with me.


Thats great expect that one civ can put more then 1 guy on building thats like the empire being able to put 10 workers on a building while rebels can put one on can you say unbalacned?


All unit's have abiltes but many are not important just like every one used psi strom in SC. But when was the last time you saw someone use halluction and have it make a diffrance?


I know SC was already a litte too much about micro and dancing units IMO. If they want to promote thats their call. I personaly think the base should be the most important area on the map.


Is this RTS or RPG casue frankly spells, items, and, killing computer controled monsters belong in RPGs not RTS.


I've seen magzines rave about games before that I thought where crap. Most magzines gave EE like 8.0 but most guys that bought it say it was buggy crashed and wasn't that fun when it ran. I liked alot of the concpets and thought it was OK not great but OK I also got it as gift so I didn't feel jipped.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If a major release like Warcraft 3 is a poor game, gaming magazines won't always tell you ( I remember PC zone giving Force Commander 81% - just because they got the demo on their cover mount CD). Force Commander deserves 1%.


Taking into account many factors, the game is VERY limited. Limited spells in custom games, limited units, it's dull, it's boring and I can see people putting this one back in it's box within days.


When you have the likes of Age Of Mythology (AoM) which is looking very impressive indeed, Warcraft 3 is out of touch and very out of date - before it's even released!


Oh and you try casting a spell in the 'heat' of a battle - that is, if you can get your cursor on the unit you want. That in its self is a hard job.


When I played WC3, I didn't compare it to SWGB - you can't. 2 different games. SWGB has a very good reason for some of its faults and bugs, its using an old game engine, whereas WC3 is supposed to be new.


AoM vs WC3 - no contest.



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