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What model shall i do?


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Originally posted by OCH

If you really want to keep yourself busy then make something that's not human. How about Ki-Adi Mundi, Sasee Tiin, Eeth Koth, or even Kit Fisto?


A simple Human model wouldnt bring you the recognition as any of these characters would. There are so many human models already and any of these woulds would be very popular.

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  • 7 months later...

Is the author of the Aayla female Twi'lek model still modelling for JKII? If so, hopefully they can make a male twi'lek. :)


I personally think the games needs more female and alien models. There's loads of human models already with the game. :p

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Originally posted by Dalhectar

Eeth koth would be cool, hes not human but it shouldn't be much harder. He is of the Zabrak race the same as Darth Maul. I thought it would be cool to have both the jedi and sith zabraks in the game.


This guy knows what he's talking about :D I'd also very much want an Eeth Koth model, he's not too un-human (I don't think that's a word :p), and it would be great to have Jedi/Sith Zabrak equivalents, either that or I would vote a Vurk model :)

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Why don't you make some models from some of the Marvel movies coming out. Like make a spiderman but make a venom too. Or like a dare devil or Hulk. Another bad ass model would be Punisher. I think that would add alot to the game. Or possibly some traditionals like Superman or Batman.

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