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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Three: Switches/buttons can't be used in the same way with platforms as with doors... you will need to make your platform into a func_static and script it to get it to work.


Actually i did it differently. I just created an elevator with func_door. I didn't like func_platform, so i did it like that. It works almost the same as func_platform, only you have to set the angle to -2 for up and -1 for down. Then you set the lip value to the distance you want it to go.


If you use this method you can do things like the buttons, as in the door tutorial. Plus you can set the wait value, so the platform stays at it's destination as long as you want.


I believe this is how Raven did the elevators in Multiplayer.

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That would be best done by scripting... give a force_push activated script to the breakable that activates it when push is used on it.



Care to elaborate? The breakable doesnt have a trigger to when you force push/pull it... A func static does... but that doesnt break... Sorry I still have alot more things to learn ^^*

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Originally posted by Anakin

All I need now it a trigger_once to activate a cutscene then I will be happy, any insights??

Should just be a trigger_once targetted to a target_scriptrunner with your cutscene's script in there... what are you having trouble with?


I believe this is how Raven did the elevators in Multiplayer.

Raven just used func_plats. There are no actual switches or func_usables in any of the MP maps they released (none that I noticed anyway).


Care to elaborate?

Well a breakable doesn't do it that way... a breakable breaks (it is coded into breakables) when it is used. Thus, you just need to use the breakable for it to shatter. You need to make a script on the breakable that activates when force_push is used on it - when run, the script will activate the breakable (causing it to explode).


I haven't actually tried it, so it will likely end up being a bit more complicated than that, but that should be the general form.

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

shdw could you clarify? that might solve my problem


Ok, let's see. I didn't invent this myself, i just read it on the forum a while ago.


Just make a brush for you elevator, then set it to func_door. Now you can do two things:


1. Put it at the place you want it to end/stop. The destination if you will.

2. Put it a the place you want it to start. The beginning.


I suggest just putting it at the starting place. That's easier(for me anyway).


Now if you want the elevator to go up set the angle to -2. If you want it to go down set it to -1.

Then measure the distance from the starting point to the destination point, including the brush itself. To do this draw a brush from the bottom of the elevator brush to the top of the destination. Or the other way around if the elevator is going down. Now check the lenght of the brush by pressing Q(that should show the size values of the brush). The Z value should be the one to use. All of this is similar to the method Richdiesel uses in his func_plat tutorial.

Now, take the Z value and use that as the lip value for the func_door. Add 2 gridunits to this value. So if the z value of the brush was 512 the lip value should be 512 + 2= 514. This way the func_door will line up perfectly with the destination point. Don't ask me why, i don't know. Enter the lip value in the entity window.


So now we have a brush with func_door at an angle of -2 and a lip value of 514. This means we have a platform that will move up 512 gridunits.


Now you can set things like speed, wait and delay. Set this however you like it. And you should also be able to set buttons(func_usables) the same way Richdiesel does in his func_door tutorial.


That's probably the best i can explain it in words. If you need more i'll try putting a little tutorial together myself, with pictures.

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Originally posted by silverwest

Do you know why my custom textures show up in SP, but not MP? Do they need to be in a pk3 or something?

They do, but you can get around that by entering the console command "sv_pure 0" before launching the map while testing in MP.

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And today's strange but unadressed problem... (Can you tell I'm new to this mapping thing? :) )


As you may remember from previous posts, ,I map primarily for MP Duels. However, after REALLY looking at the map I made, I discovered that I could easilly convert it over for a small CTF, FFA, and so on map. So, then I discovered that, so far as some entities are concerned, I dont know what to place where.


For example, for a duel map, I just place two info_playerstart_deathmatch (I think that's the right name...) entities. One for each player in the duel.


But for CTF?



Everything else???


I just don't know. And here, I need the help. Just a list of the entities required to get those different games underway. Thanks much!

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Ok, now that I've already made myself look like an idiot....


In the team entity list, there are three types of entities. Flag, player, and spawn (blue and red for each). The flog is obvious, but which of the remaining two do I want to use for respawn points? It would SEEM that I want the spawn ones, ,but you know what they say about assumptions.....


And what's the Neutralflag for?

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It's tricky. As I understand it, use redplayer/blueplayer for where you want players to spawn when a new CTF game begins... use redspawn/bluespawn for where you want players to respawn later - although I think if there are no bluespawn/respawns, it will default to blueplayer/redplayer.


neutralflag is for ctf games where the team that wins is the one that holds the one flag for the longest amount of time... don't think that's supported in JK2 tho.


Note that I've never actually tried these things, so you might want to experiment first. :)

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I once again take time to throw a question out, ,as it could be a good thing to know. Just what is the scale for the maps? What I mean is, how many grid units would a foot be, for example? There isn't anything more frustrating than making an intrricate passageway, testing it, ,and finding that you can't walk through it because it's too small. And moving all those brushes to make it higher takes FOREVER, and you inevitably miss one or two, so you gets leaks out the wazoo!


Can you tell this happened to me? :)


So if ANYONE has an idea or a definate notion of what the scale is supposed to be, how about filling us ALL in?

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Making rain sound like rain is like making anything else sound like anything else. Make a target_speaker, get an mp3 that sounds like rain, and loop it. :) You can also make an ambient rain soundset that the player activates when he walks through (which is the easier way to do it, really - look at the trigger_once that Kyle starts inside on kejim_post), or you can place individual ambient rain target_speaker entities every 400 units or so scattered all over the ground.


As for scale, I have no idea. :) Generally speaking, you should be compiling with partial VIS every time you add any major architectural section to your map (easiest way to prevent leaks), so after you build your first room, you should have already played and resized that room accordingly. Then just use your first room as reference. You can also use the size of the info_player_start to figure out roughly the height of the player (although the info_ is a little shorter than it should be) in relation to everything else.

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Same way you take screenshots in any Windows application. Press Alt+Printscreen to copy a picture of the current window (or press just Printscreen for your full screen) onto the clipboard, then load up Adobe Photoshop, MS Paint (or another paint program) and paste the screenshot.


Clip the image as you see fit. :D

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For those who are looking for player specifics in mapping, try here: Player specifics

Now these are Quake specifics, but I don't believe it will matter in JK2 (except with force enhanced jumping, running etc.).

Someone was looking for ladder specifics. I posted a thread out in this forum on ladders and got a tutorial from a Star Trek Elite Forces site that answered my questions. Read the thread here


Hope this helps...

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I like others on this site have moved to GTKRadient. I moved for a pretty specific reason (although niether one is perfect). My problem is that the textures in system (i.e. the caulk texture) were not showing up in the selection window when I selected the library. In fact, I get only about ten of the availiable 30 or so textures when I use that library. In GTK, I see them all. Can you shed some light on what's up here?

Spoon Gouge:confused:

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Thanks much for that specifics link, there Spoon. As for the numbers for Force Jumping, just multiply it by the force ranks. IE, at Jump Lv. 1, I think it's 4X the norm, Lv 2 is 8X, and 3 is 16X. I'll check those numbers, but I think they're right.


Now, onto other issues. I STILL can't get music to play with my levels. I've got a file (emperor.mp3) in my base folder. In the worldspawn, i've set the key Music to three different values (emperor.mp3, base\emperor.mp3, & \gamedata\bas\emperor.mp3) and none of them has actually worked. So what should the value line read then? What is the actual syntax for that line?


Thanks much, peeps, this has been a great help.

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In fact, I get only about ten of the availiable 30 or so textures when I use that library. In GTK, I see them all. Can you shed some light on what's up here?

This seems to be a common problem. Unfortunately, no one actually seems to stick with it long enough to fix it, so no one has figured out how to fix it. I would first suggest to extract the shaders/ directory from the assets0 archive and see if that helps.


Now, onto other issues. I STILL can't get music to play with my levels. I've got a file (emperor.mp3) in my base folder.

Generally speaking, it's a bad idea to put any file on the basepath - jk2 generally doesn't like that. If you had an MP3 and called it (for example) music.mp3, I would place it as music/levelname/music.mp3... then in worldspawn, reference that as music/levelname/music.mp3

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