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Fun thing to do


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Here's what you do: Write an inane paragraph in english, go to an online translator site (dictionary.com will work) translate it into many languages then retranslate it into English


Original Statement:

If I were a hot dog, I'd eat myself, Would you eat yourself Norm? I ate cheese with my lover Ben under the stars! I like traffic lights, but not when they're red!


English to French. French to German. German to English. English to Italian. Italian to English. English to Portugeese. And finally Portugeese to English


What I got:

If the wells a warm dog, you eating, had become you who I eat estandardizo? I very ate the cheese with mine under the asterisks, fallen in the love! I appreciate fogos of the traffic, but not, they will be red!

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LOL! :rofl:


When the going gets rough, cheese rains from the stars. If I had a hammer, I would cut it in two and pick a cherry with it.


English to French, French to German, German to English, English to Portugese, and Portugese to English.


If approximately, rains that the cheese of the asterisks receives to go. If I had I hammer, I would cut it in two and I would select it a cherry with it.


LOL! :rofl:

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Original: When it rains, school ends. They aren't torturing me any longer. My chains have been unlocked! I've left my cell! What a nice picture of me.


>>>>English to French, French to German, German to English, English to Portugese, and Portugese to English. >>>>



Result: If to rain, the purposes of the school. Not torment me more for much time. My chains had been opened! I have the license my stack! The picture, that agradavelmente it of me.

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This is something to kill time. I'm just bored. I like cheese. I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor.


English->Spanish Spanish->German German->French French-> Portuguese Portuguese->Italian Italian->English


That is something to rifinire the time. They perforate badly with me. I have the taste of the cheese. Constrictor that good ones that I eat.

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Last night I watched a show about when good pets go bad. A fat lady let her killer rotwieler out of her house and ordered him to attack a defenseless animal control officer. The officer tried to make the beast stop. Finnaly a nieghbor came to her rescue by beating the wild animal senceless with a big stick. The fat lady was charged with assualt of a deadly weapon!



english to french to german to english to spanish to english..




The last night I observed a exhibition approximately, if the good animals of the society go the bad one. Ramme great left more to rotwieler close of its Toeter outside its house and ordered to attack it an official animal without defense of the order. The official has attempts the animal to make to maintain ignition. The nieghbor of Finnaly came to its launching, pressing senceless the wild animal with a great personnel. Ramme great is with assualt that one deadly weapon position '!

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LOL :lol:


My bird has a first name. The rain falls down on my lawn even though I have withheld my consent. My mermaid makes great sandwiches.


English to French. French to German. German to English. English to Italian. Italian to English. English to Portugeese. And finally Portugeese to English


My bird has the name. Rain falls behind for deep in mine prati ones, exactly if half the arrested assent. My sandwiches of the fact of mermaid great.




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Bananas taste good underwater but not as good as they do when smothered in bacon. Peaches with dirt and wood is even better!



English to French. French to German. German to English.



Water of the reason of the banana taste well, but not also well, as they make it, which were suffocated once in bacon. The fisheries with the dirtyness and the wood is still better!



English to French. French to German. German to English. English to Italian. Italian to English. English to Portugeese, Portugeese to English.



The water of the ratio of the taste of the banana, but also, poichè does not make it well good, this that had been suffocated a time in the fulled one with the bacon of the tobacco. The industries of the peach with dirtyness and the wood are still better!

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