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Banned from a server!


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There are plenty of servers out there. If someone bans you outright for a first time infraction without even giving you a second chance or the ability to explain yourself sounds like a pretty crappy admin. and you should just move on.


For example, I was on a FFA server the other night were the admin killed me twice by spamming kick to the face, I tried to return the favor by kicking him back and he warned me to 'stop spamming kick'. At that hipocracy (calling me a spammer), I told him to shove the server up his ass and left.

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*cues omnious music in the background*


"Darth Dragon, a huge moron who could not spell "your" out fully ever if his life depended on it.....Darth Dragon, a cute little troll who has nothing better to do than spam a JKII board.....FEAHR THE DAHTH!


*Music stops, The Oompah Loompah song then RAGES in the background.*

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I guess nobody here has ever heard of IP Masking then?


I'll give you all a hint, go to google and do a search on proxy and subnet.


This would make you effectively unbannable since they could ban 99% of the ip's on the net and still wouldnt get you. Would also make you unbannable from forums like these too.


Usually these are best used on a power tripping admin :D

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Originally posted by darth dragon

Ty kal el is ther because he is an alright guy and can take a joke unlike ah boon you has his head up his arse or needs glasses as he would notce that not any of my posts are spam. By the way ty u r on my sig as u r dark.


Yes.....my plan is working perrrfectly......

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Regarding his sig:


The dark side rules! Let your anger control you and no weakling jedi will ever touch you! Death to the jedi! Power to the sith!

Jedi are weak, sith are strong. Only the strong shall survive!

So says Darth Vega!


edit: and just cause you get here before somebody dont mean you make more posts than them. mebe you spend 5 mins here a day and they spend a hour here a day. multiply your post count by 12 and there you go. i've seen spam, dont believe me go to http://www.gamegossip.com into the newbies forum and look at stupid topic. that is spam. there is no spam here.

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Originally posted by Demise_SOK

There are plenty of servers out there. If someone bans you outright for a first time infraction without even giving you a second chance or the ability to explain yourself sounds like a pretty crappy admin. and you should just move on.


For example, I was on a FFA server the other night were the admin killed me twice by spamming kick to the face, I tried to return the favor by kicking him back and he warned me to 'stop spamming kick'. At that hipocracy (calling me a spammer), I told him to shove the server up his ass and left.


Well, not all bans are bad.


I had a guy who was constantly saber down killing people on my server.


I implemented the good JK 2 ++ slap command and kept telling him to stop but he just started swearing at me.


I finally kicked him.


He came back, and I kicked and banned him.


I felt perfectly justified in my action.

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icefox98 and Darth Dragon - stop the flames, please. They're not appreciated. :cool:


Everyone Else - Please try to gear your discussion toward the title of the topic. There's only a few posts in here relevant to the discussion...if you want to start posturing, please do it via PM or elsewhere, instead of hijacking someone else's thread. Thanks. :cool:

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Amen to that SH. ; p


Anyhow, the person who hosts the game has the right to kick anyone who joins at his or her SOLE DISCRETION. That's one of the privileges of being a server admin.


Now if he's being a jerk about it, you don't have to pay him the courtesy of playing on his server, and that's about all you can do. Anything else just makes you more of a jerk than he was (IMHO).


My advice? Change your name and reconnect to the 'net if you have a dynamic IP, but chances are he'll just ban you again if that's his attitude. You'd be better off finding another server...

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As you'll notice from this article, the Admin can also uses IP masks and basically ban an entire range:


"Notice the numbers in common, they are: 312.27.48.xxx and 312.27.32.xxx , all IP's have one of these pre-fixes. To ban a range of IP's to block BadGuy use this form of addIP:


addIP 312.27.48

addIP 312.27.32


This will filter ALL IP's in the range of 312.27.48.0 to 312.27.48.255 and 312.27.32.0 to 312.27.32.255. Please note that Quake3 or Elite Force will add them to your filter list as: 312.27.48.0 and 312.27.32.0 respectfully. The worse case scenario would be to do a addIP 312.27 , this would ban all players with an IP of 312.27.0.0 thru 312.217.255.255, we want to avoid this if possible however (because it bans over 65,000 player IP's [255 x 255]). "


And if worse comes to even worse:


"I would like to mention at this point that banning a player is not the only thing a server admin can do. For those truly deserving of further action a letter to their ISP can have the player's internet access suspended or terminated."




I've only banned that one person from my server, and I even removed the ban - I just kept it there a couple of days.


You're better off joining another server, unless you can find a way to communicate with the server admin, and drop him a very 'civil' e-mail asking him what's up - if it's really important to you.


I know that if someone wrote me a nice e-mail explaining or apologizing I'd easily sucker into letting him or her back in.

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I understand it but I am starting to think you've never encountered a proxy before. A proxy can be any ip number, it can change it to anything. It cannot be stopped without banning all numbers possible from to

That link has no mention of what I'm talking about.

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That's only for internal IP's.


There is always a way to find the external one - which is inevitably what you connect to when you join a server.


Use a proxy and go to:




You can't just go making up IP addresses on the Internet, that's not how it works.


There is always one external IP that points to your location and ISP.

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I guess not, because in order to connect to a server through an ISP there will always be some external IP that you are using and can identify where you are from and what ISP you are using.


Proxies don't mask that - they are internal.


The only other method is to IP spoof, and you'd have to access another network through the ISP, and then connect.


Can you explain what you are talking about?

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