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Vader vs Desann


Vader vs desann at bgj 2.0  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Vader vs desann at bgj 2.0

    • Vader.
    • Desann.
    • Can\'t Say They Are Both Good.

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ok vader is winning my last poll, but i am doing this one any way.


vader vs desann at bgj 2.0



i can't say.because they are both good. lets see what this poll says.





if they both win this poll they will go to the next round.2 vs 1 you will have to see who it is.you can say who you want in a two vs 1 battel.if you want.

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

Man, dessan is getting OWNED by vader...





Hmmmmm... I think Desann would win. You have to remember Luke beat the crap outa Vader, even though he was probably under trained and holding back. Then Desann beats the crap outa Luke in a 1 on 1 saber duel(that cutsence on doomgiver or Npc spawn). That might be because Desann went to the Valley of the Jedi to overpower Luke, but he still could beat the crap out of him.




Besides I like Being a Rebel.

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Vader, hands down. True, he did get royally 0wned by Luke, and Desann almost 0wned Luke, but Desann went to the valley of the Jedi and fed his power. If he hadn't, Luke would have chewed him up and spit him out, so Vader could quite frankly hand Desann's scaly ass to him on a silver platter.

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I can just see it now...


*Vader force-chokes Desann*


"I find your lack of faith desturbing, n00b."


*Vader then force-pulls Desann and Backstabs him*


Hehe, j/k. Even in a normal, movie-esk fight though, Vader would win, period. Sure, he got owned royally by Luke in RotJ, but judging as Desann is more bark than bite (taunt after taunt after taunt in SP, and then I killed him in 2 strikes with Red Stance. It was quite amusing, actually, even if it was the normal difficulty setting. :rolleyes: ), the Lord of the Sith would beat Desann easily. :cool:


Merc out. :fett:

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Have to be honest here, Vader would win. My bet would be that Vader would be able to use Desann's lightning against him by push it back and then he'd e able to finish Desann when he's down. But Vader vs. Jerec. Thats a fight I'd have to see. But I think Vader is the better swordsman as well so I think he'd beat Desann in a duel without Force.



Look, 27 votes for vader and 3 votes for Dessan.

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Originally posted by Ben_Walker

Have to be honest here, Vader would win. My bet would be that Vader would be able to use Desann's lightning against him by push it back and then he'd e able to finish Desann when he's down. But Vader vs. Jerec. Thats a fight I'd have to see. But I think Vader is the better swordsman as well so I think he'd beat Desann in a duel without Force.



Look, 27 votes for vader and 3 votes for Dessan.



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The Vader from the good old days (through the movies, previous to his warm, heartfelt conversation with Luke in handcuffs) could easily tear Desann a new lizard breathing hole. Why? Cuz Vader has no compunctions about going to town on a stranger. This is the Anti-Jedi we're talking about here. He took down all the Jedi of his time at their prime, and came out on top.


So why did Vader lose against Luke? Because he's a father. If Vader didn't care about his son (or have orders to bring Luke alive to the Emperor), he would've had his fun in the saberfight, then choke and toss Luke out the nearest Bespin air shaft.


But no, he sliced off his son's hand (why not? Like father, like son), cornered Luke, and confessed that he's Luke's father, and wants Luke to join him against the Emperor. To rule the galaxy, as father and son.


Vader's weakness (and ultimately, his strength) is that he loves Luke. His taunting, his cajoling, his testing, that was all to make his son like him. Not to kill him: To convert him. He pushed Luke too far, and Luke, berserk and filled with Dark Rage, forgot that Vader was his father and in that moment, triumphed.


So, this is all about love. See? This smiley says it all. -> :duel:

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If this was after desann charged at the valley i think it would be close but desann would pull it off but it would be very close like desann would come out missing like and arm and a leg or somin but before i think he would kick him soooo bad.. but that one fight with obi on a new hope what was going on there like two little old men fighting taping sabers back and fourth.

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Ahhh, man. Now you made me feel all lovey-dovey and warm and fuzzy about Vader. He's such a loving father! *sniff sniff*


I always wondered what would've happened if Vader survived the Emperor's attack. Like, would he devote his life to helping Ewoks learn Basic or something? :) Or live in Luke's basement, randomly giving advice to Luke and his sister?


Or better yet... to paraphrase a cartoon:


Vader: (opens his robe, showing off a Martha Stewart getup) Luke. I ... am your mother.


Luke: NOOOO!!!! ... and your choice in pumps is horrible! :disaprove

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