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Standing up after a kickdown?


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A lot of the time when I get kicked and land on my back, and after I get my character to stand up, he will just stand there, non-responsive to my mad hammering on the jump button, for up to two seconds. I usually get backsweeped during this time. Is this normal? I also noticed I can never JUMP up from a kick knockdown, he only stands up, then responds to a jump command.

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Originally posted by AnArKey

A lot of the time when I get kicked and land on my back, and after I get my character to stand up, he will just stand there, non-responsive to my mad hammering on the jump button, for up to two seconds. I usually get backsweeped during this time. Is this normal? I also noticed I can never JUMP up from a kick knockdown, he only stands up, then responds to a jump command.


i think that's weird... but i sometimes get a similar problem (like getting stunned kinda for 2 seconds)... i think it's got to do with the kick move itself, like there's a chance of stunning your opp??? (since i only play LAN, and ping's not a problem here)

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This happens after you do a neat little spin to get up right? You stand there all cool style for a couple of secs. I think it looks neat but yeah it leaves you very vunerable so can be annoying. I think it is just part of that getting up animation and there isn't anything that can be done about that. I just bash jump and attack until I move again.

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Yeah..that's the problem. I just cant explain why it only started for me in the past 2 weeks, and threads here just recently started posting this problem too. I've been playing since early June...didnt used to do this. Weird


BTW lexx..what server do you normally play on? I would like to spar sometime :D

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This happens to me all the time, but it totally lags me out, giving me that 999 ping thing, some times i get timed out too.

sad tho cos some peps spam it when they realise i get lagged, and then they time me out and backstab just for a cheap kill.

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I know this would not apply in FFA, but in full Force duels, where knockdowns are very common due to the nature of game play, experienced players won't take a kill when this happens.

It's considered the same as a 999 lag spike kill.

What is messed up though, is even though you are stuck in the pose animation, you can still swivel around and look all over the place.

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