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Young David's Trivia Quest

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Once I made 'Tell you I will' ... the formula was good, but it converted to 'contained spam' (There are rumours it will be closed, so pay attention to what I have to offer)


I now will bring you Young David's Trivia Quest.


Big differences:

- Only a few people are allowed to ask questions. I will opoint those people.

- Points can be deserverd by ansering correct.

- Points can be taken by spamming.

- There will be a scorelist.


So it goes like this:

One of the Quizmasters asks a question. If you are the first to answer, ánd you answer correct. You get 5 ponts. If you are the second to answer and you answer correct you get 4 points (if it hasn't been answered correct already ofcourse). Maybe there will even be a grande prize for the winner ;)


In short:

1st to answer - 5 points

2nd to answer - 4 points

3rd to answer - 3 points

4th to answer - 2 points

5th and further to answer - 1 point


The points taken from you're scorelist for spamming (answering with 'I don't know', cheating, asking questions yourself, going off-topic) will be calculated from case to case.



- Young David

- Boba Rhett

- Eets



10 - Darthfergie

5 - Crazy_dog no.3

4 - krkode


First Question:

How many turbolasers does an Imperial Star Destroyer standard have?

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Corellian Treaty

the agreement which solidified the three major factions of the early Alliance. Bail Organa and Mon Mothma had brought the three main resistance leaders together, and Garm Bel Iblis mediated the talks, which resulted in the common set of ideals which formed the Alliance. Since Bel Iblis is a Corellian, the document was called the Corellian Treaty.


Bail Organa (Alderaan)

Garm Bel Iblis (Corellia)

Mon Mothma (Chandrila)


Crazy Dog is right Eets...

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why are people answering after somebody has already given a right answer identical to what they have in mind...it wont fetch them any points, only a post. :o


btw...i think you missed the how did he die.


Kissek Doran was an Alliance pilot from Alderaan. Wes Janson, one of his own team pilots shot at him fearing that he might compromise the mission, and the shot cracked Doran's cockpit window venting all atmosphere and killing him/suffocating him....


because Eets said he was wrong. We cast reasonable doubt on the situation though. His prefered answer was the Declaration of Rebellion made by Mon Mothma herself from Chandrila -darthfergie

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Doran, Kissek

this Alliance starfighter pilot was one of the original Tierfon Yellow Aces, and served with Wes Janson and Jek Porkins. A former freighter pilot from the planet Alderaan, Kissek went into a panic attack when a routine mission became a dogfight with the Yellow Aces outnumbered two-to-one. Janson and Porkins were forced to chase him down because of their proximity to Imperial space, fearing that he might compromise the mission. When Kissek wouldn't listen to reason and turn around, Janson took a shot at him. The laser blast cracked Kissek's cockpit, venting all atmosphere and killing him. Kissek's widow found out about his death before the Yellow Aces could talk to her, and she blamed them for his death and for ruining the family name. She changed her name,and that of her children, to Tainer and moved from their hometown, hoping to rebuild their lives. Kissek's son, Kell, eventually joined the Alliance himself

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