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Do you have an idea for a parody on Grim Fandango or Monkey Island?

Guest King Andrei

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by manny_c444

If you want a parody of the Monkey Island series just go play EMI.


Wow, now that you've mentioned it, if it had NO connection with the other Monkey Island games: MI1 2 and 3, it would be a nice parody.:)


I'll post my idea later.

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Guest King Andrei

Hey that gives me a great idea!


Here's a little parody of GF and MI:


This time Guybrush T. is dead but he's a grim reaper, he enters his office:


G: "Sorry for the wait Mrs. Threepwood, I'm ready to take you now!"

E: (Elaine) "GUYBRUSH!!!! Stop fooling around, we gotta two more years 'till we get to the ninth underworld."

G: "Or until that lasy computer player decides to skip the cutscenes and finish this game faster."

E: "WHAT?"

G: "I have no idea why I just said that.":D


Guess what: Guybrush was actually fooling around, they were really on the ship, not at the DOD, and Guybrush wasn't really a grim reaper. HAHAHA! Gotcha!:D


Now, they go thru on an adventure, blah! blah! blah!, they reach Puerto Zapatto. G looks around:


G: "A Puerto Zapatto, what a nice city, what a... HEY! That's the Guybrush Internet Cafe! What's it doing here? HEY! This is Rubacava! Who's the idiot who made this game?"

E: "This IS strange. Maybe we should use the teleporter."

G: "We had one all along and DIDN'T use it?"

E: "Hold on, were goin to Zapatto."


blah! blah! blah! More adventures....


G: "Ahh we're here at last! The big gate, the big ga... HEY!!! I look like when I was alive, I was NOT supossed to have skin!"

G: "Ahh, much better!"

G: "Well, Elaine let's go!"

E: "HAHA! Guybrush, you have been fooled! You're not dead yet. You're in a dream!"

G: "AHHHHHH! What a nightmare!"

E: *appears* "I would say that the Land of the Dead is not real."



Da "End"



Ahh, that was so stupid! NEXT! (Next idea I mean.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is cool - check it out.


With all the anachronisms in Monkey Island, Guybrush has to find the Big Whoop computer and try to stop some 15-year-old monkey at a remote terminal from posting a massage shorter than its signature text. Then he has to try to teach the monkey to think for itself, think before it types, and not be so lame in forums. The monkey fights till the very end though, not realising that Guybrush is using Voodoo logic on it the whole time. At the end of the parody, Guybrush walks away victorious after the monkey's attempts to fight the Voodoo Logic have turned it into a jackass.


I like it. :)

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It's called humor. All parodies take jabs at something, be it a specific item (i.e. "Weird Al" Yankovic's jabs at movies in UHF), a specific event (i.e. the almost infinite song parodies about former Predident Clinton's scandals that you can find on any p2p client like Kazaa), or a specific target (i.e. my "viscious parody" of Guybrush and the monkey taking jabs at "fanboys" as raVen_image so eloquently put it, or Andrei555 himself - I left it to the reader to interpret what they will.)

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Oh, Bill Clinton... I was on holiday in Florida a few years ago, and they played this on the radio.

(Sung to "My Generation" by 'The Who')

Talkin' about my genitalia!

Just because it - gets around


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Originally posted by LucasTones

Oh, Bill Clinton... I was on holiday in Florida a few years ago, and they played this on the radio.

(Sung to "My Generation" by 'The Who')

Talkin' about my genitalia!

Just because it - gets around



I have approximatly 15-20 different Clinton parodies in my collection - 5 gigs of non-"weird al" parodies in total in my collection. I luuuuuuuuuves me a good parody, which is one reason Kickstand Karaoke and the project listed in one of The Kickstand's easter eggs exist.

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Main Entry: vi·cious

Pronunciation: 'vi-sh&s

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French vicieus, from Latin vitiosus full of faults, corrupt, from vitium vice

Date: 14th century

1 : having the nature or quality of vice or immorality : DEPRAVED



4 a : dangerously aggressive : SAVAGE <a vicious dog> b : marked by violence or ferocity : FIERCE <a vicious fight>

5 : MALICIOUS, SPITEFUL <vicious gossip>


When I said "Hardly vicious" ... I meant it. There is nothing gossipy, savage, ferocious, dangerous or invalid about that parady. It was fairly accurate, and therefore, funny. The BEST comedians tell us something truthful ... in a way that we didn't see it before.


as LucasTones said: "Touché"


I say: BRAVO!

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When I said "Hardly vicious" ... I meant it. There is nothing gossipy, savage, ferocious, dangerous or invalid about that parady. It was fairly accurate, and therefore, funny. The BEST comedians tell us something truthful ... in a way that we didn't see it before.


as LucasTones said: "Touché"


I say: BRAVO!


Thanks. :) That's why I gave a rough definition of parody. hehehe. I was replying to manny_c444 - I hope you didn't take my mention of you as derogatory. :)


BTW, in case you haven't checked Kickstand lately, your Christmas song parodies (as well as those written by the others) are up under "Christmas Karaoke" - Really enjoyed coding those pages, since Christmas is my favorite holiday and having Christmas midis playing all day while selecting the best midi version of each song really helped take away some of the July heat. :)

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Originally posted by raVen_image

The BEST comedians tell us something truthful ... in a way that we didn't see it before.


Like Jerry Seinfeld!


"What is it with those pain-in-the-ass Alcatraz-style spring-load faucets in airports? What's wrong with normal human twist-it-on, twist-it-off faucets? What do they think, we're gonna turn on all the taps and run out into the parking lot?

'Come on lets go! I turned the water on!'

'Don't be silly we're business men, we have a flight to catch.'

Its like, you press it and dive your hand under there in the hope you might catch the last few drops."


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