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WIP: Ki Adi Mundi


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I've seen a strange yellow pie shaped creature chomp around on some dots and then chase ghosts, but I don't think that it was a representation of truth ;)

Just having some fun :p

I'm not going to get involved in these EU debates. I'll gladly let the creators decide unless they ask for my advice.


Psyk0Sith, I posted a comment about Yareal Poof that I would like you to see in a thread that you replied in about the possibilities of making a Poof model. I just wanted you to check out the idea... it may inspire some sort of sollution, and I am curious if it indeed does hold any merrit at all.


Funny thing is, that thread never should have been posted as it is basically a request :rolleyes: but I suppose it may have inspired some productive discussions after all.


Thanks for the work on Mundi, both of you guys! I think it looks great!





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Psyk0Sith, can you please email me, I've got the zip file right here, but I lost your email adress in a format. It needs your approvel and some minor changes to the readme, and of course, the most updated version of the model.glm

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Actually, books and comics are more accurate continuity-wise. There's a group at LucasFilm in charge of keeping continuity straight and avoiding things that might screw something up, and they are most heavily involved in the books and comics area. LucasArts, despite being a direct subsidiary of LucasFilm, is less reliable for "official" information, which is strange. The Continuity people at LucasFilm should get more involved in the LucasArts (and other) stuff.


For Boba Fett - no, there hasn't been anything solid on his origin published, just some stuff about his name being Jaster Mereel and being from Concord Dawn. I beleive that originated in some West End Games Roleplaying supplement a while back. It hasn't really been held on to or explored in other books. The cool thing that they ARE doing now is taking the Jaster Mereel bit and incorporating it into Boba's history. Jaster Mereel is now the leader of the Mandalorians who discovered Jango, took him in and trained him. This is being developed in the Jango Fett: Open Season comics.


For Owen and Obi-wan being brothers, that was actually a while back, I beleive it was in the original ROTJ novelization, and hasn't been brought up in anything recent.


- BradFu! - Spreading useless continuity knowledge wherever he goes!

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Modifying the bot file (or any aspect of the .pk3) makes the pk3 non-compatible with unchanged versions, which means if you edit your bot file, you won't be able to use or see the model on pure servers. Changing a single numeral might not, however, which is all thats required to change the saber color. As far as I know, it just makes sure all the files inside match up, and switching one character in a text file shouldn't change the filesize any. Worth some experimenting :)

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