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Kicking as a tactic as opposed to kicking... (vent)

Rad Blackrose

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as a spam move.


First of all, for those who even whine about the slightest inch about kick but use it at the same time, shut up now and uninstall JKII.


Second of all, I find kicking to be a move. A move that can be spammed as much as backstab, DFA, the matrix undercut, etc. However, I rarely see it turn out like that. Maybe the force pull is still more effective to them.


Tonight, I went on a server (jedi.eof.net, for those who don't know which servers I frequent), and I play competitive there. I took on one person, and finished her with a kick. She then starts using the name function to talk trash, the words KICK LAMER in bright words. Then everyone jumps in.


Sorry that I had to spoil your fun, you rotten ***** (stars inserted myself, guess as to what it is but you get no cookie). You could have just let me finish you off with your below 18 health while you spammed away the light lunge. Hypocracy is a *****, isn't it?


I find kick as a viable counter to the moves that are unfortunately abused to this date...


You try that backsweep of yours on me? Your going to get kicked.


Gee, that yellow finisher looks pretty nice. Not as nice as a boot to the face.


DFA me? You are going to get a boot if you keep whoring it and my saber is not connecting.


I especially find this whining about kick whoring on the NF servers. I'm not talking about the NF where everyone can have boomerang wars. I'm talking about the ones where everyone forcetoggles 0, 2-14, and 17. Because the servers are NF, people immediately suspect they can do stupid things because they aren't going to get hammered the next minute for it. Kicking is one of those next minute things. You make a fool out of yourself with that saber? Be sure not to fall on it when I send your ass to the floor.


To wrap it up, I'm sick of these goddamn whiners about moves yet don't do anything to counter them. Sort of like yelling for help in Warcraft III, getting some, but then not sending anything when they go to attack or another teammate is getting hammered...



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What about kick spammers? I'm not talkin about the guys who do it by pushin jump twice...I'm talkin about the scripters or guys with turbo buttons or whatever you call 'em. How do you stop those guys (without guns)? I don't use scripts and I don't have a turbo button or anything like that...and I can't beat 'em in "duels" (not the "k" function but just taking someone on in say CTF) cause they kick thru absolutely everything. Is there a good counter for those people?

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There are 2 types of people that can kick.


Those that just jump out at you waiting to be countered




Those that distract you before throwing in the kick.



Your problem seems to be with number one. Your solution is to play as number 2. If he jumps out at you, backflip and set up for a forward kick. Or, strafe backwards and strafe kick him.


Also, you said that you did not have guns available. How about force? Push would throw him back in a jiffy. Maybe even force him to go higher and fall for damage.

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I like kick spammers, they're fun, you can have a big kick fest battle with them.


What's more annoying are the people who continually spam votes to kick people out. Stop trying to kick people and just play ffs.

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I have no problem being kicked in itself, but when a guy decides that it's much easier to kick me to death rather than have a saberfight, then I get mad.


For example, this red user couldn't hit me for all he was worth, so he gave up and tried to kick me to death. And he was good at it, but he apparently had no skills with his saber. God have mercy on him when he's on a NF server.


And then there's the guys whose self-confidence can't handle being kicked once and then justify it by kicking back once: they have to go ALL the way and focus solely on kicking....

Sadly, if one player kicks the other, it normally turns into a small kickwar with at least half of all the damage being dealt by kicks.


The fact is, it's quite easier to just sidekick someone to death when wielding red stance and then just use it for defense, while kicking the poor soul. I know, I've been there myself.


Of course, I don't mind getting kicked while doing a special (thats one of the best ways around them), but when someone kicks more than necessarry, then we have a kick-spammer.


Try hermes place, kicks give 1 damage there and are more used for the knockdown effect, if they are spammed at all.


Kicking and backstabs are the easy ways of getting around the blocking.

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I dislike kick spammers. Why? Once or twice I was on a saber only FFA server, still green, trying to play. OK, everything sounds cool so far. Then I ran across a guy and we started to fight. I don't know exactly, what happened, but when about a minute passed, he started to spam kick on me. Killed me a couple of times with it. Grrrrr.

OK, that was then, this is now. If you want to avoid the kick, just roll left/right or jump backward and give the kicker a counter. But be carefull, what counter you use. If it's for example DFA or lundge, there is a chance you might get kicked when performing it.

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The problem is that a good "kicker" can easily avoid one's feeble attempts to injure him/her while they merrily kick away.


The only thing that has a chance to hit a kicker is a kick of your own, timed better than his, but that solves nothing.


I know that the regular frontal kickers are easy to avoid, but how does one strike them while they're flying through the air?


And then there's the "pro kickers", who, when angered, use timed sidekicks and frontal kicks to beat you into a bloody mess. How do you avoid/strike those people?

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alrite ppl, i'm a full time kickaholic, n now i apologize for all the kickaholic out there, we cant help it, its too much fun to pass, i dont make no plans to kick sum 1 to death (u can just stand still n chances are 7 outta 10 times nuthing happens) , i dont use scripts for it (requires a different script for every server due to lag, n script kick doesn't work on ne 1 crouching), but kickin is just damn useful against ne thing, back stab, pulling, lunging, DFA red or yello, u name it, kick can counter it.

n being a kickaholic my self here's a few tips when ur against ne 1 like me


- if u c a kick spammer running ur way crouch will usually put their timming off, if ur in light stance, a lunge will hit them rite on, hell if ur good enough u can time a lunge while they jump over you n a back stab afterwards when they r behind u.


- they cant kick u while ur rolling, its just like crouching


- u can start a kick war wif them, if they are not scriptin, a side kick will always beat a front kick


-sumthing as simple as walking backward and do a upper slash (back+strafe+attack) can beat these kickers.


- like everthing else in the game, a saber throw can beat ne thing


these have all been tested.................on me, so feel free to try them next time u are faced wif a kickaholic

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Thanks for the tips mate, and it's perfectly fine with me to kick someone who DFA's, "yellow finishes" or lunges....


I've found it's great fun to simply crouch at the last moment, just before a kicker slams into you: he'll simply fly over you, and look dumb in the progress.


Well, I'm not interested in a kickwar, and I don't play with force, but the rest of the tips are greatly appreciated.

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Well, these are jsut my two useless cents:


Kick is nice, I like kick...


but wait! Kick in its standard form does 18 damage! Sorry but that IS too much. Kick is SO easily executed and there is virtually nothing you could block it with (just avoid it...."run forrest, RUN!" ... nah). Kicking someone from 100hp down to 0 is easy if you want to. problem is: There are always some people trying to misuse or abuse certain moves. So what do do?

FFA Duels have been changed just right in 1.03a - in there Kick does NO damage, but still you can knock your opponent down.


Thats just what has been done for my 1.03a MOD, that I use on a Duel server... down there Kick does NO damage... and it is a WELL balanced move now. Still a very powerfull counter against all those specials, but rather a defensive move an offensive... It shouldn't be anyway /me thinks.


So yeah.... I like kick, the way it is on my server :)

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i;m sure alot of ppl seen these when they r fighting against bots, if u jump straight up in front of them, sumtimes they go into stupid mode; they just keep jumping 2 or 3 times while slashing (funny when u do it infront of a whole bunch of them and just watch them jump like stupid) then when u try to kick them instead of fallen, do sumhow does a wall walk on ya!! u can c the last part of the wall walk animation and nuthing happens to them. just a thought mayb dat can be sum sorta counter against kicks. ne 1?

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Originally posted by els.DarkLord

Well, these are jsut my two useless cents:


Kick is nice, I like kick...


but wait! Kick in its standard form does 18 damage! Sorry but that IS too much. Kick is SO easily executed and there is virtually nothing you could block it with (just avoid it...."run forrest, RUN!" ... nah). Kicking someone from 100hp down to 0 is easy if you want to. problem is: There are always some people trying to misuse or abuse certain moves. So what do do?

FFA Duels have been changed just right in 1.03a - in there Kick does NO damage, but still you can knock your opponent down.


Thats just what has been done for my 1.03a MOD, that I use on a Duel server... down there Kick does NO damage... and it is a WELL balanced move now. Still a very powerfull counter against all those specials, but rather a defensive move an offensive... It shouldn't be anyway /me thinks.


So yeah.... I like kick, the way it is on my server :)


don't get me wrong, i don't spam kick....but you say it's easily executed, you can get 20 damage using a light stance attack, how easy can it be executed? press the attack button..once..

now that's pretty easy.....and it does more damage (only 2 but....)

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Twins, I think it's the combination easy to execute *AND* hard to avoid that makes it too much in darklord's eyes.


Granted, a light stance swing does 20 damage. How many swings will it take to get through a standard servers saber block rate (by standard server, I mean no altered settings like the majority of them are)?


Compare that to the unblockable kick (note: unblockable, not undodgable).


Conjunctions are a bitch :p



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Kicking isn't a problem. A well timed pull/kick IS a problem...for a defender.

Being an avid kicker myself, I realize some weaknesses behind it. First of all, someone above said to "jump" away from kick...this is beyond wrong. jumping around a good kicker will get your ass...umm, kicked. NEVER jump unless you intend to kick. I find, if timing is a problem, that the best counter for pull/kick is a simple push to throw your opponent off balance and then a quick pull/kick yourself. Play defensively when it comes to kicking, your opponent will make a mistake. When he does, capitalize on it...make him pay! Oh and in regards to a knock down...don't kick spam anyone left on the ground UNLESS you're behind them; however, then a well placed uppercut would be more beneficial...followed by another pull/kick *pause* throw. Remember, timing is everything...skill is nothing. Don't rely on so-called skill. Play with intelligence.



*kickwhore no. 0892* [iss]Break_dF

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Originally posted by Blank1234

Twins, I think it's the combination easy to execute *AND* hard to avoid that makes it too much in darklord's eyes.


Granted, a light stance swing does 20 damage. How many swings will it take to get through a standard servers saber block rate (by standard server, I mean no altered settings like the majority of them are)?


Compare that to the unblockable kick (note: unblockable, not undodgable).


Conjunctions are a bitch :p




back up...and lure him/her into kicking...he/she will miss...then kick the enemy yourself

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