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Attn: Heavy Stance Experts

Darth Kaan

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The Red stance is by far the best to use in any combat situation if you have two things, skill and above all else patience. Make sure that you have your defend to level 3, this will keep the spinners off of your back.


Remember that if you do not attack you will automatically defend. Time your moves so that they will hit. You do not need many hits because of the damage each one can deal to your opponent. Attack in sweeping move from a crouched position to keep you opponent back then hit with the dfa. You do not need to hit them just get them to move behind you and then execute a back swing.


I play as a dark Jedi and fight almost 90% of the time in red. I max out jump, grip, drain, pull and lightning if they have it. Use drain to keep your health up from the spinners and grip in conjunction with the a kick and dfa to kill quickly. Jump is imperative to the red stance. This allows for you to get yourself out of the way of harm as well as setup those large and powerful swings.


Kicking is also a great tool when people get too close or try to backstab you. Turning off your saber is also a must on servers that allow attacks without the saber on. This allows you the element of surprise against your opponents. They come in with a spin and you hit with a heavy back swing before they know it they are down some major hit-points.


Also try to get your shields maxed out as well. This will again gain you more time to setup your attacks. The red stance is by far the hardest to learn to use but when you have mastered it then no other style seems to match it.


Practice a combination of swings so that you can sweep through a group of opponents like a hedge trimmer (for lack of a better term). Remember that any stance is just part of a larger attack plan. Know when to attack and when to flee. But as already stated just practice until you can do combos without thought and you will be racking up kills in no time.

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Some nice tips in there, Sith Maximus.


I also found that one should not underestimate the power of simple overhand chops (forward + attack). Long combos make you vulnerable to kicks and esp. saber throws so sometimes a nice overhand chop can deal a lot of damage and be rather easy to perform.


With 1.04 things are changing a bit in my opinion. With backsweep not being as powerful anymore, people are changing to complete different tactics. People who were using red only for the backsweep now seem to go to other stances (mainly blue, I think). The red stancers you see now are either shameless DFA/saber throw spammers (esp. in NF FFA games) or they are very, VERY good.


I've seen a lot of good red stancers lately, cutting through people with rather simple swings, no fancy combos, just perfect timing. I bow my head before these guys...

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Originally posted by Bluezman

I've seen a lot of good red stancers lately, cutting through people with rather simple swings, no fancy combos, just perfect timing. I bow my head before these guys...


yes, my clan has a member quite like that (absolute0) and he was like that in 1.04...all he does is the strafe attacks mainly, but he times it perfectly, and kicks a lot of ass, was like that in 1.03 too

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I am glad I started this thread, there has been some great insite posted here. Thanks to all who posted sticking to the topic. :)


1.04 taking away the BS "one hit wonder" power has indeed made it where Red stance users can use the forward and backward keys with attack to time a simple overhead slash that is now very effective and many time a one hit kill.


This simple technique with timing works great for me as I like to see who I am fighting. It also make opponents wary of blindly charging in after the second or third time you dispatch them very easily. It also helps set up some other very nice combinations. :)



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One effective (yet dangerous) tactic is to chase them down relentlessly with forward hacks. This primarily works on players who don't try to get out of the way & who are on the offensive also. The upside is you can kill in 2 - 3 hits a lot of times, the downside is that you have to be very accurate because missing even one or two times is all a player needs to get you back. This is more of a suprise, in your face, tactic so you have to use it sparingly or people will know it's coming & own you.

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