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OMG! WTF!? I'm not l337 anymore!?

Luc Solar

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I inst4lled 1.04 and *everything* chang3d! OMFG!!


Let me share my eXperience:



I started of carefully with a DFA, almost hitting the duelers. I see them attacking me... "foolish n00bs!", I thought, they'll end up sliced 'n diced once I get out of this DFA and start spinning like a hurricane thanks to my H4X0r-skillz!


But WTF?!!? I see no spinning and end up with 20 health left just to be kicked to death by the other lamer! OMG-OMFG!!


I decide to teach the kick-whore a lesson, cause he really deserved it...what an arrogant SOB, kept saying "whatever" when I explained to him what a wh0re he was...this could not go unpunished!


So I had all my l337 binds and scripts ready..waiting for him to make one fatal mistake. Naturally that did not take long, since he was clearly a n00b. Yes, the dimwitted lamer stepped on the bridge, exactly what I'd been waiting for!


"He's as good as dead" I though, when I stepped on the other end of the bridge (right after getting the big shield and the bacta from the ledge behind me) welcoming him to his doom.


I gave the fool one last look, letting him know how I despised his lame tactics...clearly paralysing him with Ph34r!


One swift turn later I was in position. "Ph34r My l337 Skillz! PHEAR ME N00B! UR OWnT", I taunted him using one of my endless binds thus confusing and scaring him to the brink of insanity.


He had no chance now - I started moving backwards, hitting the floor with my saber in case the newbie was dumb enough to attack me.


I quickly estimated my position (the lenght of the bridge minus the distance I had back-pedaled) and knew I was close. Just to show my superiority, I decided to execute the fying, absurdly spinning backsweep and cut him into n00b-ribbons.


Ahhh...yes, I see the animation begin....but wait! WTF!!?! OMG OMG OMG! The n3wB is just calmly standing there, cutting me in half with one overhead chop!?!


What the hell is this?!! I saw the friggin' animation start! I'm supposed to get the frag whenever it does that!! What the h3ll!?!


So I type him a a few well thought out messages and almost manage to DFA him while he answers yet again "whatever..". Damn lucky n00b!


One look at the score board tells me something is *definetly* wrong with this patch! "No matter, I'll rack up some frags and show them who's boss", I thought and headed for the area where a dozen lesser-skilled players were sabering. I jump in the middle of the crowd and expose my elite skills once again by executing a backsweep.




I decide to try it a few more times 'cause..you know...sometimes the lag makes me miss.


After 10 more sweep-attempts I'm down to -3. :mad:


WHAT THE HELL WAS RAVEN THINKING!! They sucked out all the fun and skill and made this game a n00b-paradise!! OMG! I can't pwN anyone anymore!! You FIX this R4ven you fix this now! It was wwwwwaaaaaayyyyy better B4, this suxxorzx! Revert to 1.03, but without the DFA nerfing! OMG this is so lame! ThispatchsuXaZZ!

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Question as a friendly observer: Is this thread going for sarcasm, or are you being serious? It seems like the former, IMO, but if it's the latter, I see a flame war on the horizon... :p


Edit: J/k; I'm tired and am having a bit of trouble with figuring out half of what anything means atm. Nice one. :)

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thats just too funny dude..




One swift turn later I was in position. "Ph34r My l337 Skillz! PHEAR ME N00B! UR OWnT", I taunted him using one of my endless binds thus confusing and scaring him to the brink of insanity.



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Hehe, it's 4 AM here, give me a break. If I felt more passion about half of the "1.04 sucks" threads, I would have been on the floor laughing right now. :D


Forgive me for my lack of interest. :fett:


And yes, I am AC Mercen4ry when I browse the JK2 ++ pubs and QS's server. Remind me where I saw you? :)

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

Hehe, it's 4 AM here, give me a break.


And yes, I am AC Mercen4ry when I browse the JK2 ++ pubs and QS's server. Remind me where I saw you? :)


Sure Merc.. :)


We met brifly once at Rage And Honour. Remeber...the time when you got owned so badly that you started crying?

Well, that was me, AC Luc Solar :rolleyes:


But seriously...we met once, but I doubt we ever got to duel.


It's 11am here now, so that might be why I don't show up on Rage and Honor that often.. ;)

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We met brifly once at Rage And Honour. Remeber...the time when you got owned so badly that you started crying?


Nah... I just found it amusing that someone leaning on the force speed button, swinging his saber at random could manage so many kills. At the very least, 1.04 with x4 saber damage and sabertracesaberfirst 0 is going to take a little getting used to; I couldn't believe all the dead bodies. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by KnightHawk420

Your such a nOOb.... you didn't even try pull/backstab you sUx0r.


Uh, Dewd! It was a n00b-friendly no force server! I'm an Uber$killR0xorxZ when it comes to pull/backstab!!oneone!!


I got it scripted to three (count 'em: ThR33!) buttons on my Joystick. So STFU n00b! :D:rolleyes:

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Acually, Something happend to me that was kinda like that. I was on the nar shadaa streets. I always loved that place since you get to push unwary noobs to there doom. I saw one, he must have been a real noob, he had no jump ability in force. So i got close, and right before i hit the key. He pulled me. Of course, i just fell to the level far below. I just thought it was gay how overpowered the pull has gotton. Not only that, Push has gotton weaker, i use to be able to accually push down people. I got my vengence with a saber battle, he tryed a pull. didnt work that well, did knock me down, but i got up and pushed him over the edge. Then he accused me of cheating, and i was banned from that game


I wonder if alot of the worlds problems were the cause of people listening to the wrong people.

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Originally posted by The oUt/<ast

I wonder if alot of the worlds problems were the cause of people listening to the wrong people.



That's why 1.03 came out.

That's why Bush got elected president (despite the fact you think he's a good one or not).

That's why this whole Enron domino effect started.


etc., etc., etc.


But actually, I do agree with Pull being a bit more powerful with skill than Push. Mainly, not because of the old pull-BS combo or the fact that you can take guns from unsuspecting opponents - if used properly, Pull is infinitely easier to kill someone with. Why? A little thing I call the mid-air pull, which involves leaping over your opponent and pulling a few times. If done properly, you pull him/her off of the ground and into the abyss, and the fact that you're in the air means the poor b@stard will rarely see it coming.


Keep in mind, however, this is a very advanced trick, and can also get you very dead if you can't work it. The reason I believe Push and Pull are still equally balanced gamewise is this - Push serves as a poor-man's version of the above. It's far easier to do considering, and if placed correctly can be quite funny. Furthermore, must say that Push and Pull are still just as good in 1.04 - sure, there's less of a knockdown frequency, but the fundamental uses remain the same... I can still Push or Pull people off cliffs at will, given they are usually attacking or using a force power when I do it. I can still take guns from people at will. And if I *really* want to knock someone over? I kick 'em. :)


Just my $.02 oUt/<ast. :cool:

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Originally posted by Israfel

This is the kinda guy that ends up in a career drawing current affairs comics.


Umm...uh...I have no idea what that means BUT IF I EV3R SEE YOU ON THE BA77LEFIELD I WILL KICK U IN THE *NUTZ*!!


But seriously, folks;

I think God wanted Bush to be president so that all we Europeans could have a good laugh.


Love those Bush-jokes, love 'em! :D :D


And Merc...*shush*! Dont' share! :mad: :mad: :D

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Luc Solar: What am I, your guard dog now? Woof. :p


Bush or Gore eh? Well, both were sleazebags, IMO, but the truth is I just kept my distance from the polls this time. This sort of thing was bound to happen eventually - and I live in the swing state, so my feelings toward the whole butterfly ballot thing are a tad close to home. If I had voted, though, I would have gone for Gore or Third Party - Bush never particularly appealed to me, and even though he handled the whole WTC thing fairly well, I still don't like him as a president. Could just be me... :rolleyes:


But just so I don't get too far OT here, I guess I will address what StarViperPilot said - Solar here is going for the sarcasm factor in the above. :)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar




I inst4lled 1.04 and *everything* chang3d! OMFG!!


Let me share my eXperience:



I started of carefully with a DFA, almost hitting the duelers. I see them attacking me... "foolish n00bs!", I thought, they'll end up sliced 'n diced once I get out of this DFA and start spinning like a hurricane thanks to my H4X0r-skillz!


But WTF?!!? I see no spinning and end up with 20 health left just to be kicked to death by the other lamer! OMG-OMFG!!


I decide to teach the kick-whore a lesson, cause he really deserved it...what an arrogant SOB, kept saying "whatever" when I explained to him what a wh0re he was...this could not go unpunished!


So I had all my l337 binds and scripts ready..waiting for him to make one fatal mistake. Naturally that did not take long, since he was clearly a n00b. Yes, the dimwitted lamer stepped on the bridge, exactly what I'd been waiting for!


"He's as good as dead" I though, when I stepped on the other end of the bridge (right after getting the big shield and the bacta from the ledge behind me) welcoming him to his doom.


I gave the fool one last look, letting him know how I despised his lame tactics...clearly paralysing him with Ph34r!


One swift turn later I was in position. "Ph34r My l337 Skillz! PHEAR ME N00B! UR OWnT", I taunted him using one of my endless binds thus confusing and scaring him to the brink of insanity.


He had no chance now - I started moving backwards, hitting the floor with my saber in case the newbie was dumb enough to attack me.


I quickly estimated my position (the lenght of the bridge minus the distance I had back-pedaled) and knew I was close. Just to show my superiority, I decided to execute the fying, absurdly spinning backsweep and cut him into n00b-ribbons.


Ahhh...yes, I see the animation begin....but wait! WTF!!?! OMG OMG OMG! The n3wB is just calmly standing there, cutting me in half with one overhead chop!?!


What the hell is this?!! I saw the friggin' animation start! I'm supposed to get the frag whenever it does that!! What the h3ll!?!


So I type him a a few well thought out messages and almost manage to DFA him while he answers yet again "whatever..". Damn lucky n00b!


One look at the score board tells me something is *definetly* wrong with this patch! "No matter, I'll rack up some frags and show them who's boss", I thought and headed for the area where a dozen lesser-skilled players were sabering. I jump in the middle of the crowd and expose my elite skills once again by executing a backsweep.




I decide to try it a few more times 'cause..you know...sometimes the lag makes me miss.


After 10 more sweep-attempts I'm down to -3. :mad:


WHAT THE HELL WAS RAVEN THINKING!! They sucked out all the fun and skill and made this game a n00b-paradise!! OMG! I can't pwN anyone anymore!! You FIX this R4ven you fix this now! It was wwwwwaaaaaayyyyy better B4, this suxxorzx! Revert to 1.03, but without the DFA nerfing! OMG this is so lame! ThispatchsuXaZZ!




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yeah dude.. I can relate.. 1.04 is n00b heaven...


4 out of 5 duels servers, there has a been sum spamming with the blue stance.. I thought.. a n00b, this will be ez kill for me.. yet i lost 4 out 6 games against him!! In fact he almost win the duel, if it wasnt sum who could own the n00b!!... Man.. attacking like crazy with the blue stance aint skill.. is just... n00bish!!

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