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The Gayest and most retarted thing.

The oUt/<ast

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Whats the Gayest and most retarted thing you have heared after you defeated a noob.



The gayest i have heared


Noob starts ass- attacking

Noob kills 2 people slashing uselessly

Me Backswings once


Right about now, the people that he game cheap shots to would come to kick his ass.

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Icefox/Rosco: Erm, bow dude show me some mothertrucking respect! (It's mothertrucking too.)


The oUt/<ast: Hah, n00b I'm gonna pwn j00 because your the most gay and retarded thing I've ever seen.


Rosco: Both?



The oUt/<ast: Yep.




The oUt/<ast: (Bows, but then turns around to show me his OTHER side.


Rosco: *Gasps* Oh, no you didn't!(Ignites saber, runs over to The oUt/<ast with his back still turned in a bowing manner, and backstabs him.


The oUt/<ast: OMG OMG OMFG BS STFU UR GAY N00b! That was the most gayest and retarded thing I have ever seen!


Rosco: Gayest AND retarded?


The oUt/<ast: Yep.


Rosco: Ah.




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Originally posted by icefox98

Icefox/Rosco: Erm, bow dude show me some mothertrucking respect! (It's mothertrucking too.)

The oUt/<ast: Hah, n00b I'm gonna pwn j00 because your the most gay and retarded thing I've ever seen.


Rosco: Gayest AND retarded?

The oUt/<ast: Yep.

Rosco: Ah.



ROFLMAO!! :D :D Go icefox98 GO!

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I had a guy who I had just beaten in a duel match sit in spec mode and flame away with the usual set of "gay, lame, no honor, no skill, you suck" responses you received when you killed them with a backstab.


Normally, I usually just ignore them but this dude kept on going after 3 more matches while he waited.


Finally I see him type, "Yeah and I just owned your ass!"


I asked him what the Hell he meant by that because I had beaten him in all of about 6 seconds when we played.


He stated that because I was ignoring him and not responding to his insults that I had just been "Chat Owned".


In all the years I have been playing online I have never heard anything so utterly ridiculous and actually ended up losing the current match I was playing because I could not stop laughing at this guy and his frustration.

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Chat owned. :lol:


What was that old children's saying? "Sticks and stones (or in this case, lightsabers) can break my bones, but words will never hurt me?"


Sad. It seems flamers get worse and worse every day, from all their pent up frustration, rage, and anger at sucking in general. Tch. Some people.... :rolleyes:

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"chat owned" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thats the most ridicilous thing ive ever heard!!


Some people take this game so seriously its not even funny. One time I was dueling, it just started and he was bowing to me. I was like, "schwing!! I got an idea" (in previous fights this guy would flame you for using backstab OR DFA...I mean he would get ON you about it then he goes and does it and claims he is the master at JK2)


So, with that in mind. I walked over to him real fast as he was bowing and backstabbed him (he died obviously) just to see what his reaction would be. I'm tellin you right now, ive never laughed so hard in my life (with the exception of that "if the movies played like JK2" thread) HE WAS PISSED ROYALLY!!! I mean, a constant stream of cuss words, I could not believe how serious this guy was.


After a few more rounds of playing, I faced him again. This time he went psyco on me, he was swingin away. Backsweeping/stabing left and right. I kept dodging them easy. I hadnt even egnited my saber, and for a little bit I was only kicking him. I probably kicked him 3 or 4 times before he typed in something like "nOOb why dont you fight me like a man??" I was almost in tears from laughing so hard cause he hadnt even hit me yet. So I said "fine sonny-boy" and then finished him with some yellow stance swings. After that, he disconnected.



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Um, the gayest, most retarded thing let me think...........


First on my list would be somene who is intolerant and posts a post like this. Especially when they only have 4 posts total!


Second is anyone who uses the term "Noob." Everyone here, at one time or another, was new to online MP gaming and/or the Jedi Outcast game. I myself am happy to see more and more people discover the online gaming realm. More players leads to more servers and more competition that I can test my skills against. It is idiots like yourself that scare these new players away.


Your post screams one thing: "I am a mediocre player who has learned one or two lethal moves, like backspin, and now I THINK I'm the ****. However, I know that I'm really not the best so I'll put other players down to make myself feel better!"


Posts like this make me sick!:evanpiel:

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Wait... were you actually reading these posts? They're hilarious! These morons are given a taste of their own medicine, and they react so terribly! They whine and moan and swear to no end!


And what about that one guy. CHAT OWNED? WTF? I really couldn't believe how stupid that noob (oops I said it, better hang me, BOP! :rolleyes: ) was! He gets royally owned, so he backs out into spectator mode and spams the chat menu with line after line of senseless flaming, then after about a half hour says he just "chat owned" Homo Ewok?


There are two reasons why this is stupid and hilarious:


1. "Chat owned? That doesn't even exist! The noob was probably just trying to compensate for his absolute suckyness in the game.


2. He said he had "chat owned" Homo Ewok because he hadn't responded to his flames. I don't know what gave the guy that idea. He needs to get it through his head. When somebody doesn't respond to you no matter how excessively you spam, it means they DON'T GIVE A **** ABOUT YOU!!! :rolleyes:


Read the posts, and try and try to deny that those noobs were exhibiting terribly hipocritical and immature behavior.

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Lunatic, excuse me if I was too harsh. I agree that these responses are funny and that the "Novices," who said them, were out of line. However, I've played on a bunch of JKII servers and have seen 10 intolerant veteran Jedi players for every 1 mouthy novice.


I've watched many awesome players slay newbie after newbie and then post nasty things like: "Typical Noob" "Find a different game loser" and several that I wouldn't post here. A lot of the veteran JKII, and other MP gamers, can be very cruel to new players.


I guess it's the fact that I'm from the "old school" of MP gaming. I remember the 22.800, 33.600, and 56K dial-up days. The days when you'd be exstatic to find 5 other players, with decent pings, who were worthy Duke-Nukem 3d, Quake, or Quake 2, opponents. In those days we were not totally rude to each other.


Oh well, flame on!!

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Well, I will admit, newbies do get flamed senselessly by some of the more aggressive members of the JKII community, but IMO, cases of this aren't as pervasive in JKII as in other games (T2!)


However, the noobs in those posts do deserve the title of noobs. What they were doing was a true show of childish and intolerant behavior.

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What I think is "GAY"...


1. ph34r, l33t, haxors, ...

These words with the number in them are SO stupid. They look so lame and prove nothing.


2. "System spec whores" I don't care what kind of computer you're running unless it's to help one another with a tech problem. I always see these braggarts with the specs in sig's and server lines. Sorry, but I don't drool over COOL specs.

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