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DFA Attacks


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DFA seems to be the attack of choice with the release of 1.04. Every server that I play, JedI's are hoping around like popcorn attacking with DFA. I can avoid them just fine. But, how do they do that? The key strokes are supposed to be Foward+Attack+Jump (while standing and an enemy is directly infront of you). And this works for me sometimes. I see others running at full speed and no enemies around perform a perfect DFA. How is that possible?

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Thats odd, DFA always seems to me like a chance to kick the DFAers ass because he's stuck to the floor. Is this just me?


And to do DFA, you run forward, hold down forward, swing, hold down swing, and then jump. I think. Its easier to tell you waht to do if I am in a game to do it and can watch what my hands are doing. :)

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I saw this, along with the Rockets Thread coming, so please excuse me if I am overly blunt at any point in this thread.


There are 3 ways to DFA, although one is a bug. In the red stance:


1) Mid-Air DFA: Hit Jump+Attack, and when you are at the last part of the swing in mid air, hit forward+jump+attack.


2) Typical DFA: Simply hit attack, and towards the end of that slice, hit forward+jump+attack.


3) Instant DFA: A bit of a bug, but when sabers are hitting one another in the ready stance, you can occasionally DFA from it with a simple forward+jump+attack. :)

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To my knowledge the prerequisite for the DFA is a heavy swing (or the bug) before forward+jump+attack, but you could be right and/or they could have changed it. I still have yet to play with every nook and cranny of 1.04, so I'm still a tad ignorant in this respect. :rolleyes:

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DFA it isnt a problem.. You can avoid easilly.. HOWEVER in 1.03, you would move just sidestep, then backstab them!... EH EH.. those memories... PPL only use DFA on nf servers btw, and no guns servers. I been in a lot of nf no mercs, and every1 keep using DFA/

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People *need* to get those easy kills. Now that BS is gone, the only thing left is the DFA.


'cause otherwise they would have to work for their kills and, ShockhorroR! , use some skill!!! :D :D


I see it like this:


Someone DFA's, I step aside, hit them once with strong and kick 'em.


They won't survive another missed attack.

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Wow, who cares about dfa spaming (medium/ heavy). When their down slice them up, kill them, and think of it as a comunity service. If the move gets them killed everytime they do, do you they'll spam it? Well, maybe...if they're one of the 4 year olds owning ppl in v1.4.

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Eh don't complain about DFA its balanced now. And unless you are not careful or anything its basically a free hit. I like to switch to heavy and start a swing when they are in the air so that by the time they land, my saber goes through them. Or if you want to have fun switch to blue and do a lunge at their side right when they land. It looks like they fall on top of your saber :)

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Thanks for all of the input.


There is a lot of good information contained in these replies. And, many of you have helped to shape my tactics and stratagies for future encounters.


May the Force be with you!

(You may need it, hehe:)

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Actually, my favorite is to do a Yellow Finisher on the DFA spammer, or just slice him when he's down. And yes, it is far easier to dodge than ye olde 1.03 pull-backstab, and since it got a nerf from 1.03 it's less of a problem than how I've seen it in 1.02 / JK2 ++.


Besides, if you really get pissed at the DFA spammer, just own him again and again. Provided you're better than he/she is, then the spammer should eventually get so annoyed that he/she leaves the server. I would advise against kicking said player - that usually leads to flames and incessant whining. Not that the above method won't, but it will lead to less in general. :rolleyes:

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I use DFa in conjunction with grip and kcik a lot on pub servers. DFA is a great move if you know how to time it right. Attack in yelllow with spins and when they move back grip, kick and DFA. Gets em every time. I played for about five hours last night and owned every server I was on. NO one will even try to give you a slice when you are down anymore. I guess it is too hard to adjust from the backstab/dfa thing.

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Both red/yellow specials can be countered with the blue-lunge.

It takes off enough to stop the spammer from using it on you again.


Since 1.04 came out, all i see is people in the red stance running around,

Using the normal attack. this is probably due to the fact that it can now

kill you in 2 hits.


But then people are forced to start spamming moves to counter

this stuff.


I dont see what raven are supposed to do, in any case,

They are going to be complained about. :rolleyes:

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To do a DFA


press and hold attack button while in heavy stance. Near the END OF THE SWING, hit forward and jump while still holding the attack button.


On another note:


You noobs that complained about the DFA in 1.02 just hated it because it could kill you. It was easy to avoid and it didn't need to be nerfed. In fact if you play 1.02 now you will see that more people use backstab then DFA because EVERYONE can avoid it.


You noobs that complain about DFA in 1.03 or above are just absolutely horrible players. The DFA in 1.03 and up is the most suicidle move in the game. If any of you complain about it now my advice is to you is to turn off your computer and go play super mario bros. with your little sister.

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