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Do you believe in Alien's?


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Do you believe in Alien's.


This may seem like a stupid question because we are in a Star Wars Forum but what the heck!


Personally, I think that if there are more Sun's with planetary systems in the Universe than grains of sand on Earth (which there is) then the odd's are simply too huge to think that there is not life out there somewhere!


Do I ever think we will find evidence of this in my lifetime? Well, no. The distances between Sun's are simply too huge and I don't think that our current technogly will advance enough in my lifetime.

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Originally posted by Camus

Yes but there are illigial aliens all over Oklahoma... even had a very large family move into a house 2 houses down the street...


j/k Yes I know what lexx is talking about and I believe in the little green men... but I dont believe they have visited earth...

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Originally posted by Camus


j/k Yes I know what lexx is talking about and I believe in the little green men... but I dont believe they have visited earth...


I think they have. there have been hundreds of UFO sightings and chances sre that some of them are real.

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Originally posted by greedo626


I think they have. there have been hundreds of UFO sightings and chances sre that some of them are real.


This isnt offical but its still funny...


90% of ufo sightings rednecks beer cans and fishing poles have been involved... and the 90% where the drunk rednecks...
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There probably are aliens somewhere



However people always assume they are a simmilar scale to us.


we might be right next to them but not be able to tell cos they are so big


our galaxy might be orbiting their planet. just as tiny particles of dust orbit around our planet



does anyone understand what i mean cos i just read through that and i didnt really explain it well


anyway this all all to complicated


i like my "poodle beret" :)

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I believe in aliens.I dont think that they would show thier faces to us,because we're a Zenophobic race with petty differences that thier higher civilatation lhas evolved out of.


I dont really buy the aliens invading us thing,because if they have space travel across a galaxy,I'm pretty sure they dont need to abduct people to launch a invasion.


I would welcome them though,because if they dont kill us on sight,they are better than some people here on earth....

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty

There probably are aliens somewhere



However people always assume they are a simmilar scale to us.


we might be right next to them but not be able to tell cos they are so big


our galaxy might be orbiting their planet. just as tiny particles of dust orbit around our planet



does anyone understand what i mean cos i just read through that and i didnt really explain it well


anyway this all all to complicated


i like my "poodle beret" :)


I know what you mean. Like in MIB when the cat has the Galaxy around his neck! Anything is possible imo.

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Yea, I believe there are other lifeforms out there. They've even found some. Look at that bacteria they found on Mars. No one ever suspected something like that could live there. That's just an example though.


Also, the whole "Awful waste of space" idea is fitting too. If life can happen here, than it could happen somewhere else too. Granted, I feel that aliens would be in no way similar to us at all.

Well, maybe they might be.


And on that note, something that helps to suggest that aliens may exist, and that they may have visited Earth, is the theory of Evolution. "What?" you're all saying, I know. However, many scientists are starting to question the Evolution theory, and not for religious reasons. They believe that it is almost impossible that we evolved to such an extent as we have, in only a couple hundred million years(not a long time to the universe). So some people are starting to think maybe, some where along the way, we got a bit of "help". Read 2001: A Space Odyssey, something very similar to that theory is in that book.


And to quote Calvin and Hobbes:

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us" :D

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Alot of people believe that the unexplainable stuff such as how the pyramids were build, stonehenge etc etc could have been constructed by aliens. Carbon dating puts those stones in France (cant remember the name of it now) back to 4500 bc! How the hell are people with no technology gonna lift stones heavier than the statue of liberty and place them how they did. Easter Island is another strange one.

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I agree with you when you say that the chances of aliens NOT exsisting is too small but i dont agree when you say that we wont find these aliens because the distance between the stars is too great...i believe that one day we will be able to reach the far ends of the universe!


You say that this would explain some strange locations on the Earth so this means aliens are/were able to reach the Earth so i think that means its possible for it to work boths ways - we just havent got the technology yet....thats if aliens dont use some dodgy technology which only they have the capabilities of getting. If that is the case then i believe that at some point the aliens will give us the technology to travel through space.


And if at the end of the day we still cant travel that far through space, we'll still have our sci-fi films! :D

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Actually, the scary thing about the Pyramids is not the blocks. The Egyptians had thousands upon thousands of slaves that built the pyramids for the them. The disturbing part about the pyramids, is how perfectly they were constructed. For a group that had very limited mathematical knowledge, particularly geometry and physics, no real measurement of mass and therefore stress that each block would undergo, they built structures that lasted what, a couple thousand years? And they're still going strong. That's the scary part. Also, in order to stay on topic, those "Wonders of the World" are often considered by many to have been built by Aliens, or Aliens taught us how to make them. Look at the structure of a giant Spider-like creature in South America(It looks like a realllly huge collection of crop circle type thingies:D And it's definitely man made). It can only be distinguished from the air. And I mean very high in the air. Strange no?

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I have had some UFO experiances before, and I'm only 15.


One time at summer camp, I was playing softball and it was getting lat, and we had just p[acked up the equipment and was ready to go in, when I looked up at the sky to see a small light looming over me, and drifting off. It changed directions, and then finally left.


ANother time, I was at my grandma's. She lives out in the country, and the sight of the sky in the evening is beautiful. One time, I was out there in the middle of a field with her small dog, just looking at the sky for the heck of it. A square-shaped object came from over the trees, and then went back the way it came. I backed up to get a better view, but it had gone.


another time I was in my backyard, cleaning out my car(this was during the day). I looked up to see a glaring metallic object zooming across the sky. It looked like a rectangle, and it made no noise. Then, a second one passed right by it, and the went in opposite directions. These where not planes. I know what a plane looks like.


I was like.........woa..........

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Originally posted by Reb_Starblazer

they built structures that lasted what, a couple thousand years? And they're still going strong.


Look at the structure of a giant Spider-like creature in South America. It can only be distinguished from the air. And I mean very high in the air.

Strange no?


I believe that some people think the pyramids were built to resemble a constellation...perhaps the aliens built the pyramids to last thousands of years so that when humans finally can travel through space they can use this constellation to search for and travel to the aliens!


I havent heard about this spider-like this? is it the one they call 'chewchewbanana' or something like that? :D

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Originally posted by lexx

Divine Spirit > I said that I didn't think we would find evidence of the existence of aliens "in my lifetime" !!


oops sorry! i have this terrible attention span where i read only the first part of things....i think its because i suddenly think of something really good to say and if i wait too long to write it down i forget it and then spend the next few days trying to remember what it was :D

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Have any of you heard of RODS? They are long creatures that have been captured on video and can only be seen when you slow the tape right down. They travel hundreds of miles an hour and this is why people believe them to be not of this planet.


I'm gonna try a find a website about them so you know what I'm talking about!

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

I have had some UFO experiances before, and I'm only 15.


One time at summer camp, I was playing softball and it was getting lat, and we had just p[acked up the equipment and was ready to go in, when I looked up at the sky to see a small light looming over me, and drifting off. It changed directions, and then finally left.


ANother time, I was at my grandma's. She lives out in the country, and the sight of the sky in the evening is beautiful. One time, I was out there in the middle of a field with her small dog, just looking at the sky for the heck of it. A square-shaped object came from over the trees, and then went back the way it came. I backed up to get a better view, but it had gone.


another time I was in my backyard, cleaning out my car(this was during the day). I looked up to see a glaring metallic object zooming across the sky. It looked like a rectangle, and it made no noise. Then, a second one passed right by it, and the went in opposite directions. These where not planes. I know what a plane looks like.


I was like.........woa..........


I had 1 experience.I was in the desert at night.I look at the sky and I thought I saw a comet.The wierd thing is that is a made a perfect 90 degree turn and dissapeared.

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I do belive in lifeforms outside of this planet, I also belive that there is intellegent lifeforms in the universe (notice that i don't say other intellegent lifeforms). But i doubt very much that these lifeforms have ever visited earth.

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