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GB.com Football league


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Okay folks! Football season starts in a few months, and we all KNOW that Arsenal is gonna win the league again this year :rolleyes:


Wait, wrong football. Anyway: By popular demand (Fergie reminding me of it in an im conversation) I have created a GB.com fantasy football league on Yahoo . (And yes I realize the season doesn't start till September) All you need is one of them thar Yahoo Ids and you are set..


Some rules though:


1. Please for the love of all things clean, check your team often


2. I do not know yet what type of draft we will hold, I WOULD like a live online one, but there aren't any good times avaliable, I'm kinda edgeing away from doing it on the forum though..


EDIT: Almost forgot

ID: 49109

Password: Qaz

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Originally posted by duder

Boooo. You got me all excited when I read the first sentence.


Dumb yanks.


Comparitively I'm not THAT dumb, I mean I know what Arsenal is, can't say that for a lot of other yanks

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Originally posted by Clefo


Comparitively I'm not THAT dumb, I mean I know what Arsenal is, can't say that for a lot of other yanks


Never call me a yank, ever! Anyways, Arsenal is an English Premiere League team if i remember correctly.


Can't say i'm gonna do your league though. I hate how yahoo does it.

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The former champ of the GB Football league will play!

*wink wink* that's me:D


[edit] tried to sign up but got multiple errors...

The password is incorrect.

The league has already drafted. You can not join a league postdraft.

League is full.

There was a problem accessing data. Please try again.[/edit]


[edit2.0]k, refreshed the page and tried again...works now. I'm ready to kick some forumer butt;) [/edit2.0]

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Basically: Its the stat geeks form of masturbation (To be blunt) You draft players from the NFL, and whilst they are on your team their RL preformence reflects on your team's.. So if a player gets injured on the field your team will suffer and you have to sign another one etc..

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Well you don't have to do much except make sure your team is healthy and check on it much. You can stay home on Sundays yelling "GRIESE YOU BASTARD WHY CAN'T YOU THROW THE BALL RIGHT?" (At least, thats what I did all last season) while the stat thing does its work

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