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The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future


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((It wasn't. *copies*




Dad: *Grabs onto his wife and cowers in a corner*

Mom: *Holds her little Kenny protectively*

*Ken'atra looks at his parents and anger swells up inside of him. How dare these creatures scare his parents like that?! He looks at the one that spoke to him. The Time Matrix...perhaps if he jumped again then these strangers would follow him. While backing away from the winged one he closes his eyes. He needs a planet. Any planet will do! Just get these people away from his parents! Everything around him starts to dissolve and moments later he is on yet another planet*





*Rwos realized what Ken'atra was doing as he did it, and lunged for him. His hand closed on empty air.


The landscape changed. Cracken appeared ten feet from him. The others were out of sight, due apparently to the random quality of the Time Matrix' pull.


Irvine and the Revenant Deac had been left behind. And Ken'atra was nowhere to be seen.*



((OOS: Scar, to spell this out, Irvine, Revenant, and Ken'atra's family are still on Raynor. ))


It happened in those posts.


Oh, Death won't be able to reply today - so hold off on trying to end the RPG, please ;)))




Rwos: Ken'atra, please end this. We are your only hope to save your family. You don't know how to stop the Holocaust yourself, do you?


*Ken'atra seemed paralyzed. Rwos waited for an answer.*

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*Odin and Vidar move off to a side, to where they cannot be heard*


Odin: When this is over I think I will return to Asgard. When we get home, I plan on summoning the council to discuss our next step.


Vidar: If these people ever get this over. We had chance after chance but they rather talk then get this done with.

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((Scar: Why would they be in different locations.


I'll spell it out for you. Odin and Vidar are tied to the time matrix like the Rwos, Flax, and Cracken. When Ken'atra jumped Odin and Vidar were pulled with him like the others. After getting up the two found each other, then went to the rest of the group. Releltha then appeared with Ken'atra, with the ensueing conversation not really concerning the two, they walk off to the side and talk to each other. To recap.


1.Odin and Vidar are transported with Ken'atra.

2.Reletha shows up and the group begins talking again.

3.Odin and Vidar decide to talk amoung themselves so they move off to the side.

4.They are with the group.))

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((That is right. You need to read all of the post paticularly these:


Odin: We had the perfect chance to get him, but no these people had to go on and on.


Vidar where are you?


Vidar: Right behind you.


Odin: Come lets find the others.


*Odin and Vidar come up from behind the group*


Odin: I see everyone is here. Now who is with Ken'atra?


As you can see they were not placed next to each other, but close. When you read the entire thread, you would know that while the placement is random the proximity is fairly close. ))

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[sorry, modem not working well, can't post a lot]


*Reletha stands, and turns towards Irvine*


Pah. Another Gnat who would be a Lord. You have no place here, because your timeline is going to be erased


*Blasts Irvine with Force Lightining*


However I am, after all, a Sith Lady


Revenant: And I am your end, Reletha...


*The Revenant ignites Deac's familiar sabers (He picked them up during the wait)*

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((@Deac: You got screwed up by Scar's posts that he didn't edit to correct. Irvine's not with us. That post where he attacked Reletha didn't happen ;)


@Scar: The Revenant IS with Reletha. He didn't get pulled. He just waited several decades to find us.))

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*Ken'atra snaps out of his state of confusion and looks at Rwos. Give him the time matrix? No...no he can't. But it's true, he doesn't know how to stop the holocaust. Everything he's tried has failed. Suddenly he grabs Rwos by the throat and draws him close* Swear. Swear on your life, on your honor, on everything that is dear to you; swear you can stop this.

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*Rwos starts to reply, but something stops him*


I *can* stop this, right? All I need to do is use the Time Matrix to go to the Aesir's command ship and stop the torpedoes from launching. But I'll need Odin for that.




I can't leave the others here. But... What was the instructions for using the Time Matrix in the legend? ...everyone who would be transported would need to be touching it, all focusing on the same purpose. If their minds fought, ...I don't remember. But it wasn't good.


And, if, say, Cracken got his hands on the Time Matrix...


There's only one solution. Ken'atra is going to have to do this. To preserve the links.


Rwos: I swear. *he breaks Ken'atra's hold and backs away* But I can't do it. You need to.

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*Cracken scoffs at the scene*


Well, well, Reletha, Sith Lord, attacking the lesser beings, Tsk, tsk, how....sad. I'd have thought better of you. one in her full prime as a Sith.


*Cracken gives a hard, quick look to Rwos. This was there chance. do it while the sith was distracted. He light his lightsaber*


Come on, fight someone of your own expertise!!!

*Has Cracken actually flipped? in his almost powerless state, he's bound to lose! will his diversion work!!??!*

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