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|:| JEDIMOD v1.1 |:|

remark 666

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well, I want to know more and I bet so does everyone else, post your updates, news, bugs, etc... here, it'll be way easier for people to find


can you please tell us guys what's going to be new in 1.1 ? what new features and options are you going to add or remove, what fun commands are going to be in or what annoying things will be out ? here is few toughts I have


to fix:


-Kill Tracker (ultimate/X-treme) doesn't load with this mod

-Mrbig modes saber should be adjusted, it's a thin line

-sometimes, if you switch some options or turn from small or big modes your saber throw is messed up, you throw the saber and it never comes back, it just keeps going forward

-when you enter /twosaber it makes you have 2 white saber glows, you have to go again in the saber color option and back to game again for them to activate your custom colors

-I tried activating the nerf spin thing but it still didn't let me spin in 1.04

-some commands like /sit /stand give you weird messages like unknown cmd or something, are they cheat protacted or something ?

-bots with 2 sabers don't work (for me at least)


to add:



-maybe remove the 2 extra stances in 1 saber mode, they should be for 2 sabers only I think

-add one handed or 2 handed ability like in JediStyles mod

-one more stance for 2 sabers (make it green color or something)

-new stance for double sided saber only (so it has an advantage over single or two saber styles) (like you know 2 sabers have 2 special styles ? same idea for 2 sided blade)

-grapple hook (mod) or whatever, that sounds nice

-wall climb, to climb streight up, not wall run, kinda like Spider-Man (maybe make it press forward and hold jump to climb)

-some more special moves (JediStyles mod)

-add a punch attack (like the Hydroball mod)

-make it so characters say more than one taunt sound (i've seen this done before, forgot where the file is at)

-more "emotes" wouldn't be bad, maybe float, fly, dance, swim, play dead, fart, breakdance, something fun, could be anything


that's it for now, I'll play some more and get back to ya


post your ideas or bugs about the current mod peeps, hopefully here the guys will do our ideas, it IS a mod for the fans anyhow, I think it'd be great if you took some of our ideas makers o_0


PS: please don't post "how do I do that?!?!" and "how to turn that on" in this thread, this is for ideas and bugs only" thank you



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I have a strong feeling that DEST will leave in the two stances for one saber style.. reason being is he told me it would balance it out, so that only one saber mode will have ALL the stances...

I heard him saying about selectable hilts, and I think either NickR or Chrono, sorry if it wasnt you, talking about they are making as selectable as models themselves. Also I suggested the idea of being able to activate dual sabers one at a time, more eyecandy than anything but then again, it'd allow for someone to fight one saber or two... but in that mode, you would still only get the 2 stances, even if you only have one saber... know what i'm saying? Well nuff out of me.. later!



P.S. and about the unknown cmds.. that is happening because you are missing a command line aka the debugcheats line


you need to make a line in your cfg file that says


seta mod_debugcheats 1



then you will no longer receive that message.

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NickR: "After 3 hours of work I've got my code working. check out this pic:



So far I have desann's, luke's, kyle's (obviously) and the reborn's hilts available. Theres no menu for selecting them yet just a cvar to change them. But eventually I will get to it."


EDIT: nevermind, NickR doesn't want to do them for JM, he want to make "his own" mod >_<

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I'd like to see


Selectable saber hilts from the menu rather than typing in the console

Choose what kind of saber you would like from the menu (maybe add one like count dooku's). Even out saber combat so that people with a single saber could challenge people with double bladed.

Give the option to only have 1 blade active when you are carring to sabers and same for the double bladed so you don't always need to have both out.

Some kind of in game menu which quickly allows you to choose to use one of the new features like sit and kiss.



btw great job on jedimod - finally i can use two sabers at once :D

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I have downloaded the 1.0 mod twice now and the beta originaly and cannot get it to work in game at all. I put it in the gamedata folder, but it doesnt seem to work. when I try to creat a server or join a server with the mod on it, it boots me out of the game and causes an error that locks up my computer. I have taken out the beta version when installing the new version, but I cant seem to get it to work at all. If anybody has had similar probs or just knows the quick fix for itI would be very grateful.

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Dest is actually doing a hilt-select code for JediMod 1.1, so for those who are worried Nick and Dest will have separate mods.


I can hardly wait though, JediMod is so flexible I might just make it part of my duel server and turn off all the sabers just so people can have different hilts. If only I ran the server then it wouldn't be such a problem ^_^.

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yeah, too bad there isn't a selection at the top "JediMod" (where FFA, Duel is, etc..) so that way we can find servers easy..hmm.. I haven't seen any server running it, except the server Dest runs (even that, he doesn't do it much) so it's very hard to play with friends..etc.. (unless it's network)


damn, if only people posted IP address in here with the mod on their servers loaded *hint* *hint*



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Yes I will be releasing suorce for 1.1


The guy that made JediMod 2.0++ just messed up the name. It really should have been JediMod++ 2.0. Its a combination of JediMod and jk2++. He is going to fix it when he updates for the 1.1 source.

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Hey Dest, when/are you also going to release the source code for jediMod 1.1? That would be sweet. I'm tweakin a mod i made within v1.0 and look forward to porting it into your newest version.


BTW - anyone else not able to find the files on either jkfiles or jediknightii ?

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