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yoda SUCKS!! (sorrys kinja)

{tojo} Qui-Gon

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ok i KNOW THAT kinja worked on the yoda FOR A LONG time, along with a bunch of other people ( i.e. team yoda:p ) but he sucks!!! know i enjoy the jedimod "#" but when im not playing yoda has HIS HUGE ASS IN MY WAY AND I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL IM DOING! well i know FOR SURE that alot of people are going to post along here (maybe agreeing) but mostly disagreeing and i'd just like to say " that there to scared to express there TRUE feeling about the model and i respect kinja so that why im telling him this......thxs

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Well i don't have jedimods or other that kind of (code

mods) and i am not really intrested of them because i

play and develop my own mod...


But my own mod doesn't have model scaling so that

yoda is quite much a hmm... JOKE (IT IS VERY good

looking model) but when is is not right size it is

not so fun to play with...


(I have tried to include that scaling feature to my mod

but it didn't work and i don't have any idea what did i

do wrong or what i didn't do at all...)


Soo Yoda is good model but doesn't work for me..

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Originally posted by {tojo} Qui-Gon

ok i KNOW THAT kinja worked on the yoda FOR A LONG time, along with a bunch of other people ( i.e. team yoda:p ) but he sucks!!!....


It's perfectly fine to say that you don't like something but at least say what you don't like about it instead of just saying that it sucks. At least give some constructive critisism otherwise it's pointless.

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That's nice. You say it 'sucks' becuase you are too... dumb? ...ignorant? ...whatever to make it work correctly. Sounds like YOU are the problem, so I would like to suggest that perhaps you are the one that actually 'sucks'.


Is it me, or are parents not teaching the whole 'if you don't have something nice to say, don't open your mouth' rule anymore?

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Originally posted by oddjob: A-Team

That's nice. You say it 'sucks' becuase you are too... dumb? ...ignorant? ...whatever to make it work correctly. Sounds like YOU are the problem, so I would like to suggest that perhaps you are the one that actually 'sucks'.


Is it me, or are parents not teaching the whole 'if you don't have something nice to say, don't open your mouth' rule anymore?



maybe you should be looking at that quote too, juding by that response.

Qui-gon has a valid opinion, but yes he could have stated it better.

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i just have a few words to say to you, and they are: shut your damn mouth, you idiot! they worked for months on what is one of the best models out there, and just cause you couldn't recognize talent if it danced naked in front of you, doesn't mean you can take that out on others. so just chill out. if you can come up with a better model than they can, then you can say it sucks. but until that time, just shut up. Got it?

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it's those "thankful" people like him that take away any motivation and joy that modders have!

the whole yoda team did this for fun and they were so kind to share their finished model with the whole community (thanx, guys). but the people complaining abouteverything can really drive someone mad! you don't like yoda, or any other model? then don't download it, delete it and never play with it again!

but don't say something like "that sucks", because that takes away the fun of modelling!!! or at least don't be surprised when there will be no new models any more!

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geez, qui-gon doesnt like the model. he's allowed to say so. maybe he was a little rude about it, but its not against the rules. phantom, you need to chill out. try going to another topic for a while. youre a little worked up considering this topic doesnt even concern you. it was aimed at Team Yoda. there, thats my 2 cents.

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fine, ill chill. he has every right to express his opinion, but he shouldn't do that to people who worked their butts off for people like him, just to get crap. im sorry if i freaked out. it pisses me off when people do that. and i want the two cents! give it to me, now! or else ill send my rabid cable modem to EAT YOU!

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It's not the point that he is b*tching out the model being bad. He didn't say the model was bad. He said it sucked when it wasn't scaled properly.


My question to you is, why are you using Yoda w/o Jedi Mod? Even Kinja made a disclaimer that said w/o JediMod Yoda looks like Quasimodo.


Don't complain when you can fix the problem. There is no problem here that i see other than you are unwilling to compromise playing with Yoda on non-Jedi Mod servers.


Go somewhere else and bug people. You are not wanted here.

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Before you flame this kid, remember that his opinion is his and only his, and he has the right to voice it. No one has any right to insult someone because their opinion is different.


I sort of agree, in a way. The hood on the back was kind of ugly, it should have been more flat, it looks more like a hump on his back than a hood. Hair would've been much better using oriented AutoSprites on a shader for the head. You could have had much more realistic hair with depth, and it could have swayed in the wind! :eek:

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bad emon! no donut! but it really isn't my place to disagree with you, cause its your opinion, not mine. just dont dis the yoda team. and, on this thread, it is official that i am an insane howler monkey with a knack for understanding the human language, typing it, and getting really pissed off. Yay me! Yay me!

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If you can do better, then do it. If not, then don't complain. This is not constructive criticism because the model has already been constructed. If you didn't like the way it was coming out, you should have commented a long time ago. Kinja did not get paid for this and did it basically as a gift to the community. No one forced you to download it. But really, how dumb is it to complain about the model size? What does the modeler have to do with that? If you want him at the right size use Jedimod. Otherwise, don't complain about the 6 foot Yoda. This is a foolish thread. You say your stating your opinion. Well, stating your negative opinion now after the fact translates into nothing more than murmuring. This thread is senseless, and nothing can possibly be accomplished by it.

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