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Should I Purchase jk1?

Psionic Jedi

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I'd say definately YES. It's a bargin price, for one. While the graphics are dated, the story is good. And it bridges Kyle's DARK FORCES character to the current JEDI KNIGHT character.


BTW .. calling JK1's graphics "dated". Each new release is an improvement over the last (in general). Imagine what JK5 will be like!!

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Personally, I think JK1 is better than JK2. You have the live-action cut scenes that really make it feel like Star Wars... you have two possible endings and can fall to the Dark Side depending on your actions... and you have the coolest Dark Jedi outside of the movies! Jerec, Yun, Seriss, Maw and Boc are all great villians and I'd take them over Desaan any day... Plus, there's excellent character development even for the Dark Jedi, especially Yun; "He's a Jedi... he deserves a battle."


Deffinately buy JK1... the cutscenes alone are worth it; it's like watching a new SW movie (but of course, a non-canonical one ;) )



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Originally posted by Darth Knight

jk 1 came with my jk2 i played it for 2 minutes i got to a door and i didn't know what button opened up doors so i quit

All you had to do was press the spacebar. Jedi Knight is one of the most awsome Star Wars Games ever made! lots and lots of action!

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I remember something from another thread. Dark Forces 6: Jedi Knight 5: Jedi Outcast 4: New Jedi Order 3: Desann's Revenge 2: Jar Jar Strikes Back. And that game in virtuel reality.


Jar Jar: Messa gonna masacre da new republic!


*ignites lightsaber and cuts off Jar Jars head. That is followed by ten hours of cutscenes that reach no concussion excpet you killed Jar Jar and your considered a legend.*


But by then Lucasarts are running low on storyline ideas.

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Personally, I felt the JK1 Sp campaign was a superior experience to JK2's, despite the less intense saber duels and laughable AI.


The FMV/CGI cutscenes and multiple paths (plus the wider variety of force powers) just did it better for me.


It's a great fun game, and the MP campaign is fun as well. If you can't find anybody to play MP with, be sure to check out the many many great SP mods out there, and the MP mods like Rbots (http://rbots.massassi.net) that let you play deathmatch games offline. Well worth it IMHO.... and Mysteries of the Sith as well, if you can find it!


PS: Let's lay off the flames. Anyway, who cares? Without JK, we wouldn't have JK2. It's a classic... at least give it a shot. The gameplay was faster in general than JK2, and it should be blazing on any modern pc. You can't lose... ; )

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